View Full Version : 1850 Iyanden ghost warriors

12-10-2014, 04:15 PM
Eldar Ghostwarriors 1850
I've been working up an iyanden based Eldar army. Reasonably competitive but I get to keep my friends, friendly tournament ready (aiming for best painted anyway...).

HQ - Spiritseer 70

2x 5 Wraithguard (D-scythe)
Wave serpent (canon/scatter) 710

1x 5 Wraithguard (wraith canon)
Wave serpent (canon/scatter) 305

Fast attack
Crimson hunter 160 (a lot of air power round here)
7 swooping Hawks 112


2 Wraith Knights 480


How does it look? Have I got the correct proportion of scythe to canon etc???

Any advice much appreciated.
My painted stuff:


leave some comments, motivate me to paint!

wayne williams
12-10-2014, 04:37 PM
love your painting and love eldar so very much loocking foreward to seeing what you do.

12-11-2014, 11:28 AM
Cheers! But that means actually painting...

Dave Mcturk
12-12-2014, 05:20 AM
crimson hunters are an expensive luxury even at 1850pts. youve got a heavy slot spare. stick some reapers in there to taste.

i run a flakarch [2 st7 flak shots at full bs] but even 5 ordinary reapers with ignore jink can cause problems for flyers [10 st 5 shots needing 6's] but good against all bikes as well.

and although hawks are cheaper - i prefer warp spiderz for the same job - 12 ST7 shots against light vehicles is better than 7 haywire' [7 haywire = 2 misses 1 pen and five glances before saves and youve got to get personal] [12 st 7 gives at least the same up to armour 12 and then you bounce away]

and although two kniggits is not as insulting as three its still not going to make you popular ! :eek:

[and youve got the wraithcannon for heavy vehicles [a13+] - id stick an extra wraithgun in that squad and run the seer with the scytheguard]

wayne williams
12-12-2014, 05:36 AM
also forgeworlds shadow spectres would fit in with the whole ghost army theme and they can act as tank hunters . how effective they actually are i couldnt say though.

12-12-2014, 08:09 AM
Shadow spectres look REALLY pretty, later though.

Dark reapers are a little static for me, there's lots of drop-pod and deep striking unpleasantness round here. They'll be heavy flamered/rapid fire boltered turn 2. I did have the same hawk/spider debate but I painted some spiders in the 90s, they looked good back then. If Jez Goodwin could update the models is be all over them!

I know, 2 Knights isn't going to make friends but they're so pretty and so good!

Edit: damn you iphone auto fill!!!

12-12-2014, 05:09 PM
My 2 cents to the army composition:

You need another Spiritseer with 3 Squads of Wraithguard; in a pinch being able to cast Voice of Twilight either of the two will allow you a greater range of mobility once you army spread out across the board.

And with 3 Shuffle-Serpents* the Crimson Hunter is somewhat redundant as an AA-option; two of them are already doing reasonably well against most flyers (unless of course you have house rules prohibiting the use of the Serpent Shield as a weapon)

And if you want to take advantage of making a Wraithknight your Warlod, one of options with Shield is better as it will attrack the opponents attention even more than a WK would usually do, and then even 5++ is better than no invurnable.

*my term for Scatter Laser/Shuriken Cannon Serpents

I offer up my Iyanded army for comparison:

2 Spiritseers
1 Farseer

5 Wraithguard with Cannons
5 Wraithguard with Cannons
5 Wraithguard with Scythes, Serpent with Scatter/SCannon/Holofields
5 Wraithguard with Scythes, Serpent with Scatter/SCannon/Holofields

Heavy Support:
Wraithknight with Sun Cannon/Shield & Scatter Laster
Fire Prism with Holofields
Fire Prism with Holofields

It does reasonably well, except against my usual Tyranid opponent (Mawgons), I got very nice games and hard-fought victories out this list.... Fire Prism don't perform as well as I 'd like though

12-13-2014, 01:30 AM
I had thought similar on the grav tanks but night spinners instead of the prisms for anti hord/IG blob goodness.

I'm starting with 1000 (only just got the codex).

5 scythe in serpent
5 canon in serpent
Wraith knight

Got my son getting his dad Eldar for Christmas. I'll get some games in probably March time!

12-13-2014, 07:12 AM
Personally, I think over loading on wraith units is a mistake, as is over emphhasizing anti-infantry over anti-tank and short range fire power over long range. Eldar are an army of specialists, take multiple units and let them do their thing.

12-15-2014, 01:43 AM
That's what I did originally, collecting aspects/troop choices. Also wanted to avoid avengers and dragons in serpent spam. The list will evolve over time, once this version is painted and has had a few outings I'll expand the model count.

I'll keep this thread alive and report back on progress, I'll back it up with a painting log too (once I start painting).

Fluff wise doing them as Mymeara colour scheme, using wraiths to fight back from extinction (So there will be shadow spectres at some point)

wayne williams
12-15-2014, 06:39 AM
yay shadow spectres i love those mini,s look foreward to seeing yours

12-22-2014, 06:38 AM
yay shadow spectres i love those mini,s look foreward to seeing yours

I do too, be a while though...

wayne williams
12-22-2014, 09:41 AM
so what are you going to paint first. what made the final cut for your army? as for the shadows no worries we can be patient .

12-25-2014, 11:43 AM
Santa claws brought a spirit seer and a box of Wraithguard, so got a Mymeara scheme worked out. Just need painting time now...