View Full Version : Close Combat Army-CD or CSM?

02-13-2010, 09:50 PM
Evening all,
I'm looking in to getting a heavily CC oriented army that is NON-imperial and NOT Tyranids.
So the question becomes do I go for CSM or Chaos Demons?

With either I'd be running a NON-Mech, horde style setup.

For CSM I think of Typhus, and Kharn, each with 2 squads of 15 for 60 marines total tooled to kill everything in their path.

For CD, I'd be thinking of Skarbrand with a horde of 60+ Bloodletters supported by 3 Daemon princes.

I'm tired of running Imperial, mech/shooty armies and just want to get in as much hand to hand as possible.


02-13-2010, 10:28 PM
Have you considered Orcs, close combat geniuses, horde army, non imperial............. Another more rare option is Dark eldar witch army. Having run across a few in the past, can say that they are fast, and deadly but requires alot of skill to pull off.

02-13-2010, 11:17 PM
Just looked at them briefly in Army Builder. Based on data there and from what few games I've seen them in, I feel like with them my squads though large could be vaporized very quickly. Additionally, the squads don't have power weapons as come standard with blood letters.

Akkon Sek
02-13-2010, 11:46 PM
Bloodletters don't have Trukks.

Fast + Open Topped + Red Paint Job + Possible KAREEN! Result = Pure Joy.

Speed the Boyz in there, pop out anywhere within 2" and assault away.

My 0.02.

02-14-2010, 07:53 AM
Orks orks orks orks orks orks orks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-14-2010, 08:06 AM
also don't forget about blood angels. a bunch of furious charge marines is no joke. But of you're two options i'd go CD. more modeling options, deepstrike the entire army, can also be used in fantasy if you choose, and i see them less than plague marines. CSM are stylistically similar to SM in game play and in modeling for the most part, albeit they have great bonuses the Khorne beserkers in a land raider has been done to death. So those are my thoughts. It's most important to think about not only what you'll like playing but what you will enjoy modeling.


02-14-2010, 10:24 AM
If you wanna go non mech Demons are the way to go. Plague bearers, Blood letters, and especially Blood Crushers are your best friends. Nurgle Demon princes with cloud of flies=MC w/defensive and offensive grenades? Yes please!

Akkon Sek
02-14-2010, 11:04 AM
By the way... I guess I don't consider a Trukk "mech". Hence, my answer.

I mean, seriously. It's bailing wire and duct tape. C'mon.

Actually, I didn't read close enough. Attention span FTW.

02-14-2010, 11:29 AM
Orks can be a good footslogging assault army. Max out your Ork numbers and get a pair of Big Meks with Kustom Force Fields, maybe a bunch of Kanz if you can spare the points in order to provide cover for your infantry.

A more unconventional assault list might be horde footslogging Sisters using Hand of the Emperor. A max of 41 S5 hits at WS3 / I1, depending on how many models you can actually get into close combat and what the Sister Superior is equipped with. And a couple meltaguns to pop a transport (whereafter you immediately assault the occupants) and a Canoness with Celestian retinue who can go around tank popping, and it's decently rounded out. May not be the best list out there but it can surprise both you and your opponents. Such a list might have, at 2000 points, 120 battle sisters with twelve meltaguns, ten celestians with two meltaguns and eviscerator and a canoness with eviscerator, five retributors with four heavy bolters, and all squads have a bosl. Quite a list, though you'd have to spend a fortune trying to get it all purchased and assembled...