View Full Version : Battlescrolls: Formations Come to Warhammer Fantasy

01-19-2015, 01:30 PM
via fanhammer.org (http://www.fanhammer.org/las-formaciones-llegan-al-fantasia/?lang=en) 1-19-2015

There is a new Army construction construct called "Battlescrolls"

There are faction pages that each list:

-Special Rules

Army allies are listed.

Screenshots show: Empire, Lizardmen, Dwarfs

Mr Mystery
01-19-2015, 01:35 PM
First sight of such in Thanquol as well.

Mostly it's a set of units with some boosts, and for the Thanquol ones, if you field a Scroll, you don't need to meet the 25% Core minimum.

Erik Setzer
01-19-2015, 01:58 PM
First sight of such in Thanquol as well.

Mostly it's a set of units with some boosts, and for the Thanquol ones, if you field a Scroll, you don't need to meet the 25% Core minimum.

Actually, they first appeared in the 2013 advent downloads. There were "Battlescrolls" for two Undead formations and a Chaos formation, to go with boxed sets they released. (They also called the Be'lakor rules a "Battlescroll" but he wasn't a formation.)

ET:Thanquol is the first book to have them included, and does have a bunch of them with the rule that if you take them, you don't have to do 25% Core. This becomes a bit crazy with some, like the one with Thanquol and Skreech, which you could fit into a 2000 point army. To get more insane, go with that in a 3000 point force, and you still can spend up to 1500 on Lords, up to 1500 on Heroes, up to 1500 on Special Units, and/or up to 750 on Rare Units, since Thanquol, Skreech, etc. don't count toward those points.

Heck, the one with Thanquol and Skreech made me tempted to model my Verminlord as Skreech, just to do that trickery, but his rules aren't good enough compared to a normal Verminlord to make me spend an extra 150 points. (I went with the Warpseer, for the 4+ ward and lots of Warp Lightning.) I might still use the Queek one as the core of my force at times.

White Tiger88
03-08-2015, 06:54 PM
OOOOOh i want to see the Archaon one...............

03-09-2015, 03:26 AM
Actually, they first appeared in the 2013 advent downloads. There were "Battlescrolls" for two Undead formations and a Chaos formation, to go with boxed sets they released. (They also called the Be'lakor rules a "Battlescroll" but he wasn't a formation.)

Thank you for saving me the trouble of typing all that.

03-09-2015, 05:55 AM
ET:Thanquol is the first book to have them included, and does have a bunch of them with the rule that if you take them, you don't have to do 25% Core. This becomes a bit crazy with some, like the one with Thanquol and Skreech, which you could fit into a 2000 point army. To get more insane, go with that in a 3000 point force, and you still can spend up to 1500 on Lords, up to 1500 on Heroes, up to 1500 on Special Units, and/or up to 750 on Rare Units, since Thanquol, Skreech, etc. don't count toward those points.

Thanquol's Uprising can't fit into a 2000 point force because both Skreech and Thanquol are lords. With their points values you'd need at least 2600 to make it work. The formation allows you to ignore the 25% core... not the 50% Lords/Heroes.

Overall it would be a pretty interesting, and potentially powerful, formation other than you are forced to take the ridiculously over-costed Skreech. I still don't know why he is 100/150 points more than the other Verminlords and he really doesn't offer anything the others don't other than rerolls for The Dreaded Thirteenth.

I was very hesitant about the inclusion of formations when they first started (and Erik is correct, they started back in Christmas of 2013 with Crypt Scavengers and one or two others). However, they are decent additions that allow armies to be played in different, usually wacky, methods. They remind me a bit of the themed lists from Warmachine/Hordes as they often times force players to take units they wouldn't otherwise but offer decent benefits if the requirements are met.

Erik Setzer
03-10-2015, 10:41 AM
Thanquol's Uprising can't fit into a 2000 point force because both Skreech and Thanquol are lords. With their points values you'd need at least 2600 to make it work. The formation allows you to ignore the 25% core... not the 50% Lords/Heroes.

Actually, no. You don't include the points of anything in a formation toward the percentage allowed/needed in an army. That's why the 25% core being ignored is big. If you use this formation in, say, a 4000 point army, you'd have to spend 1000 points on Core Units in addition to the units in the formation, some of which are Core Units. You would also be able to spend up to 2000 points (each) additional on Lords and Heroes, though obviously you wouldn't have that much left to spend.

03-12-2015, 01:48 AM
Archaon has rules for, well, Unbound Warhammer, if that's your thing.

It's how they're doing the Drycha/Be'lakor/Hellebrin army.

Erik Setzer
03-12-2015, 07:40 AM
Archaon has rules for, well, Unbound Warhammer, if that's your thing.

It's how they're doing the Drycha/Be'lakor/Hellebrin army.

Oh, dear God. Unbound Skaven and Chaos? Unbound ELVES? Unbound Undead?

Sure, why not. Everyone's dead anyway.