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View Full Version : 2 Deceiver Questions:

02-14-2010, 12:08 AM
Hello all! I apoligize if these questions have already been asked but I couldn't find them.

1: If Deceiver uses his Deceive power, which is in the shooting phase, and must have line of sight, but does not count as a shooting attack, can he still run in the shooting phase?

2: If the Deceiver is in close combat with a squad that is also in close combat with another friendly squad (ex. Deceiver is in cc with ork nobs, who are also in cc with Necrons Wraiths) and it is the Ork players turn,
if Deceiver uses the "misdirect" power which states " If in Close Combat during the enemy assault phase the Deceiver may choose to leave combat before blows are struck. Make a fallback move in any direction; the enemy may only consolidate. The Deceiver will leave an illusion in its wake to occupy and frustrate its enemies.", can the nob squad attack the wraiths or can they do nothing but "only consolidate" as the power says?



02-14-2010, 12:31 AM
1. Yes.

2. The way that it's played: The Deceiver leaves, the Orks may attack the wraiths. They only consolidate if they are no longer in assault with anything. The Orks can't make a sweeping advance against the Deceiver.

RAW is pretty murky on #2, though.

02-14-2010, 02:22 PM
1: If Deceiver uses his Deceive power, which is in the shooting phase, and must have line of sight, but does not count as a shooting attack, can he still run in the shooting phase?


2: If the Deceiver is in close combat with a squad that is also in close combat with another friendly squad (ex. Deceiver is in cc with ork nobs, who are also in cc with Necrons Wraiths) and it is the Ork players turn,
if Deceiver uses the "misdirect" power which states " If in Close Combat during the enemy assault phase the Deceiver may choose to leave combat before blows are struck. Make a fallback move in any direction; the enemy may only consolidate. The Deceiver will leave an illusion in its wake to occupy and frustrate its enemies.", can the nob squad attack the wraiths or can they do nothing but "only consolidate" as the power says?

The Orks cannot consolidate as they are still locked in combat with the Wraiths. The Deceiver's ability assumes the Deceiver is fighting alone without any friendly units in the same combat group.