View Full Version : Salamanders 1850 list for fun

01-18-2015, 05:30 PM
So I decided to make a pod list for my salamanders and wanted to get some feedback on the roster. Please let me know your thoughts and what I can do to improve it.

Vulkan He'stan
Librarian Lv2 w/ bike and Force Axe
Command Squad on bikes with Apothecary and Company Champion
Drop Pod

2x Ironclad Dreads with Assault Launchers, melta gun and heavy flamer on each, and a drop pod for each.
10x terminators with 2 Assault Cannons

2x 10 man tactical squads each with a flamer and Multi-Melta, the Sargent has a combi-flamer, and both squads come with a drop pod.

Land Raider Proteus w/ multi-melta

I would really like to fit Vulcan in with the Terminators somehow but I'm not sure how to go about doing that without them being very slow. Right now, I'm banking on combat squad-ing the termies and sticking one of them in the extra pod from the command squad.

01-28-2015, 02:37 PM
Ok, so a few things here... the command squad cannot give up their drop pod; a dedicated transport can only start with the units that paid for it inside. Also, Vulkan unlocks the Command Squad on his own, so I'm not sure if you need the librarian (not sure if that's why you took him or not). However, a Chapter Master on a bike with them wouldn't be bad. You definitely want to take advantage of the fact that the Command Squad can take lots of special weapons, and drop the Champion (but keep the apothecary). Or, you could ditch the bikes altogether and just put 5 melta guns in a pod for a nasty tank busting unit.

As for the Elites, the Ironclads don't gain anything from your Chapter Tactics so I'd be careful about taking them... often if the rest of your army is slow, adding more slow support isn't a good idea. I'd take them OR the Terminators, but not both.

Finally, as far as a land raider goes, you could put half of the terminators in there, and deep strike the other half (combat squadded) with both assault cannons... not the best idea but it could work out well to take and hold an objective late-game.

Is the Proteus an assault vehicle? I know there are a few Forge World Landraiders that are not... if it's not and you're ok with that, I'd look into the Achilles... it fits the "fluff" of the army and is pretty much un-killable and a tank hunting beast!

Hope that helps!

01-30-2015, 08:46 PM
I just double checked about the drop pod and thank you for letting me know that. I misunderstood the rule because I know you can technically deploy the drop pod empty if you choose too but I also thought you could repurpose it for other units.
As for the command squad, I really like them and I would love to utilize them with some special weapons but I didn't have room on this list previously but I love having them on bikes along with the librarian. It's just fun to get that speed with toughness 5 while casting. I do have some thoughts about adding a Chapter Master on bike though. I really like that idea.
The Ironclads provide me with instant threat removal on turn one and with move through cover they continue to remain a threat during later turns which is why I like them so much.

I took some of your suggestions and came up with this:

Vulcan - 190
Lv 2 Librarian w/ bike and force axe - 110
Command Squad and Apothecary on bikes w/ stormshields (not on Apothecary) 4 Power Swords, 1 flamer, 2 meltaguns - 275

Tactical Squads (10 Man squad) w/ drop pod. 1 Meltagun and a combi-flamer on Sergent - 195
Tactical Squads (5 Man squad) w/ drop pod. 1 Meltagun - 115

3x Ironclad Dreadnoughts w/ Drop Pods. Each with Ironclad Assault Launchers, Meltagun, Heavy Flamer, and Chainfist - 570

Allied Detachment:
Chapter Master on Bike w/ Relic Blade, Storm Shield, combi-Melta - 200

Tactical Squads (10 Man squad) w/ drop pod. 1 Meltagun and a combi-flamer on Sergent - 195

I removed the Land Raider and Termies because it offered me a lot more options. Please let me know your thoughts.

01-31-2015, 11:00 AM
I just double checked about the drop pod and thank you for letting me know that. I misunderstood the rule because I know you can technically deploy the drop pod empty if you choose too but I also thought you could repurpose it for other units.

You can't do this either; you can't just purchase one in the fast attack slot like some other Codices (Space Wolves, maybe Blood Angels?). You can purchase it as a dedicated transport and then just choose not to deploy in it... but that's a little different and no one else can start in it then either.

Ok now for the list:

The tactical squads should have a melta and combi-melta to ensure you hurt the vehicle on the drop... the combi's just a little extra insurance. If you want flamers, try a 5 man assault squad with two flamers (swap their jump packs for a free drop pod)... it's a cheap way to get extra pods and it's around 100 points. It could also be a nice spot for Vulkan to ride along for a cleanup crew. You are light on troops, so maybe that's not a great idea.

I'd choose between Vulkan or the Librarian... and honestly you dont' have too much melta so Vulkan really doesn't give you that much. If you took some Legion of the Damned with all melta he'd be worth it IMO. I like just the CM and Libby on bikes. You could also combine into one detachment then if you wanted to paint them all the same. (see below for more details).

I like the command squad, but you may want to commit them to either cc or ranged attack.. it's a lot of points in that squad and if you jink and flat out to get into cc, you wont be shooting effectively... and if you sit back and shoot, you won't be able to close the gap fast enough; go 4 grav guns for maximum ranged damage, or all cc weapons and melta bombs and just flat out and jink until you hit combat. Be careful if you're Chapter Master doesn't have eternal warrior (without the shield eternal).. he can't go toe-to-toe with stuff that can smash... so either give him the shield to tank that stuff (because he's got 4 wounds) and a thunderhammer/power fist that's AP2 and a specialist weapon anyway (since you won't benefit from a secondary weapon to boost attack nums) OR go all hitting power and give him a LC and PF to swing with maximum attacks on the charge. What chapter is he from? It can't be Salamanders because you can't ally with your same chapter as per the SM codex... but you can take another CAD... so you might wanna think about that. You could take Clan Raukaan and make him a CC beast or go White Scars to get hit and run... either way, you should dedicate their purpose.

02-03-2015, 05:03 PM
You have really given me a lot to consider. I normally play Orks so this is a second army for me and I'm not used to playing with marines yet, just against them. I want everything to be Salamanders at the moment because they are my favorite chapter closely followed by Blood Angels and Iron Hands. I will definitely be playing around with this and let you know my results but thank you again. This has been incredibly helpful.

02-04-2015, 08:48 AM
Sure, glad I could help and I'm excited to see the updated list!