View Full Version : Mawloc into ruins

02-10-2010, 06:56 AM
I was just thinking this morning, what would happen if a Mawloc deep strikes into a city ruin, and a unit is on a level above the ground floor? The rules state that models under the template are hit, but seeing as it is not a blast or barrage weapon, it isn't clear if the units on the higher floors are hit.
A RAI analysis might first suggest that models only on the ground level are hit, seeing as no unit can deep strike anywhere but the first level, but seeing as the Mawloc itself is as tall [model-wise] as some buildings, I have my question.
Similarly, what happens when a Mawloc deep strikes onto a bunker or other immobile vehicle? One might suggest that a drop pod would move out of the way, but what about a bunker or other intact building? If it doesn't move, does that mean the Mawloc would mishap? The rules state that the Mawloc does not mishap when it lands on enemy model...

I would have posted this in the 'Mawloc deep strike' thread, but it seems that thread is more about intentionally deep striking onto enemies.

02-10-2010, 07:55 AM
The rules state that if the mawloc deep strikes onto a point occupied by another model, do not roll on the deep strike mishap table but instead use the special rules.
Model=unit, if you deep strike onto a piece of terrain, roll on the mishap table. I'm certain that immobile vehicles would be moved, as far as DSing into buildings with the Mawloc, I'm not sure, once again, we'll have to wait on GW and a FAQ

02-10-2010, 08:06 AM
In the case of the ruin, i would say

Firstly, can the model fit in the ruin. if so, then all enemy models under the template (on any level) are affected as the mawloc thrashes out all over the place as it rises from the ground.

In the case of the"bunker style" building - as the building canot be moved out of the way, then the trygon would mishap.

the more "spirited" players might want to allow the mawloc to first attack the bunker before mishaping - to represent it "bumping its head" or attacking the base of the bunker. This may in fact destroy the bunker - allowing the model to be placed.

02-10-2010, 10:09 PM
Taking a RAW approach.

It says that units deep striking into a ruined building always end up on the ground floor (p95). Thus, you can only arrive on the ground floor. Again, using the rules for ruins, you can only hit a single floor (p84), the ground floor, with the Mawloc template. The same way that a large model can technically occupy the ground floor of a building with units above it even if the model itself doesn't fit, the Mawloc can only hit the ground floor. The units in upper floors are not affected.

A bunker is not a model, and if you all agreed beforehand that the building is impassable, then your Mawloc mishaps because it hits impassable terrain. If the building is not impassable, the Mawloc deep strikes onto the top of the building and leaves everyone else alone.

02-11-2010, 07:43 AM
i would agree. the rules for ruins say that you can only hit one floor with a template. the upper floors arenīt hit