View Full Version : My Nurgle Legion at the moment for 2000 points but need some advice to improve it

12-12-2014, 05:34 PM
The glottkin (consult the book for points)

Herald of Nurgle (205 points)
+ Fecundity
+ Battle Standard bearer with Razor Standard

35x Plaguebearers in horde formation (500 points)
+ Plagueridden
+ Musician
+ Standard bearer with Standard of Discipline

So the optional I have left and I want to spend the rest of my points on special and at least 1 rare.

Beast of Nurgle
Chaos Knights
Putrid Blightkings
-Please feel free add more because I am daemons player I do not possess the warrior of chaos book or beastmen as of yet and I am basing the choice of the warhammer webpage based on pictures of what can be represented as nurgle but not to the point as a count as-

Hellcannon (easy to make into nurgle and make a plague cannon)
Plague Drones

Please note I will only ever add models to the army not for wining but to make the army awesome in a nurgles mindset :D

12-18-2014, 03:44 AM
The Beasts of Nurgle are excellent in game and there are some nice alternative minis out there for them. I'd have a google, unless you plan on gaming in a GW store.

Chosen and Blightkings I just don't see. How do you intend to use them? I'm not sure what Chosen models you would use either, the GW ones are quite clean.

Plague Drones are nice and Nurgley but a warmachine may be more helpful.

I have to ask - how are you going to keep Glottkin alive? I don't see how you're dealing with the threats to him atm and he HAS to perform because otherwise your army is horribly outmatched.

12-23-2014, 01:20 AM
Glottkin has 12 wounds and by his rules it ignores the 10 stat rule so casting nurgle ability's can give him unlimited wounds :)

12-23-2014, 05:22 PM
Glottkin has 12 wounds and by his rules it ignores the 10 stat rule so casting nurgle ability's can give him unlimited wounds :)

He's one bombspell away from death though - One successful cast of purple sun will kill him. Anything that attacks on initiative will be bad news and that includes spells as well as attacks like the sepulchral stalkers gaze. He's a lot more vulnerable than that wounds characteristic may suggest.

12-30-2014, 09:23 PM
The glottkin (consult the book for points)

Herald of Nurgle (205 points)
+ Fecundity
+ Battle Standard bearer with Razor Standard

35x Plaguebearers in horde formation (500 points)
+ Plagueridden
+ Musician
+ Standard bearer with Standard of Discipline

So the optional I have left and I want to spend the rest of my points on special and at least 1 rare.

Beast of Nurgle
Chaos Knights
Putrid Blightkings
-Please feel free add more because I am daemons player I do not possess the warrior of chaos book or beastmen as of yet and I am basing the choice of the warhammer webpage based on pictures of what can be represented as nurgle but not to the point as a count as-

Hellcannon (easy to make into nurgle and make a plague cannon)
Plague Drones

Please note I will only ever add models to the army not for wining but to make the army awesome in a nurgles mindset :D

The Glottkin are probably the weakest of the "super-characters" at the moment, the problem is that they lack Magical Attacks (meaning a 45 point Spirit Host can tarpit them for an eternity) and that aforementioned awful Initiative 1 means that there are too many tools available for armies to 'hit him with the Golden Gun' (instant death). I would personally take both Orghotts Daemonspew and Bloab Rotspawned over the Glottkin for a similar points cost any day as they have more wounds, attacks and similar spell-casting potential, but if you like the Glottkin then I can't blame you.

The rest of your list looks fine, but I would skip the Standard of Discipline on the Plaguebearers and replace it with the Banner of Swiftness. Leadership no longer has any meaning for Daemons with the Legions of Chaos changes to how they work, you may as well take the extra Movement (which helps a lot for a combat horde) for the exact same cost.

Beasts of Nurgle are insanely good, the rest of the Special choices are decent to mediocre. Nurglings lost a lot of their luster with the flat Unstable, while Chosen remain poor alternatives to standard Chaos Warriors. Chaos Knights are over-priced, while Blightkings are possibly the most unwieldy unit in Warhammer Fantasy. For the Rare choices, Soulgrinders are decent, Hellcannons are good in my opinion while Plague Drones are great. Your list is already heavily combat oriented and is going to be outnumbered no matter what, while the Glottkin is the most obvious target for enemy firepower in the army. I would recommend - if the points allow - a pair of Soulgrinders advancing on either flank of the Glottkin or the horde with just the Daemonbane Claw and Daemon of Nurgle upgrades. If you want the Glottkin to survive to reach combat, you need to have good target saturation and two big scary Soulgrinders are perfect for that - albeit expensive.