View Full Version : Chaos Marauders

02-12-2010, 05:34 PM
I'm new to this forum and I don't actually play WFB but the miniatures sprues have excellent customization potential for any Citadel game.
My question is concerning the Chaos Marauders box and how many of the single skull cloaks it contains? I found a few in a bits box at our local gaming club and have used them to convert some Eldar Jetbike Warlocks, I need 5 more to finish the squad. I'm sure someone here will know the answer.

Thank you,


02-13-2010, 12:27 AM
I am pretty sure 4 come in the box.

02-13-2010, 07:20 AM
The Marauder sprues have 4 marauder components per sprue, and one cloak per sprue. In other words, the old packaging with 16 Marauders would have 4 of those cloaks, while the newer packaging (and Battalion) will have 5.

If you pick up a pack of marauders at the store, it'll have five. If you have a friend who plays WoC and has ever bought the batallion, he probably has enough for you. Hell, if you live in Maryland I have some you can have.