View Full Version : Hell Pit Abomination convertion to a maulerfiend?

01-18-2015, 03:47 AM
The new Hell Pit Abomination from skaven looks as if it could be made into a maulerfiend of nurgle just debating how It can be done any advice would be lovely?

01-18-2015, 04:26 AM
New? The HPA is hardly that new - older than the actual Maulerfiend, for example - but I take it you do mean the HPA (rather than one of the very new Skaven kits).

Looks like it would work to me. Indeed, a quick Google suggests that others have done it (though I'm not sure whether I should post links to other forums here, so you'll have to look for yourself).

01-18-2015, 06:21 AM
Is it possible you mean the new Boneripper?


And HPA for reference:


Either way, I'm not sure that you'd really need to do any converting besides putting them on a large oval base (and leaving Thanquol off). I suppose you might want to sculpt Marks of Nurgle over the Skaven three-sticks symbols.

01-18-2015, 12:48 PM
yeah sorry bone ripper because of the arms as power fists sorry about the confusion.