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View Full Version : 2250 WoC list for upcomming tourney

02-12-2010, 11:38 AM
Sorcerer Lord (General)
-Lvl 4
-Disk of Tzeentch
-Golden Eye
-Spell Familiar
-Dispel Scroll
-Power Stone

Chaos Sorcerer
-Lvl 2
-Disk of Tzeentch
-Power Familiar
-Talisman of Protection

Chaos Sorcerer
-Lvl 2
-Disk of Tzeentch
-Infernal Puppet
-Talisman of Protection

Exalted Hero (BSB)
-Glaive of Putrefication
-Enchanted Shield

Chaos Warhouds
-5 Warhounds

Chaos Warhouds
-5 Warhounds

Chaos Warhouds
-5 Warhounds

Marauder Horsemen
-5 Marauders

Marauder Horsemen
-5 Marauders

Chaos Warriors
-10 Warriors
-Standard Bearer

Chaos Knights
-5 Knights
-Banner of Rage

Chaos Knights
-5 Knights

Chaos Giant
-265 pts

Going for a really competitive Magic heavy calvary-ish army. Knights work as the hammer units with the BSB attached to the frenzy one to give them a bit more punch and kitted out to hunt tough monsters if there are any. The Giant I am still kind of iffy on but he works as a great distraction for my war machines to redirect fire off my knights, and a great rank breaker. The warriors act as a sort of rear guard for my battle line getting support from the casters with magic missles.

So, I have never used a Giant b4 what do you guys think of him with my current composition. Also do you think the 3rd sorcerer is a bit much? I have been kind of debating wether I should keep him in or replace him with another unit of fast cav and add a 6th onto my knight units.

02-12-2010, 03:27 PM
I would say that you should keep the sorc. If your going to do magic then DO magic. Ya know?


Joker's Wild
02-15-2010, 02:57 PM
You might want to take out the giant for another unit of knights. I think you'll find them more reliable.

Take out the warriors as well since they really add nothing to your list. Maybe 2 more units of fast cav?

Also, your list is illegal right now. You have two talismans of protection. Your lord has the spell familiar, a dispel scroll, and a power stone. While it's okay to take an arcane item and a scroll or stone, you can't take all three. I've made the same mistake.

With those changes I think you have a top tier WoC list.

02-16-2010, 12:06 AM
1. ditch the chaos warriors too slow and too much points costs; they will wind up well behind your other troops; add a unit of fast cav
2. give your maurauder cav champions and throwing axes; this will help them shoot down pesky flyers, stand and shoot and the extra attack of the champ is useful
3. I personally dislike the disks of zeentch; they let your heroes get targeted. one luck bolt thrower shot and you are dead. Put them on steeds and in the knight squads. unlike other wizards they are far from helpless in hand to hand, with the right weapons they pack a wallop; and
4. The giant is such a generic army choice, a shaggoth or a couple of shrines add character

good luck

02-17-2010, 08:31 AM
Shrines are far better than Giants. All those disks mean that Elves of any type are going to be a problem. Not to mention Dwarves and Empire. And Orcs. And Lizardmen. And Skaven. Basically anyone with shooting.

02-17-2010, 02:26 PM
If you want a good character for a disc take this:

Exalted Hero - Mark of Tzeentch, Flail, Shield, Disc of Tzeentch, Bloodcurdling Roar, Book of Secrets, Golden Eye of Tzeentch (219)

Fly him up the flanks and harass the fast cav/flyers/warmachines.

02-21-2010, 01:11 PM
How would they be able to draw line of sight on my disks... my impression was that since a flyer begins and ends his movement on the ground that LoS would be blocked to him like any other model

02-23-2010, 02:10 PM
I would drop the discs off the 2 level 2s. A horse or on foot is probably good enough for them. The only thing a disc does is make you a target. Since, you will need line of sight for flickr fire most of the time you will be taking a risk. I don't think you need the powerstone on the level4. I would go with enchanted shield and biting blade. That way you can at least attack wraiths if they get vanhels into you and you have a rather decent save with a 1+ vs shooting. Golden eye is great ,but, you want to be taking as few saves as possible.

I don't really care for the 10 man warriors. I definitely would not give them a standard bearer. That's an easy 100vp for your opponent if they get broken. I would suggest taking 2 units of 20 naked slaanesh marauders. They are great to hide characters in and it makes your opponent think your trying to be fluffy since you have big ranked infantry. I would drop the giant for 2 chariots or a Hellcannon and use the extra points for an extra knight.

My $.02

Jordan Braun