View Full Version : Blood Angels WIP Blog

02-09-2010, 06:38 PM
So i've started my first attempt at a blog, charting my new Blood Angels Army after a complete re-start in the hobby ( after a goodfour year absence). I'm primarily a painter and like to share tips with fellow hobbyists, so if you fancy a read (only two posts so far) feel free to check it out, more pics to come when I work my camera out!


02-09-2010, 08:03 PM
You seem to be going for a very crimonsish red, as an oldschool guy I'm used to more orangey red. Other than that you're off to a nice start.

P.S.: stared better at the zoomed image, one way you could easily improve the look is with a white dot on the lenses to convey the glass feeling, and a quick wash on the chest aquila.

I also noticed you went with the red shoulder trim (some sources have them with a black trim, with sergeants having black pads with red trim).

02-09-2010, 08:27 PM
Looks good. I'd maybe add some highlights or a wash to the chestpiece to give it some depth. I'm personally waiting to paint my BAs until the new stuff comes out; I know there will be all kinds of yummy accessories and other goodness to add to my BAs that I already have.

02-10-2010, 04:14 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, I did an Ogryn Flesh wash to the chest aquila, it looks shaded in my hand, but didn't convey so well through the photograph, I only have one lamp you see, but my photos will hopefully improve soon. Dreadnought nearly done... Perhaps a Devlan mud wash would help enhance the aquila?

I went with the more crimson red as I feel it looks more realistic, I found the orangey one a bit too bright and garish for me personally, and I went with the red shoulder pad rims in keeping with my more recent theme.

I didnt want to overdo the red highlight as it can end up looking orange with too much, so went for subtlety.

Thanks again! Check my blog soon for more pics!

Cheers :)

02-10-2010, 04:17 AM
I'm personally waiting to paint my BAs until the new stuff comes out; I know there will be all kinds of yummy accessories and other goodness to add to my BAs that I already have.

I'm only painting up some troops and the dreadnought from AoBR, by the time I've done these it'll be April anyway and I can buy lots of the shiny new stuff too! I also managed to get Brother Noctis from Space Hulk to use as a commander which I can't wait to paint up!

02-10-2010, 04:53 AM
Even in recent pictures there's a huge mismatch, it's not like Black Templars (or Salamanders) who were consistently retconned.

Damn GW, I hate when the heraldry is inconsistent.

02-10-2010, 07:11 AM
Perhaps it's due to the nature of painting red, a slight variation in technique can give a completely different finish, it's one of the strangest colours to paint in that respect, I do wish there was a way to get a Blood Red colour with a higher pigment content, that would make my painting about 5 times faster than it is.

Súil Dubh
02-10-2010, 06:28 PM
Even in recent pictures there's a huge mismatch, it's not like Black Templars (or Salamanders) who were consistently retconned.

Damn GW, I hate when the heraldry is inconsistent.

I've given up on the "official" heraldry for exactly the same reason. I've designed a few of my own schemes and just stick to those.

02-10-2010, 08:02 PM
Two small recommendations/suggestions:

For the aquila, I've found that you should do exactly what you did, except try gryphonne sepia for your wash. Then, use whatever gold you used for your aquila and mix it up with some mithril silver (a 1:1) would be fine, and highlight it with that. I personally hate the whole NMM gold for aquilas, so I think you're on the right track with what you're doing.

For the red, Everyone should try out privateer's Khador red. I think the pigment in it is a bit better than any other red I've used, but it's certainly worth trying.

Keep up the good work.

02-10-2010, 08:04 PM
Oh oh! And remember to put your Space Hulk Lorenzo on a base! It looks like he's going to be a unit upgrade in the new dex.

02-11-2010, 03:54 AM
Well, the drops for company marking and the kneepads for squad markings are pretty consistent, it's just the trim that doesn't stick too much.

02-11-2010, 04:10 AM
Oh oh! And remember to put your Space Hulk Lorenzo on a base! It looks like he's going to be a unit upgrade in the new dex.

Ahh it's only Noctis I actually have, I liked his pose the best, directing his unit into battle, so I got him off eBay, makes a perfect commander I think. Will take your tips for the aquila into consideration thanks!

EDIT: And I've put him on a base anyway to match the other termies.

02-11-2010, 02:17 PM
I really like that paint job. It's crisp and I really like the red coverage. I can't wait to see the Dreadnought! Get ready for that new codex. You've only gotta paint about 5 more.

PS. I tried to post a comment on the blog but the approval area when I put in the comment was cut off by the bottom of your template.

02-16-2010, 01:33 PM
I really like that paint job. It's crisp and I really like the red coverage. I can't wait to see the Dreadnought! Get ready for that new codex. You've only gotta paint about 5 more.

PS. I tried to post a comment on the blog but the approval area when I put in the comment was cut off by the bottom of your template.

I've just changed the layout so commenting shouldn't be an issue in any browser now...

Oh and updates in progress, don't suppose someone has any useful tips on photographing miniatures? I know there's a lot on the web but I just can't seem to get the pics to show all the details that are actually on the models... Maybe it's red, I don't know.

02-16-2010, 04:17 PM
Updated the blog with Dreadnought pics! C&c welcome of course!

