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08-04-2009, 05:31 AM
Okay just read the rule in the errata that you can use psychic powers in a transport on the unit inside, only if the psyker is inside aswell..

now.. if i have a rune priest attached to a squad of bloodclaws inside a landraider crusaider... could i use stormcaller on the landraider itself?

what you think?


also came across this..

thousand sons aspiring sorcerer.. he takes one psychic ability.
since they are marked with tzeentch, they can use two psychic powers a turn.
if i give them gift of chaos, can i gift two seperate targets a turn? (as its not a psychic shooting attack)?

08-04-2009, 06:32 AM
I would say yes. Since a Farseer can guide the Falcon he's riding inside of, I'd say Stormcaller could be used on a Land Raider. I don't have my SW book so I don't have the exact wording of the power, but I'd allow it to be used against me. It seems fluff somehow that this Land raider would be approaching my battle lines covered in a swirling blizzard.

As for your second question: No. You cannot use the same psychic power twice (unless your name is Eldrad) in the same turn. You can use two different powers or one power and your force weapon (the best option IMO).


08-04-2009, 07:30 AM
As for your second question: No. You cannot use the same psychic power twice (unless your name is Eldrad) in the same turn. You can use two different powers or one power and your force weapon (the best option IMO).

Nowhere in the BRB or chaos codex does it state that you cannot use the same psychic power twice. This is a part of the eldar's "spiritstones" or how they are called. That wargear clearly states that the farseer cannot cast the same power twice.

The only thing that is forbidden is using two powers that count as psychic shooting attacks (latter erratad so a prince can still fire twice becuse he is a MC who can fire two weapons).

08-04-2009, 07:47 AM
Hmmmm, you are correct. The only mention of using the same power twice in the BRB is under Psychic Shooting.


08-05-2009, 11:41 AM
Here's an example from the Chaos FAQ (PDF won't let me cut'n'paste, so you'll have to view the image)...

08-06-2009, 06:13 AM
yay.. two gifts for me! XD

08-06-2009, 06:34 AM
yea there was a debate on WS not so long ago about this.
Think the general consensus is you cannot use the same shooting power twice but anything else if fair game.

Which makes daemon princes in CC with the gift rather sickening. They often get bundled in a combat by troops for a good period of time, during which you can double tap gift and start turning all their characters into spawn...

my turn, oh you'v charged lysander and a chaplain into CC and i'v survived thanks to my t5 an 4+ inv save.
great, double 5, they are now spawn, have a nice day.

hehe its a fun power.

08-06-2009, 06:59 AM
And here I thought only Warp Time was any good. ;)

I may have to start using this trick with my Tzeentch Daemon Prince.

Time to buy more Spawn!


08-06-2009, 07:05 AM
my turn, oh you'v charged lysander and a chaplain into CC and i'v survived thanks to my t5 an 4+ inv save.
great, double 5, they are now spawn, have a nice day.

hehe its a fun power.

i think you need to roll OVER their toughness...

and on top of that its at beginning of chaos players turn they use the power...

but i do see your point.. sorry XD painkillers kicking in..

but yeah,it was fun to see grimaldus turned into a spawn, and his owning player was like, oh no, he lays down, he can roll to see if he comes back with one wound.. he fought it to the bitter end.. but alas, turning your model into a spawn doesnt dole out wounds! it just turns em into a glibbering sack of potatoes!!

08-06-2009, 08:18 AM
i think you need to roll OVER their toughness...

Aye thats why I said two 5's in my example, unless lysander and chappy's are T5? I hope not.
Good thing is a 6 'always' works, So it could be a bad day for c'tan, fexes and the like.

and on top of that its at beginning of chaos players turn they use the power...

Aye hinted at it but didnt make it clear in my example, t5, 4 wound, inv4+, immune to instant death prince normally does last in combats;).

In my experience once a dp in in combat he can often last there a good few turns, so plenty of time for spawning

08-07-2009, 04:14 AM
hahah thats RIGHT.. gawd im a genius!if they were t5 i would cry..

but yeah, thanks latro.. XD