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View Full Version : Newbie WM/H player, my painted stuff!

01-14-2015, 04:10 PM
So I've been playing for around a year now (started around this time last year actually) and here are probably my best models from my three armies:

Here's my first Cryx model painted. What started as a test model ended up being my best painted model. I love the ghost effect as it's simple to do but the results are amazing (Black Undercoat -> Grey Basecoat -> Green wash -> Grey drybrush)



Here are my two favorite Menoth works. I loved painting the pair as it gave me a lot of ideas in terms of color combinations for my army. Initially (I started with the two-player battlebox) my army scheme was just blue and gold but I decided to put in some red and white to add more detail. I loved the results.



New year, new army! This year I decided to do a Hordes army with a focus on heavy warbeasts. Naturally I picked the army that can run 4+ heavy beasts quite competitively. Go Legion! For the scheme I was torn between my original Hive Fleet Leviathan inspired color scheme (seen on the Carnivean) but I then tried the Red/White/Black color scheme instead (as seen on the Angelius). I was quite pleased with the results and decided to stick with that scheme for my army.

Here's to a good year of painting!