View Full Version : January 31st 2015 - 40k Tournament, Event Horizon Games, Garner (Raleigh), NC

12-12-2014, 11:18 AM
Flames of WAAAAAGH!
Event Horizon Games in Garner (Raleigh), NC is hosting a Warhammer 40k Tournament on 31st January, 2015.
Entry: $10
Registration: 9am
Start 10am

Armies must be battle-forged and consist of no more than 2000 points.
You may take a maximum of 2 detachments/formations. Detachments and formations may be taken from BRB, current GW codexes, army supplements and campaign books. Apocalypse formations may NOT be taken.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using a codex which is only available as a digital edition, you MUST have the actual digital edition with you at the event and available for your opponent to read. Hardcopy versions are not acceptable (although you may bring hardcopy in addition if you wish).
Lords of War: Non-superheavy Lords of War units are allowed. Maximum 1 per army.
Superheavy/Gargantuan MC Lords of War: These units may not be taken.
Forgeworld: Forgeworld units may be included in your army if marked as ‘40k Approved’. Forgeworld chapter tactics, army lists, and Superheavy/Gargantuan MC units are NOT allowed. Experimental FW rules are not allowed
PLEASE NOTE: If you are bringing a unit with Forgeworld rules, you must bring a copy of the relevant pages from the rulebook showing all the unit rules. Please ensure that you are using the latest rules for that unit.
Escalation: No
Stronghold Assault: The following selections from Stronghold Assault will be allowed, including all upgrade options:
Aegis Defence Line, Imperial Bastion, Honored Imperium, Wall of Martyrs (WoM) Imperial Defence Line, WoM Imperial Defence Emplacement, WoM Imperial Bunker, WoM Firestorm Redoubt, WoM Vengeance Weapon Battery, Skyshield Landing Pad.
PLEASE NOTE: Board terrain is pre-placed and may not be moved by players. This may limit deployment possibilities if you are using the larger fortification items. Be aware of this before taking one or more of these as part of your army.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are taking items from the Stronghold Assault rules, you are REQUIRED to have a copy of the Stronghold Assault rules with you.
Dataslate Formations: Allowed, but counts as a detachment
If you are unsure on any issues, please contact the TO via Event Horizon Games

PLEASE NOTE: check the individual round rules for the Fuel Dump, Experimental Force Field Generator , and Damaged Fission Reactor terrain piece rules.

NOTE: Any reference to models or units 'killed' or ‘destroyed’ also includes models that are off-board or falling back at the end of the game.
Each game provides a maximum of 24 Battlepoints to be acquired. These are earned as follows:
Alpha Missions: 12 points maximum – see individual missions for more details
Beta Missions: 6 points maximum – see individual missions for more details
Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as follows:
Slay the Warlord:
2 points to a player for killing the enemy warlord and his warlord remains alive
1 point to each player if both warlords are killed
0 point to each player if both warlords are alive
First Blood: NOTE:
2 points to a player for killing the first unit if no units of his are also eliminated in the same game turn
1 point to each player if the player losing the first unit is able to kill an enemy unit in that same game turn.
0 points to each player if no units are eliminated.
2 points to a player if he has a scoring model within 12” of his opponent’s board edge and his opponent has no scoring models within 12” of the player’s board edge.
1 point to each player if both players have scoring models within 12” of their opponent’s board edge
0 points to each player if neither player has scoring models within 12” of their opponent’s board edge

Tiebreaker: Record the number of enemy units killed and the total number of killpoints in the enemy army. In the event of a tie on accumulated battlepoints over the tournament, the player with the highest proportion of available enemy killpoints 'killed' will be placed higher.
Note: This means that killing 4 out of 6 available killpoints ranks higher than killing 9 out of 15.

Night Fight, Reserves and Mysterious Objectives are in use. Mysterious terrain rules are not in use.

Tactical Objectives: Where tactical objectives are in use in the round use the following rules:
1: You may choose to use either the tactical objectives as listed in the BRB or (if applicable) your faction-specific tactical objectives listed in your codex. You must use the same source throughout the tournament.
2: At the start of your turn draw Tactical objective cards until you have 3. Discard any cards that are literally impossible to complete and redraw. Note down cards drawn and cards discarded on the table provided. Inform your opponent of what your objective cards are.
3: At the end of your turn, check which objectives you have completed and score accordingly. Note the score on the table provided. You may choose to discard 1 tactical objective card you have drawn. Mark it as discarded on the table provided.
Note: ‘Impossible to complete’ missions include only those that are impossible due to your opponent’s army composition such as ‘Kill a Psyker’, not tactical objectives such as ‘hold all objectives’ where you have insufficient units to do so.

Round 1 – Out of the Frying Pan
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Experimental Force Field Generator: Models which are in contact with the base of an Experimental Force Field Generator terrain piece have a 4+ invulnerable save whilst they remain in contact with the base. This does NOT apply to zooming flyers or swooping FMC’s. Note: There will be 2 Experimental Force Field Generators in the board center for this round.

Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): 5 objectives. One is placed in the center of the table (offset as necessary along the center line of the board, equidistant to the deployment areas of both players if impassable terrain is in the center of the board). Players take turns placing one objective each in their own deployment area and one objective each in their opponent's deployment area. Objectives must be at least 6" from the board edge and 12" from any other objective.
Major Win: Player controls at least 3 more objectives than his opponent
Minor Win: Player controls more objectives than his opponent
Draw: Both players control the same number of objectives
Minor Loss: Player controls 1-2 fewer objectives than his opponent
Major Loss: Player controls 3+ fewer objectives than his opponent

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Kill points – score 1 KP for each unit destroyed or removed from play. Units falling back or off-board at the end of the game also count as destroyed.
Major Win: Player has scored 4+KP more than his opponent
Minor Win: Player has scored 1-3KP more than his opponent
Draw: Player scores the same number of KP as his opponent.
Minor Loss: Player has scored 1-3KP less than his opponent
Major Loss: Player has scored 4+KP less than his opponent.

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules

Round 2 – Into the Fire
Deployment: Vanguard Strike
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Fuel Dump: Models which start their movement phase in contact with the base of a fuel dump terrain piece and do not move, may treat any ‘flamer’-type weapons (see BRB/codex or ask the TO) as having the Torrent special rule for that turn. Note: There will be two fuel dump terrain pieces in the board center on all boards for this round.
Experimental Force Field Generator: Models which are in contact with the base of an Experimental Force Field Generator terrain piece have a 4+ invulnerable save whilst they remain in contact with the base. This does NOT apply to zooming flyers or swooping FMC’s. Note: each player may place one Experimental Force Field Generator terrain piece in his deployment area.

Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss):): 4 Objectives (Labelled 1 to 4). One objective is placed in the center of each table quarter (12" in from the long table edge, 18" in from the short table edge).
Major Win: Player controls at least 3 more objectives than his opponent
Minor Win: Player controls more objectives than his opponent
Draw: Both players control the same number of objectives
Minor Loss: Player controls 1-2 fewer objectives than his opponent
Major Loss: Player controls 3+ fewer objectives than his opponent

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Tactical Objectives. Objectives 1 to 4 use the objectives placed for the Alpha mission. Objective 5 is placed by player 1 in his own deployment area. Objective 6 is placed by player 2 in his own deployment area. Tactical objectives are generated as per Tournament Mission Rules.
A major win is scored if a player has at least 4VP more than his opponent
A minor win is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP more than his opponent
A draw is scored if both players are within 1VP of their opponent
A minor loss is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP less than their opponent
A major loss is scored if a player has 4VP or more less than their opponent

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules

Round 3 – Scorched Earth
Deployment: Dawn of War
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Fuel Dump: Models which start their movement phase in contact with the base of a fuel dump terrain piece and do not move, may treat any ‘flamer’-type weapons (see BRB/codex or ask the TO) as having the Torrent special rule for that turn. Note: each player may place one fuel dump terrain piece in his deployment area.
Experimental Force Field Generator: Models which are in contact with the base of an Experimental Force Field Generator terrain piece have a 4+ invulnerable save whilst they remain in contact with the base. This does NOT apply to zooming flyers or swooping FMC’s. Note: each player may place one Experimental Force Field Generator terrain piece in his deployment area.
Damaged Fission Reactor: Models which are in contact with the base of a Damaged Fission Reactor terrain piece must roll a D6 at the end of the owning player’s turn. On a 6 the model takes a wound with no saving throw of any kind allowed, or if a vehicle model it loses a hull point with no saving throw of any kind allowed. This DOES include zooming flyers and swooping FMC’s.Note: There will be one Damaged Fission Reactor Terrain piece in the board center.

Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Tactical Objectives. Place Objectives 5 and 6 along the center line of the table, 18” in from each board edge. Objective 1 is placed by player 1 in his own deployment area. Objective 2 is placed by player 2 in his own deployment area. Objective 3 is then placed by player 1 in the deployment area of player 2, Objective 4 is placed by player 2 in the deployment area of player 1. All objectives must be at least 6” from the board edge and 12” from any other objective. Tactical objectives are generated as per Tournament Mission Rules
A major win is scored if a player has at least 4VP more than his opponent
A minor win is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP more than his opponent
A draw is scored if both players are within 1VP of their opponent
A minor loss is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP less than their opponent
A minor loss is scored if a player has 4VP or more less than their opponent

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): 2 objectives – use objectives 1 and 2 placed as part of the alpha mission.
A major win is scored if a player controls both objectives
A minor win is scored if a player controls 1 more objective more than his opponent
A draw is scored if both players control the same number of objectives
A minor loss is scored if a player controls 1 less objective than their opponent
A major loss is scored if a player has 2 less objectives than their opponent

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules

Paint Scores:
These will be part of the 'Best Overall' award. Your paint score will be added to your battlepoint score to create the total score.
The paint score will be scored by totaling the scores from the following categories:
Note that we are not putting any 'hard' rules here about painting quality - slapping 3 colors on different parts of models won't count as 'basic standard'. A reasonable effort to put colors on the appropriate parts of a model will count. 'Good tabletop standard' includes basic shading (washes or dry-brushing done to a reasonable standard would count for this). A model counts as ‘Based’ if the base is painted or sculpted appropriately to represent the ground the model is standing on. Transparent flyer bases automatically count as based.
Basic Standard:
0 points: Less than 50% of models painted to basic standard.
2 points: At least 50% of models painted to basic standard.
4 points: At least 75% of models painted to basic standard.
6 points: All models painted to basic standard.

0 points: Less than 50% of models painted to good tabletop standard.
2 points: At least 50% of models painted to good tabletop standard.
4 points: At least 75% of models painted to good tabletop standard.
6 points: All models painted to good tabletop standard.

0 points: Less than 50% of models based.
2 points: At least 50% of models based.
4 points: At least 75% of models painted based.
6 points: All models based.

Details and Freehand:
0 points: No models with detail or freehand work.
2 points: Warlord model has freehand/detail work done.
4 points: Warlord and all Independent characters and unique characters have detail/freehand work.
6 points: All character models have noticeable freehand/detail work done