View Full Version : 3D Printer Partwork....

Darren Richardson
01-15-2015, 09:37 AM
Yes Really, Eaglemoss publications have just issued a weekly partwork which over 90 issues builds a Vector 3 model 3d Printer, the magazine with it also included tutorials and such to help not only build but also model for printing!

I know at the regular price it will be £6.99 an issue, but for us modellers, it might be an alternitive to buying one outright.... I know I'm gonna try...


have at it!

Mr Mystery
01-15-2015, 10:19 AM
£629.....very much doubt I'd get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile.

01-15-2015, 11:31 AM
£629.....very much doubt I'd get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile.

As with anything, the technology will be refined and improved, costs will come done and what was once a "special" item will become more commonplace around the home. Think back 15 years to the mobile phone and the old Nokia style handsets. Now look at the smart phones. I believe most homes will have a 3d printer in 10 to 20 years time if not before.

Darren Richardson
01-15-2015, 12:28 PM
well for me, I'm kinda looking at the Scenery making prospects, I have some limited experiance at 3D modelling, mostly just trial and error pieces, but for scenery, I think it could have a lot of potential, esp when the plastic printing material slowly drops in price.

Of course I'm not talking about massive pieces, but for custom designed walls and small cottages for Warhammer and such, such a thing would be ideal.

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£629.....very much doubt I'd get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile.

see that's the thing, the cheapest 3D printers at the moment seem to be around the £699 mark, and they don't teach you the modelling of items to print with, so for that aspect, it's well worth the money for what I want it for.

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Also I found this editorial on the subject here on BoLS


01-15-2015, 12:44 PM
I think maplins have one for sub £200
If you want one don't buy it in parts from a magazine, it'll be shoddy and that's assuming they don't scrap it half way through

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I think maplins have one for sub £200
If you want one don't buy it in parts from a magazine, it'll be shoddy and that's assuming they don't scrap it half way through

Oops no they don't anymore, but if you're after one don't get it in parts XD

Anthrax ion pusscabe
01-17-2015, 02:00 AM
ill stick to good old fashioned silicon moulding rubber and epoxy polyurethane casting resin when I need to batch make something