View Full Version : Sisters of Battle - Drop Pod Army

01-03-2015, 11:48 AM

Are the points/rules exactly the same for a Space Wolf drop pod as the standard Space Marine drop pod?
If different, in what way are they different?

I know the Space Wolf drop pod is in their Fast Attack section so am toying with the idea of making an unbound Ordo Hereticus Strike Force as I have the Sisters and the drop pods.

Do the Space Wolves have any option for Deathwind/Deathstorm style drop pods?

Do the Blood Angels have a fast attack drop pod option now?

01-03-2015, 12:51 PM
Just now checked my copy of Imperial Armour 2 and yes, space wolves do have access to the deathstorm drop pods from Forgeworld

01-04-2015, 02:47 AM
Are the points/rules exactly the same for a Space Wolf drop pod as the standard Space Marine drop pod?
If different, in what way are they different?

Currently, the Codex and Dark Angel Drop Pod is listed in the Dedicated Transport Role, while the Space Wolf (and now Blood Angel) Drop Pods are in the Fast Attack Role.

I know the Space Wolf drop pod is in their Fast Attack section so am toying with the idea of making an unbound Ordo Hereticus Strike Force as I have the Sisters and the drop pods.

Blood Angel ones now, too. Not that there is any real difference between the 4 versions beyond the Roles.

Do note that just because something is in the Dedicated Transport Role does not necessarily mean it cannot be taken alone in Unbound. So, borrowing an Iron Hand Drop Pod for Unbound could be... Interesting.

Do the Space Wolves have any option for Deathwind/Deathstorm style drop pods?

Forgeworld is usually pretty good about "spreading the wealth" unlike the more Citadel-oriented side of the business, and rarely keep codex stuff from the special snowflakes.

Do the Blood Angels have a fast attack drop pod option now?


01-04-2015, 08:08 PM
Just wondering something. If you're planning the army as unbound can't you just use anything in it? Or can one not buy dedicated transports without the corresponding squads?

01-04-2015, 09:33 PM
Just wondering something. If you're planning the army as unbound can't you just use anything in it? Or can one not buy dedicated transports without the corresponding squads?

Dedicated Transports are an odd place. On one hand, it is a rule that allows a Vehicle to change Roles and be purchased without using an FOC slot. On the other hand, in older codices it IS a Role as much as Imperial Knight, Heavy Support, or HQ is, and Unbound doesn't care what Role a unit is.

01-05-2015, 12:03 PM
Sisters are one of my main armies.
No need to go unbound if you don't mind having a few Space Marines on the table.
You could have a Battleforged army and for each cheap 5man Scout or Tactical squad have a Drop Pod (Allied Detachments only allow 1 Fast Attack). Then, since they are Battle Brothers you can embark the Sisters in the Drop Pods (as they are in Reserves).

01-05-2015, 12:10 PM
Sisters are one of my main armies.
No need to go unbound if you don't mind having a few Space Marines on the table.
You could have a Battleforged army and for each cheap 5man Scout or Tactical squad have a Drop Pod (Allied Detachments only allow 1 Fast Attack). Then, since they are Battle Brothers you can embark the Sisters in the Drop Pods (as they are in Reserves).

And for 2 Scout Squads and HQ, you can have three. Currently, only available from the Wolves and Blood Angels, though. We'll see if Codex or Dark Angels is updated next of the two.

01-05-2015, 12:24 PM
And for 2 Scout Squads and HQ, you can have three. Currently, only available from the Wolves and Blood Angels, though. We'll see if Codex or Dark Angels is updated next of the two.

Why not Dark Angels or reg Space Marines? Other than the HQ not being able to take Dedicated (Even with BA only the Lib Dread can take Dedicated). You could still have 2 Troops, and perhaps 1 Elite or Heavy (Sisters could use some Lascannon support anyway).

01-05-2015, 01:35 PM
Why not Dark Angels or reg Space Marines? Other than the HQ not being able to take Dedicated (Even with BA only the Lib Dread can take Dedicated). You could still have 2 Troops, and perhaps 1 Elite or Heavy (Sisters could use some Lascannon support anyway).

Those are still under the Dedicated Transport Role for Battle-Forged, so only the Sisters' ICs could board them, not the Sister units themselves, any more than they could board my Crusader Squad's Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport during Deployment.

01-05-2015, 01:56 PM
Those are still under the Dedicated Transport Role for Battle-Forged, so only the Sisters' ICs could board them, not the Sister units themselves, any more than they could board my Crusader Squad's Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport during Deployment.

They can still do it. Units in reserves are not deployed, and units in reserves may embark on transports in reserves. Thus when (even a dedicated transport) is placed in reserves another eligible unit (Battle Brothers)may embark on that transport.
While when deploying only the unit that bought the DT may deploy inside of it, any other eligible unit may embark on it.

There is no 'Dedicated Transport Role'.
p120, Dedicated transports assume the role of the unit they were bought for. So a Drop Pod for a Tactical squad has the Troops role.
The Role mostly matters for Objective Secured. So a Dedicated transport that has the 'Troops' Role (b/c it was bought for a Tactical Squad) also then would have Objective Secured in a CAD.

Regardless I don't see how the role makes any difference on what unit or ally can embark on it. A Dominion squad (Fast Attack) could still embark on a transport that was bought for a Troops choice (Sisters or Marines). Just like if you bought a Land Raider as a Heavy, any of your Elite Terminators can still embark (or deploy) in it.

Again the difference here is deploying vs embarking. If you kept your Land Raider Crudader (Dedicated Transport) in reserves, then any Battle Brother unit can be embarked on it when you declare reserves.
But if if the Land Raider is deployed on the table, then no unit, other than the one that bought it may be deployed inside of it. Though they may embark on it in turn 1.

- - - Updated - - -

Just to have page ref as well, all from the Rulebook.
Dedicated Transports p82 - When it is deployed, they can only carry the unit it was selected with. After the game begins it can transport any friendly unit.
Dedicated Transports Role p120 - Dedicated transports do not use up a slot on the FOC but count as having the same Battlefield Role as the unit it was bought for.
Reserves p135 - Players can choose to not deploy some of their units to keep them in Reserves. You must declare which units are embarked on any Transports also in Reserves.

01-05-2015, 02:29 PM
After finding the idea of the idea of Iron Hands Drop Pods (it will not die) amusing I double checked the rules for Unbound.
Unbound says you can use whatever ‘Units’ from your collection you want. So yes, you can use dedicated transports but they will come with their contents. The dedicated transport can not carry anyone else when it deploys but the unit it was selected with RB pg 82. Deploying from orbit in this case.

So your choice is unbound taking as many drop pods as you want from the fast attack section of the Space Wolf or Blood Angels codex’s …
Taking a combined (or some other) formation from Blood Angels or Space Wolves.

I was looking at
Space Wolf HQ + 2 Blood Claw units (covering area of Sisters weakness) deploying in drop pods with an extra 3 fast attack drop pods for Sisters with Heavy Support been Deathstorm drop pods.
But then I read about
The Flesh Tearers Strike Force from Shield of Baal: Exterminatus. This apparently allows you to have Blood Angel HQ + Troop Unit + 6 (yes 6) Fast Attack choices which of course could be drop pods giving a ride for 5 units of Sisters

Not confirmed that this formation exists so that will need to be checked out.

01-05-2015, 02:49 PM
The dedicated transport can not carry anyone else when it deploys but the unit it was selected with RB pg 82. Deploying from orbit in this case.

Units in reserves are not deployed, and units can embark on transports in reserves.
Thus your Retributors CAN embark on any Drop Pod (dedicated or not) when you declare your Reserves as neither unit is actually ever deployed.
This is also a common tactic for Eldar players who put Howling Banshees or Striking Scorpions in their Dark Eldar allies Raiders.

01-05-2015, 03:18 PM
Thus your Retributors CAN embark on any Drop Pod (dedicated or not) when you declare your Reserves as neither unit is actually ever deployed.
This is also a common tactic for Eldar players who put Howling Banshees or Striking Scorpions in their Dark Eldar allies Raiders.
Ok from reading the rules on pg 135 I agree that been in reserve is not been deployed and you can embark on allies transports, dedicated or not.
But arriving from reserve is 'deploying' on the table RB pg 135. Same for Deep Strike pg 162. So deploying dedicated transports falls under the dedicated transport rule discussed above.

I would presume the Raiders the Dark Eldar were using, were simply from their Fast Attack choices and not dedicated transports. … Unless they were very sneaky sneaky Dark Eldar

01-05-2015, 03:41 PM
Ok from reading the rules on pg 135 I agree that been in reserve is not been deployed and you can embark on allies transports, dedicated or not.
But arriving from reserve is 'deploying' on the table RB pg 135. Same for Deep Strike pg 162. So deploying dedicated transports falls under the dedicated transport rule discussed above.

I would presume the Raiders the Dark Eldar were using, were simply from their Fast Attack choices and not dedicated transports. … Unless they were very sneaky sneaky Dark Eldar

Well poop, you are correct. I missed that coming on from Reserves says you 'deploy' the unit. And while you can embark another unit in the transport during Reserves, it doesn't matter because it does specifically state that when the DT is deployed it can only carry the unit it was bought for.

Thank you for pointing that out!

01-05-2015, 03:46 PM
Well poop, you are correct. I missed that coming on from Reserves says you 'deploy' the unit. And while you can embark another unit in the transport during Reserves, it doesn't matter because it does specifically state that when the DT is deployed it can only carry the unit it was bought for.

Thank you for pointing that out!
I had to check that out myself looking for the word deploy :)

So now off to find a Blood Angel player.

01-05-2015, 03:52 PM
On a side note. I have my Space Marines painted as my own chapter which allows me to use whichever codex I want. Sometimes Dark Angels, but currently I use Blood Angels.
They are purely in my collection to support my Sisters and I usually do Drop Pod Dreadnoughts (Lib, Chaplain, Furioso) or Deathwing. Purely a rear line distraction for my opponent.

01-05-2015, 04:35 PM
There is no 'Dedicated Transport Role'.
p120, Dedicated transports assume the role of the unit they were bought for. So a Drop Pod for a Tactical squad has the Troops role.
The Role mostly matters for Objective Secured. So a Dedicated transport that has the 'Troops' Role (b/c it was bought for a Tactical Squad) also then would have Objective Secured in a CAD.

Actually, there is a Dedicated Transport Role. It's that little title above the army list section that includes the Codex Razorback, Rhino, and Drop Pod. In the Rulebook, it classes this with "Other", meaning it is beyond the FOC of the Detachments that we normally use.

01-05-2015, 06:40 PM
Actually, there is a Dedicated Transport Role. It's that little title above the army list section that includes the Codex Razorback, Rhino, and Drop Pod. In the Rulebook, it classes this with "Other", meaning it is beyond the FOC of the Detachments that we normally use.

Huh? I don't fully understand you. The title of 'dedicated transport' is not a role. Battlefield Roles are defined on p119.

Rulebook p120 specifically states the Dedicated transport has the same Battlefield Role (p119) as the unit it was bought for although it does not take up a slot on the FOC. Hence a Rhino bought for a Tactical squad has the Troops Battlefield Role (and thus in a CAD also Objective Secured), whereas one bought for an Assault Squad would have the Fast Attack Battlefield Role.

Codex: Blood Angels has a Rhino listed under Fast Attack, but if you buy one as a Dedicated Transport for a Tactical Squad it becomes a Troops choice.

The Other Battlefield Role is not a 'if it doesn't fit anywhere else' class. It is still specific and states that other publications will introduce other types of Roles (e.g. Imperial Knights) and their rules.

01-05-2015, 10:20 PM
Huh? I don't fully understand you. The title of 'dedicated transport' is not a role. Battlefield Roles are defined on p119.

Rulebook p120 specifically states the Dedicated transport has the same Battlefield Role (p119) as the unit it was bought for although it does not take up a slot on the FOC. Hence a Rhino bought for a Tactical squad has the Troops Battlefield Role (and thus in a CAD also Objective Secured), whereas one bought for an Assault Squad would have the Fast Attack Battlefield Role.

Codex: Blood Angels has a Rhino listed under Fast Attack, but if you buy one as a Dedicated Transport for a Tactical Squad it becomes a Troops choice.

The Other Battlefield Role is not a 'if it doesn't fit anywhere else' class. It is still specific and states that other publications will introduce other types of Roles (e.g. Imperial Knights) and their rules.

Ah, see now, where is a Role defined? How do we know what Role a unit in an army list has? It is either right above its entry, or leads its group of Roles in the entry.

See, that page you state, carries things like HQ, Troops, etc, then there comes "Other", which is supposed to carry everything NOT listed. Codex/Dark Angels Rhinos, Razorbacks, and Drop Pods, are not listed in any other Role. So, it must be under "Other", which is titled as Dedicated Transport.

01-06-2015, 12:34 AM
Ah, see now, where is a Role defined? How do we know what Role a unit in an army list has? It is either right above its entry, or leads its group of Roles in the entry.

See, that page you state, carries things like HQ, Troops, etc, then there comes "Other", which is supposed to carry everything NOT listed. Codex/Dark Angels Rhinos, Razorbacks, and Drop Pods, are not listed in any other Role. So, it must be under "Other", which is titled as Dedicated Transport.

But p120 changes that and specifically states that Dedicated transports have the same Battlefield Role as the unit it is bought for.
A Razorback bought as a dedicated transport for a Tactical squad is has the Troops Battlefield Role as per p120.
Are we talking about something different?
Also the Other Battlefield Role is not at all supposed to carry everything not otherwise listed. It specifies that the publication will have the rules for it's Battlefield Role.

- - - Updated - - -

And sorry to OP, I don't mean to hijack your thread but the Battlefield Role should be cleared up for anyone else that is confused.

01-06-2015, 12:51 AM
But p120 changes that and specifically states that Dedicated transports have the same Battlefield Role as the unit it is bought for.
A Razorback bought as a dedicated transport for a Tactical squad is has the Troops Battlefield Role as per p120.
Are we talking about something different?

I'm talking about something different. Until every codex is brought up to 7th Edition standards, either by codex update or by FAQ, there are units that are literally under the Battlefield Role of Dedicated Transport. No standard, Role-based detachment provides an opening for them, so in a Battle-Forged list, they must be purchased by another unit, just as in days of old.

However, in an Unbound list, this is not necessarily so, as only Formations get to keep their full list and advantages. No Role-based Detachment is effective, so one is free to purchase units from the Dedicated Transport Role list just like any other unit.

Also the Other Battlefield Role is not at all supposed to carry everything not otherwise listed. It specifies that the publication will have the rules for it's Battlefield Role.

Actually it is, and it usually does. Units in the Dedicated Transports Role, when using a Role-based Detachment FOC, can only be purchased AS a Dedicated Transport for another unit. So no other explanation is really needed.

01-06-2015, 01:36 AM
I think the terminology is important.
The only Battlefield Roles a unit can be are listed on p119 unless otherwise specified in a different book 'Other' (i.e. Imperial Knights).
Since there is no Dedicated Transport Battlefield Role on p119, it does not exist. Indeed they gain the role of the unit bought for. So a Rhino can have the Battlefield Role of one of the following, HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, or Lords of War.

Unbound is a different beast all together.

01-06-2015, 09:26 AM
I think the terminology is important.
The only Battlefield Roles a unit can be are listed on p119 unless otherwise specified in a different book 'Other' (i.e. Imperial Knights).
Since there is no Dedicated Transport Battlefield Role on p119, it does not exist. Indeed they gain the role of the unit bought for. So a Rhino can have the Battlefield Role of one of the following, HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, or Lords of War.

Unbound is a different beast all together.

And Unbound is the point we are talking about in regards to this. The rulebook itself states that it doesn't have every Role that may be used, which is why they included the "Other".

01-06-2015, 02:19 PM
Imperial Knights and Units only listed as Dedicated Transports in a 5th and 6th edition codex would be a perfect example of Other.

As you have been saying though Dedicated Transports would be eligible for selection in any Unbound list as an Other which is essentially a category to cover battlefield roles not otherwise provided for in 7th(as Dedicated Transport is no longer specified as a battlefield role in 7th, where it was in 6th)

7th edition has changed the Dedicated Transports battlefield role to instead be a rule related to selecting transport vehicles as a part of a units upgrade options where the the battlefield role becomes the same as the unit selecting the transport for scoring purposes.

So in an Unbound list yes you could select Drop Pods as an Other and load them with Sisters, though the Drop Pods would be Other(if selected from the previous Dedicated Transports battlefield role) or Fast Attack from Blood Angels and Space Wolves for scoring purposes.

01-21-2015, 05:46 PM
I agree with all the quotes from the rules on dedicated transports, reserves and deep strike, and that they mean that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

However, the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 also says "After the game begins, it can then transport any friendly Infantry unit".

Since you always arrive from reserve after the game begins, this means that a unit can arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

To me, the first and second sentences of the final paragraph of the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 appear to contradict one another, and clearly say both that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport, and also that it can.

01-21-2015, 09:39 PM
I agree with all the quotes from the rules on dedicated transports, reserves and deep strike, and that they mean that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

However, the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 also says "After the game begins, it can then transport any friendly Infantry unit".

Since you always arrive from reserve after the game begins, this means that a unit can arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

To me, the first and second sentences of the final paragraph of the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 appear to contradict one another, and clearly say both that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport, and also that it can.

The rules for how units are placed in Deep Strike Reserve as is required for Drop Pods and since this is done before the game turns begin as a part of setup, no you would not be able to place them in Drop Pods outside of an Unbound choice or as Fast attack option selected from an allied Space Wolf or Blood Angels faction list, and again in both instances the Drop Pod would not be considered a Dedicated Transport as they are not provided as an upgrade option for Battle Sisters in their unit entry so would not change their battlefield role as such.

7th Edition has essentially removed the Dedicated Transport battlefield role of 6th and earlier editions and replaced it with a rule for what makes a transport vehicle a dedicated transport(ie a transport vehicle selected as an upgrade option in the unit entry which conveys the same battlefield role on the transport as the unit it is selected to transport)

01-21-2015, 09:48 PM
I agree with all the quotes from the rules on dedicated transports, reserves and deep strike, and that they mean that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

However, the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 also says "After the game begins, it can then transport any friendly Infantry unit".

Since you always arrive from reserve after the game begins, this means that a unit can arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport.

To me, the first and second sentences of the final paragraph of the dedicated transports rule on RB pg 82 appear to contradict one another, and clearly say both that a unit can't arrive from reserve in another units dedicated transport, and also that it can.

That's because there is nothing that allows you to change what unit is Embarked on a Transport in Reserves. In fact, as a kind of precedent, ICs cannot leave or change unit they join in Reserves until they arrive on the board. Nor is there a mechanic for a unit to Embark on or Disembark from a Transport while in Reserves once the game has begun.

So, no, a Sisters unit cannot just swap out with a Tactical Squad's Drop Pod while they are in Reserve, unless you can provide a counter to what I just presented.

01-21-2015, 09:53 PM
That's because there is nothing that allows you to change what unit is Embarked on a Transport in Reserves. In fact, as a kind of precedent, ICs cannot leave or change unit they join in Reserves until they arrive on the board. Nor is there a mechanic for a unit to Embark on or Disembark from a Transport while in Reserves once the game has begun.

So, no, a Sisters unit cannot just swap out with a Tactical Squad's Drop Pod while they are in Reserve, unless you can provide a counter to what I just presented.

Yeah definitely can't swap anything out while in reserves, outflank, deep strike or otherwise if you have designated they are loaded in a vehicle during deployment. Though you are welcome to load your sisters into an empty Drop immobile drop pod sitting on the battlefield after the fact if you wanted.

01-22-2015, 03:52 PM
Sisters use once had a Drop Pod formation back in 2nd Ed, via a Citadel Journal article back when the first Drop Pod model came out. Unfortunately, 3rd Ed saw the Sisters change from "IG with SM equipment" to the Faith powered Battle Nuns we all know and love!

Thankfully, Blood Angels and Sisters share a lot of similar units ... and BA have Drop Pods.


01-22-2015, 05:55 PM
But you don't need to change what unit is embarked while in reserve because there is no rule requiring a dedicated transport placed in reserve to be carrying the unit it was selected with.

That limitation on units embarked on dedicated transports on RB pg 82 only applies "when it is deployed". The preparing reserves rule on RB pg 135 says "players can choose not to deploy some of their units, keeping them as reserves", which defines units which are placed in reserve as not being deployed, so the limitation does not apply.

RB pg 135, Combining Reserve Units, says "you must specify if any units in Reserve are embarked upon any Transport vehicles in Reserve, in which case they will arrive together." Since you can specify if ANY units are embarked on ANY vehicles, once vehicles and units are in reserve you can specify any combination you like.

I do agree that once you have specified a combination you are stuck with it and can't swap or disembark.

01-22-2015, 06:40 PM
But you don't need to change what unit is embarked while in reserve because there is no rule requiring a dedicated transport placed in reserve to be carrying the unit it was selected with.

That limitation on units embarked on dedicated transports on RB pg 82 only applies "when it is deployed". The preparing reserves rule on RB pg 135 says "players can choose not to deploy some of their units, keeping them as reserves", which defines units which are placed in reserve as not being deployed, so the limitation does not apply.

RB pg 135, Combining Reserve Units, says "you must specify if any units in Reserve are embarked upon any Transport vehicles in Reserve, in which case they will arrive together." Since you can specify if ANY units are embarked on ANY vehicles, once vehicles and units are in reserve you can specify any combination you like.

I do agree that once you have specified a combination you are stuck with it and can't swap or disembark.

Page 82 says a Dedicated Transport in reserves can only begin with the unit it was selected with embarked upon it plus Independent Characters, page 135 says units embarked on a transport in reserve must arrive together, nowhere in the rules does it support the premise of units moving in and out of transports in reserve in fact the exact opposite. Once the vehicle arrives on the battlefield units may enter the dedicated transport if it has sufficient room to allow for such as indicated in the last blurb of page 82 for the new Dedicated Transports rule.

If you wanna put Sisters in a drop pod create an unbound list or select Drop Pods as a Fast attack option for an allied Blood Angel or Space Wolf force.

01-22-2015, 07:44 PM
Do note that just because something is in the Dedicated Transport Role does not necessarily mean it cannot be taken alone in Unbound. So, borrowing an Iron Hand Drop Pod for Unbound could be... Interesting.

Except, where you can't. Because Unbound only throws out the detachments limitations, it doesn't let you actually ignore all unit selection/limitation rules. Otherwise you could run 5 man las plas squads....same thing

01-23-2015, 01:17 AM
As is typical for GW though they can't be bothered to FAQ simple crap like...oh...I don't know..6th Edition Codex units previously listed under Dedicated Transports now have the Fast Attack battlefield role as a default like every other Codex since 7th edition came out.

01-23-2015, 02:37 AM
Except, where you can't. Because Unbound only throws out the detachments limitations, it doesn't let you actually ignore all unit selection/limitation rules. Otherwise you could run 5 man las plas squads....same thing

I can only disagree here. Unbound lets you use whichever units you want. That's literally what it says: "simply use whichever units from your collection you want." A Drop Pod is a unit; a Tactical Squad with Drop Pod is two units, regardless of how much las or plas they have. It is, in other words, not "same thing." I made this same argument for an army of empty Trukks back before the new Codex allowed them to be taken as Fast Attack, and I'm sticking to it now.

01-23-2015, 03:56 AM
simply use whichever units from your collection you want

So my Darth Vader mini from my collection, that Lorgar from my collection, the 8 CSM with Autocannons in one unit,...

Any line you draw is abitrary. So yes, unbound is pretty much "only" to get rid of any FOC but still use WH40k minis and WH40k rules attatched to them.
Want to field all Eldar special Character + all Space Marine special characters against 100000000 Hormagaunts? Here you go unbound.
Want to field 10x Abbadon? Nope, still against the rules.

01-23-2015, 08:28 AM
So my Darth Vader mini from my collection, that Lorgar from my collection, the 8 CSM with Autocannons in one unit,...

Any line you draw is abitrary. So yes, unbound is pretty much "only" to get rid of any FOC but still use WH40k minis and WH40k rules attatched to them.
Want to field all Eldar special Character + all Space Marine special characters against 100000000 Hormagaunts? Here you go unbound.
Want to field 10x Abbadon? Nope, still against the rules.


01-23-2015, 09:29 AM
Though you are welcome to load your sisters into an empty Drop immobile drop pod sitting on the battlefield after the fact if you wanted.

Except you can't mount a Drop Pod after it Deploys.

But you don't need to change what unit is embarked while in reserve because there is no rule requiring a dedicated transport placed in reserve to be carrying the unit it was selected with.

That limitation on units embarked on dedicated transports on RB pg 82 only applies "when it is deployed". The preparing reserves rule on RB pg 135 says "players can choose not to deploy some of their units, keeping them as reserves", which defines units which are placed in reserve as not being deployed, so the limitation does not apply.

RB pg 135, Combining Reserve Units, says "you must specify if any units in Reserve are embarked upon any Transport vehicles in Reserve, in which case they will arrive together." Since you can specify if ANY units are embarked on ANY vehicles, once vehicles and units are in reserve you can specify any combination you like.

I do agree that once you have specified a combination you are stuck with it and can't swap or disembark.

Yeah, the key point is "deploy". If a Drop Pod is purchased as a Dedicated Transport for a Tactical Squad, only that Tactical Squad can be in it when the Drop Pod arrives or it can arrive empty. That doesn't mean another unit (even from the same detachment) can be in it when it deploys.

Except, where you can't. Because Unbound only throws out the detachments limitations, it doesn't let you actually ignore all unit selection/limitation rules. Otherwise you could run 5 man las plas squads....same thing

And being purchased as a Dedicated Transport for a unit is based in another unit's entry, not the Role listed for the unit. So, no, completely different thing.

And yes, I can run 5 man Las/Plas, because Crusaders. :p

So my Darth Vader mini from my collection, that Lorgar from my collection, the 8 CSM with Autocannons in one unit,...

Any line you draw is abitrary. So yes, unbound is pretty much "only" to get rid of any FOC but still use WH40k minis and WH40k rules attatched to them.
Want to field all Eldar special Character + all Space Marine special characters against 100000000 Hormagaunts? Here you go unbound.
Want to field 10x Abbadon? Nope, still against the rules.

The Mini is fine, but what UNIT is it? They aren't exactly the same thing, mind.