View Full Version : Deathstorm - How to Expand?

12-29-2014, 04:38 AM
Hello BoLS!
so, I find myself to be doubly blessed, having obtained Space Hulk on its first release and now Deathstorm from Santa Claws (hehe).

I plan to use both sets as the basis of two fantastic looking armies based on the Kraken invasion of Devlan, with The Lamenters defending.

The Blood Angels aspect isn't an issue, I'll need to pick up the new Codex and maybe some of the other Deathstorm books and White Dwarf releases to take a look at the data slates available (worth it btw?) and recycle some of my other two Lamenters forces where possible, as well as mixing in some spares-and-repairs from other Marine projects and my unpainted collection. It'll be quite heavily Terminator based, as picking up the new BA Assault Terminators box will yield 3 squads when mixed with SH - 2x Regular & 1x Assault + Karlaen & Calastarius (appropriately re-named for Lamenters duty).

The Tyranids though? Not a clue.
I've never fielded them outside of SH.
I now find myself with a ton of Genestealers - which have something of a bad reputation, 3 Broodlords (Cryptus, Space Hulk and old metal I picked up years ago as I think it's cool), as well as Warriors and a Carnifex that I have no idea how to equip!
I love some of the Tyranids (the Trygon for example), not a fan of others (Tyrant Guard and the new Drop Pod - though I fear 'needs must' for the latter there) and have a vague idea of throwing in more Warrior genus models (Warriors, Ravenors, Shrikes - are they still a thing?) to fit the Devlan fluff and at least a squad of the Forge World Rippers as they look amazing! Oh, and absolutely gutted the FW Tyrant is now OOP, the design blew the GW Plastic one out of the water!

Basically, how does one go about somewhat successfully fielding the 'Nids I have?
What direction would you suggest I expand them in?
Any Dataslate suggestions for the Blood Angels and what books are they in?

I'd really appreciate any advice you all could offer, don't want to blow money and time on a cool-looking gribbly, only to spend my games taking it off the table first turn!

12-29-2014, 05:30 AM
I can really recommend the Tyranid Swarm box for your situation. You get 40 Hormagaunts, 40 Termagants and 10 Gargoyles to provide your swarm with some... well, swarm. You also get a Carnifex to be friends with the one you already have which is ideal as they work best in pairs. That would be a really good core for your army.

What you go for next really depends on what kind of style you want to play.

01-01-2015, 06:04 PM
Thanks Anggul, that box is amazing and an actual saving instead of just a one-click!
Quite the daunting model-count though, may have to test out the airbrush on the 'Stealers before committing.

Anyone have any tips for getting the melee gribblies across the table?
didn't the 'Nids used to have some sort of 'smoke screen' strain?

Battle 1-2
01-01-2015, 10:53 PM
Anyone have any tips for getting the melee gribblies across the table?
didn't the 'Nids used to have some sort of 'smoke screen' strain?

Yes. The Tyranids have a Venomthrope that gives any unit with a model within 6" the Shrouded special rule, so +2 to their cover save. The Tyranids also have a drop pod called the Tyrannocyte, I think. You can buy a 3-pack of Venomthropes for something on the order of $70USD.

01-02-2015, 04:08 AM
Thanks Anggul, that box is amazing and an actual saving instead of just a one-click!
Quite the daunting model-count though, may have to test out the airbrush on the 'Stealers before committing.

Anyone have any tips for getting the melee gribblies across the table?
didn't the 'Nids used to have some sort of 'smoke screen' strain?

Painting them all isn't the long part. It's removing the mould lines from all of those many-jointed limbs that takes a while. Once you're past that it's pretty good.

01-03-2015, 03:54 PM
Well there is a formation for 'Stealers to be placed WITHIN 6" of an enemy unit. Will he get shot up? Most likely. That would mean other units are not being shot up then. Sorry I forget what book it is. I think it could be the first book of 3 that were released last year. There is also another formation for 'Stealers as well. Forget what it does.

So there is still use for 'Stealers. Are they optimal? In most cases no. But who cares. Are we here to have fun or must win with plastic toy soldiers? Since you already have all those 'Stealers put them to use and have fun. :)

01-03-2015, 06:08 PM
Are we here to have fun or must win with plastic toy soldiers? Since you already have all those 'Stealers put them to use and have fun.

Putting them on board and removing them without doing anything is a strange definition of "fun".
But on the other hand there are plenty of people who consider sitting on rusty nails also fun...

01-04-2015, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Battle 1-2
Yes. The Tyranids have a Venomthrope [...]. You can buy a 3-pack of Venomthropes for something on the order of $70USD.

Thanks for that Battle 1-2. It's a rather nice box, isn't it? Venomthropes, Zoanthropes and Neurothropes all-in-one, very versatile!

Originally posted by Anggul
Painting them all isn't the long part. It's removing the mould lines from all of those many-jointed limbs that takes a while. Once you're past that it's pretty good.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Anggul! :-p
I'd probably break them down into Kill Team size batches and alternate building them and a Marine squad or something, help break up the tedium...

Originally posted by HsojVvad
Well there is a formation for 'Stealers to be placed WITHIN 6" of an enemy unit. Will he get shot up? Most likely. That would mean other units are not being shot up then. Sorry I forget what book it is. I think it could be the first book of 3 that were released last year. There is also another formation for 'Stealers as well. Forget what it does.

Thanks for the tip HsojVvad, sounds like it'd be just what I'm looking for!

Can anyone shed any light on the formation name/book these are in?
The Leviathan Rising stuff maybe?

01-04-2015, 01:58 PM
Try this link.


See if that is any help at all.

*edit* Yes it's in Leviathan I. You need 5 broods. So they can be as big or small you want those 5 broods to be.

01-07-2015, 06:25 AM
Thanks for the link HsojVvad, looks very promising!
I especially like the look of the 'Manufactorum Genestealers' for my Space Hulk 'Stealers with the modelled bases, great stuff!

Sorry to keep bombarding you all with follow-ups, but would there be any issue with using Leviathan formations with Kraken-painted 'Nids? Like there would be for example using Ultramarine-painted models with Salamander rules now?