View Full Version : Grey Knight Terminator load out

01-02-2015, 10:01 PM
I decided to start a new project for the new year with a small GK force. I want go heavily with terminator, but unsure of a good load out. I was thinking of going psilencer and a couple of halbred for sure and maybe a hammer. Im keeping the squad as small 5 man ones for now and adding more members down the road. Does this sound good or is there a better loadout than that?

01-03-2015, 01:58 AM
Psycannon, one to two hammers, that's it.

Pilencers look cool with Force and all, but they're still not actually very good. With only Str 4, you're not actually going to put a wound on anything that you can take advantage of Force on, and you won't kill tanks or infantry as well as a psycannon. Psycannons are always best.

With hammerhand and daemonhammers, there's no real need for halberds. Save the points. At least one hammer, two if points allow, are a must, so you can force weapon Wraithknights and punch vehicles and so on.

Mad Cat
01-05-2015, 06:43 AM
I agree. the GK codex lacks significant antitank firepower so psycannons make perfect sense to let you open up rhinos so the passengers can be shot or charged. A hammer is insurance against dreads and MCs who can be forced or increased further in strength through hammerhand.

01-05-2015, 01:01 PM
Welcome to Titan.

Psycannons are fantastic and make up the vast majority of my special choices, but I still like to have an incinerator or two on hand. Especially if you're going terminator heavy, you simply won't have enough shots to really deal with giant hordes of orks, guard, or gaunts and thinning them out with some fire can go a long way.

01-05-2015, 01:35 PM
Eh, I've never had any problems with hordes. Just play smart. Plus, Dreadknights can take two guns and can't duplicate, so just take a heavy psycannon and heavy incinerator and that will cover you.

01-05-2015, 02:04 PM
Rule of Cool. Halberds look cool and I have them on many of my guys already so I use them. Also I forget Hammer Hand most of the time as Im casting other stuff. 1 hammer, 1 psycannon per 5 guys is what I do. The rest halberds/swords is fine.

01-13-2015, 08:38 AM
Falchions are actually better than Halberds, if you bother with an upgrade at all beyond the 2 Hammer per 5 GKT you normally want to do if you can. Psycannons are made for GK TDA, Incinerators are for PA, the Psilencer only really shines versus hordes of MCs like Tyranids; in general, only take Psycannons on Termies.

NDKs are a slightly different animal. The Heavy Psycannon is a must, although a choice between the Heavy Incinerator or Heavy Psilencer is a tougher on to make; the H Incin ignores cover and BBQs xenos, while the H Psil kills Riptides and pops other MCs with contemptuous ease. Either is a good choice, and many players will run one each each on two different NDKs to compliment the required H Psycannons. As to melee options, take the Sword or go bare fist if not anticipating Knight Titans, go with Hammer if you are.


01-13-2015, 12:57 PM
Take the heavy incinerator. It will do significantly more wounds and force saves in almost every circumstance, and is great at killing units that hide in cover that GKs otherwise can only kill in assault. Only against MCs might one consider the psilencer, and frankly the psilencer still sucks even with Force. After rolling to hit, to wound, and saves, your odds of doing anything are extremely low, and you still have to pass a psychic test. Throw those dice at Psychic Shriek and hope to roll well, you'll have much better odds.

Mad Cat
01-14-2015, 05:54 AM
The best use of the Gatling psylencer is not against MCs but against multi-wound infantry/beasts/cavalry such as spawn, crushers, screamers, Nid Warriors, ogryns etc. With only S4 and no AP the chances of tweaking a riptide needing 6 to wound and a failed 2+ armour save is rather low.

01-27-2015, 04:53 AM
If I started to use heavy incinerator and suddenly have the feelings of no longer comfortable with it, what type of weapon shall be replaced?