View Full Version : Expanding on my Tyranid Army

01-05-2015, 06:30 AM
So I just got my Tyranid swarm box and while I was mindlessly going through and removing mould lines from the swarm of gaunts that I now posses, I started to wonder what should I get next. Currently I have 40 termagants, 40 hormagaunts, 10 gargoyles, 1 carnifex and a tervigon (a surprise present from my bro) I understand that what I'm really lacking is HQ and Synapse and being a new Tyranid playing I think I may have overlooked the importance of synapse. So I was wondering do I go all out and buy as much synapse creatures as I can get or should I get a few synapse creatures and some Tyrannocyte's? You're help would be really appreciated :)

01-05-2015, 06:58 AM
couple of Zoanthropes would be a solid buy I think - decently inexpensive synapse, and because of the narrow silhouette (or however you spell that... too lazy to check sorry) they are not that hard to hide from non-barrage fire (provided you've got some decently tall terrain pieces), and when needed they can pop out and blow up something nasty.
Then there's always the Hive Tyrant - flying one probably, to keep up with the Gargs (which you might consider expanding to 20 or even 30 models - at 10 they are a tad too easy to deal with to be much use even as a distraction). Or maybe go for a Trygon kit, build it the way you think looks coolest and play it as a Prime when you need more Synapse (if your gaming group has a lax enough attitude to allow that...)

01-05-2015, 07:03 AM
my recommendation would be to add a flying hive tyrant, it grants synapse and with two sets of devourers can be a serious threat. the kit doesn't come with the devours, however there should be plenty of guides online, and forge world do a kit for them.

01-07-2015, 03:37 AM
I love the idea of having swarms of gargoyles led by a flying hive tyrant, i think it would look really good and it fits into the fluff of the tyranids.

01-07-2015, 03:57 PM
A flying Hive Tyrant would be an excellent choice, add another 10 gargoyles and you could run the Sky Tyrant Swarm formation from the Shield of Baal: Leviathan book that makes them one unit and the gargoyles can look out sir for the tyrant.

01-12-2015, 03:14 AM
Warriors can be a good bet too after you have your Hive Tyrant. They can be bought pretty cheap now too if you buy the ones split from the Shield of Baal set. The unboxed ones are between £16 - £18 on ebay as opposed to £30 plus from GW.
Also warriors equipped for close combat are the mutt's nuts. Go for rending claws to make them 3W genestealers or go for lash whip and boneswords for striking at I7(?) with AP3 and instant death on 6s.

Zoanthropes are cool too.

01-12-2015, 04:14 AM
I didn't realise they would be so cheap on eBay, i have always bought all my miniatures and equipment from GW and i definitely need some warriors because of the amount of termagants and hormagaunts that i have, synapse would be a real problem without some warriors. Plus the £30 price tag for three models is really unappealing. I just picked up the invasion swarm painting guide (£20 but extremely worth it) the extra fluff and painting tips were really cool. I think i will post some pictures of my tyranids soon.