View Full Version : Gitzkrieg; A fist full of Waaagh!

01-11-2015, 12:19 PM
Gitzkrieg has been my 'i will have an ork army soon... er or later, promise' log since about 2011. It's time I got round to doing it. So for 2015 its going to be my only 40k army that i'm going to buy models for and build. SO watz da plan boss?

Attitude and style. This ork force is going to be spitting the stuff.

Army part 1; Deff Krumpany - a Dread mob force with a stompa at its center.

Army part 2; Deff Skwadren - The name says it all. I'm going to be building ork flyer formation (3 dakka, burna, bomma) oh... one other mode;' the blitzabommer. Yahun, hence my 12 month for orks, it's going to take me a month just to build the internal structures required. AH well...

This is what i bagged myself during my christmas travels


And here we are after the basic construction and instiliation of the powerfields;


What do we think about the powerfields (blue led's) idea?

Next up another early kitbash, a mega-dread the Supa-burnaboy;

