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View Full Version : Shrike 1850-FAST attack

Sir Biscuit
02-10-2010, 11:25 PM
Here's a shrike list I've been having great success with:
Shadow Captain Shrike
Assault Terminator Squad
+4 Men
+Thunder Hammers/Storm Shields
Tactical Squad
+5 Men
+Plasma Cannon
Tactical Squad
+5 Men
+Plasma Cannon
Scout Squad
+Sniper Rifles
+Missile Launcher
+Camo Cloaks
+Melta Bomb

Fast Attack
Assault Squad
+5 Men
+2 Plasma Pistols
Assault Squad
+5 Men
+2 Plasma Pistols

Heavy Support

Total: 1850

Shrike infiltrates with the terminators: creating a distraction, or starting dangerously close to an opponents key element. Typically starts to the side.

The tactical squads are quite fast, and provide cover for the assault squads with their rhino wall as they move up. The hunter-killers are to help stun or disable vehicles that would otherwise ruin my day. (Artillery, nasty units in light transports, light tanks, etc.) Anything that would mess with my advance. Often, there's no good targets right away, but they get side armour shots later in the game, so it's all good. The plasma cannons are there because occasionally it's wiser to nail a unit with heavy shooting rather than charge them. (Especially against chaos marines, one of my regular opponents.) 5 points for flexibility? I'll take it!

The scout squad is there to hold whatever objective is in my deployment zone in objective games. ML gives them something to do, when they're not going to ground. It's amazing how ofter people forget about these little guys, and they get side armor shots off.

The assault squads are really the core unit of the army, and a nasty surprise. In my experience, people tend to really underestimate the little guys. But hey- with shrike, they have a nasty 19-24" charge range. Beautiful. I equipped them with plasma pistols over flamers, because anything I would want to flamer I can generally just assault, and 2 strength 7 AP2 shots really helps when your about to charge a chimera... or a carnifex! Depending on the setup, against armies like orks and guard I start them on the table, while against armies like marines and chaos, I tend to deep strike them, as I find they're really best in the midgame in that situation.

The vindicator is a fire magnet. No one shoots at rhinos while it's trundling around. 'nuff said.

The whirlwind is alright, it's really there to help against big mobs. Though mob armies like orks haven't' been much of a problem, since my superior mobility allows me to engage however I want, the large blast is still nice for clearing chunks. And for killing those small guard squads that are sitting back claiming objectives.

Overall, it is a VERY fast army. It's in your face by turn two, and never lets up. It seems to perform pretty well against all opponents, and I'd be willing to take it to a tournament.


02-11-2010, 09:01 AM
nice tactics man. one thing you may want to consider is the shrike capable first round assault. it's more dependent on scouts but can do an amazing amount of damage similar to assault squads. you can look at two lists i have posted here with variations on this tactic. it's based on a total fluff RG list but is amazing to see in practice.

For instance i take two full squads of CC scouts, and Shrike can infiltrate with Assault squad or JP Vanguard\ Command squad. You have to be outside of 18" from enemy during deployment when in the open and that's perfect for shrike and scouts. A CC scout squad has the same amount of CC attack as an Assault squad and are cheaper. Now i wouldn't trust them to get rid of anything super strong, but they are great bog units. and most people don't consider a scout squad threatening to light mech. 31 attacks on the assault just like an Assault squad so the Scouts get the 6" scout move before game starts (scout bikers can turbo boost to get rear armor), then turn one move 6" (12" now), run at least an inch (13-18") and assault 6 = (19-24") threat range two of those and the infiltrated assault squad = 93 ish attacks on turn 1.

Of course it's important to get the initiative with that tactic, but it's amazing. and you can keep stacking scout units, or scout bike units. i combine drop podding tac units and sternguard to RF the snot out of the more dangerous units i am assaulting or to weaken units if i've combat squaded the scouts. but you can check out my lists for more ideas if you like.

Taking the vindicator to distract fire from the rhino's is smart. people like to shoot them and they are relatively cheap. Predators might be another option if you get tight on points.

Sir Biscuit
02-11-2010, 01:06 PM
I've tried scout chargers before, and unfortunitly they're not great due to the local metagame. Fighting orks, entirely mechanized guard, and worst of all, CSM, makes the poor little guys die like flies, even when I do get first turn. For me, having game-long mobility is more advantageous than a first turn charge.

I wish I could field bikes, but I'm way to poor for those models. :(

I've tried the pred, but it doesn't have nearly the same fire-magnet effect as the vindi does. Unless it has lascannons, but then it's more expensive. :P I've been thinking of swapping the whirlwind for one, however, since they're the same amount of points. God, I so want the whirlwind to be useful, but it just... isn't. :P

02-11-2010, 06:49 PM
i know what you mean bro. i've fielded a whirlwind a few times...useless. of course i was going indirect fire, but isn't that kind of the idea? I hear they are really only effective in pairs...i should proxy something to try that out....anywho, i feel you about the Scouts not lasting. I thought about that as you mention CSM but figured what the heck...The scout bikes with GL's are great and the attack bikes rock. i was very anti-bike for a long time...changed my tune. They are kind of like landspeeders in that you have to be careful, the scout bikes can die fast under massed fire....ala the Tau i play against often.

if you're dealing a lot with CSM and orks, try a gating librarian with sternguard or Legion of the Damned. Combined with (again...sorry) Scout bikers (or scouts) with Locator beacons and Dpods with LB's makes for some serious damage capacity.

I don't know if you know about this trick but take a LR redeemer with Assault Termies and Librarian in it rush forward and unload the guys in assault. next turn when everyones bunched up during movement gate the unit out. Shooting phase roast them all with the flamestorm cannons...nasty.

Also try pairs of Vidicators...that really makes people nervous....