View Full Version : Thunderwolves I've converted

02-10-2010, 03:53 PM
First, let me say that I shamelessly stole this idea from my buddy Tim, who was making werewolves for his WFB undead army.

Short story is that rat ogre bodies + goblin wolf head / tail + pinning + greenstuff = big giant wolfman.

Slap him on a 60mm base with room for a Marine to stand in the back -- which has the bonus effect of letting you swap out the Space Wolves so as to accomodate different load outs for the squad.

The hard part of course, if securing the rat ogre bodies ...

Am thinking a set of the new minotaurs might do well too ... though they're not as ideal re: the legs and general appearance as the rat ogres.

Anyway ... have to do another 3 for the squad ... and maybe another 1-2 for a techpriest or Wolflord ...

02-10-2010, 04:46 PM
Interesting models... maybe you could put a marine "handler," on the base too.


02-10-2010, 04:50 PM
Is the marine going to be on it's back or just standing next to it?

02-10-2010, 06:13 PM
yeah... that's the plan ... put the marine on the back of the base ... with these two, i finished off the bases well before the marines themselves are painted ... so it belatedly occurred to me to use that to my advantage re: putting marines in with the specific wargear

02-11-2010, 04:10 AM
maybe you can convert kind of a charriot to the back(using half of a marine bike mybe?), like being pulled by the werewolves, then you can put marines standin and firing from top of it,then jump off and assault =)

02-11-2010, 09:26 AM
you could always play them as wulfen in friendly games or if you have the rules for sternhammers wulfengaurd

02-11-2010, 02:51 PM
you could always play them as wulfen in friendly games or if you have the rules for sternhammers wulfengaurd

I don't recall those rules ... are they part of the old 13th Company list?