View Full Version : Tau Commando Strike Force - Kill Team Project Log

01-13-2015, 07:50 AM
An Old Idea
I've always been inspired by computer games and films that focus on Teams of skilled individuals instead of a full army.
So the idea of a Tau Commando army using Battlesuits started after seeing Farsight and his large bodyguard in action when the last Tau Empire codex came out, since then the idea has always been at the back of my mind but never actually used as I always found myself doing other projects.

The Commando Suit
I hate the standard Battlesuit so my conversion I created was to have a more elite and commando feel to it inspired by the Republic Commandos and Dark Crusade Tau Commander. The suits would act as Crisis Suit proxies and would be that they would be mounted on scenic bases to match the height of the original model.
Here's the concept & the original conversion followed by the Mk2 that was created a few years later...


The newest model!
With the Farsights Enclave book I now planned to create the army at last and once more the suit conversion has been updated with custom shoulder pads and a bit more bulker armour.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10897814_10153019735570982_7060573130373259612_n.j pg?oh=760ef94d873bb25522717f68ccc61ad0&oe=552501B6&__gda__=1428205795_d829ab372864034e693bd34a5b9a829 8

Too Small For The Job
Having recently completed the conversion I went to a local hobby centre to compare it to a standard crisis suit. Sadly no amount of scenic bases can bridge the huge size gap between the 2 suits, to ignore it would be unfair given that hiding out of sight in the assault phase is a key part of Battlesuit army tactics.

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10891598_10153012198865982_2849716562654063586_n.j pg?oh=0b46c91a6207f38839a6487992690907&oe=552CCA92

But rather than throw in the towel I've decided to take a break from my Grots and do a small project log on creating the 7 man Stealth suit Kill Team, consisting of the following...

A Badass leader,
X2 Basic Suits,
A Medic,
An Engineer (with drone),
& finally a Demo or comms Expert?

So I look forward to reading your comments and will soon be creating the next suit, which would you like to see converted first?

01-13-2015, 10:31 AM
O_O i remeber when you posted version 2 in the Grot thread, and the newest update is even more amazing. I say start with a basis guy or two to get the armor refined then make the specialist variants.