View Full Version : 10 Day Challenge - The Chosen of Abaddon

01-05-2015, 10:43 PM
So hello there folks. Here is my 10 day painting and assembly challenge. I figure that if I tell more people about it and am forced to therefore give updates, that it will give me even more impetus to finish it on time and in style. So, long story short, there is a tournament coming up for which I created a CSM army list to use. 1,500 points. I like Abaddon and I like the Chosen. 'Nuff said.


Abaddon the Despoiler [265]


Chosen Squad #1 [241]
- 1 extra Chosen
- 5 x plasma guns
- Mark of Nurgle
- Rhino w/ dirge caster

Chosen Squad #2 [201]
- 1 extra Chosen
- 5 x plasma guns
- Mark of Nurgle

Chosen Squad #1 [216]
- 1 extra Chosen
- 5 x melta guns
- Mark of Nurgle
- Rhino w/ dirge caster

Chosen Squad #1 [216]
- 1 extra Chosen
- 5 x melta guns
- Mark of Nurgle
- Rhino w/ dirge caster


Chaos Terminators Squad [357]
- 1 x Chainfist, 2 x power weapon
- Mark of Tzeentch
- Chaos Land Raider w/ dirge caster

Total: 1,496 Points

Pics will be forthcoming.