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View Full Version : Khador Behemoth

02-10-2010, 09:36 PM
Anyone build one of these?

I LOVE Warmachine models, uber superb detailed pieces, but man, this is the first one I've seen yet that I'd like to slap the designer upside his stupid head for making the way he did.

Who in the world designs a model so that it's 2lbs of metal top heavy, and expects a one legged pose to support it all, more so when then way the legs bind to the bottom torso, it's soooo tiny and small of a joint, that even pinning is iffy.

I'm mega disappointed with Privateer Press on this one. I got some serious modding to do to fix this.

02-11-2010, 11:38 PM
Yeah one joint holding the entire weight of the model is messed up. I just pinned mine for now, and once I build my Cygnar plastic jack I'm going to use the left over pieces to build a wreck under the foot thats up in the air.

02-12-2010, 03:01 PM
Mine has two pins in his support leg and he still wiggles a little when you touch him. It does boggle the mind a little. A popular solution is to get your hands on a wreck marker and have the stepping foot supported on it. Although that does add another $10 to an already expensive piece. Most places have been putting the things on sale though since they are pretty expensive and completely unnecessary.

02-13-2010, 08:48 AM
I just ended up repositioning the other leg so that it is positioned the same as the support one, so that they both support the weight. Now he looks like he's taking a dump, but at least he's solid. lol