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02-09-2010, 01:20 PM
So I've been playing Tau for about three or four years now, and to be honest I really don't think they need a new codex. Sure there are a few things that could be tweeked a bit, (like the points cost of the devilfish) but all in all I feel it's still a very solid codex. But still change is inevitable and whether I approve or not there will be a new codex sooner or later and I was just wondering what kind of new stuff would you put into the new Tau codex if you were the one calling the shots. Heres some things Id like to see.

1. Close Combat Battlesuit!!! Im talking about a big battlesuit with some big ole' three fingered powerfist!

2. Some fire warriors with jet packs and duel pulse pistols. In my mind im picturing a squad of jango fett firewarriors. (I love star wars) Also give them a sweet special character with a power sword that looks like a samurai sword.

3. Plastic barracudas!!! To say F your valks.

So theres a few of my ideas now tell me yours! Come on dreamers WOW me!

02-09-2010, 01:28 PM
I'd love to see Kroot expanded (especially with the Kroot Mercs codex becoming old and impractical). A few kroot HQs and a fast attack/elite kroot unit would be great to see.

It'd be nice to have more options for scoring units, like an HQ which makes stealth suits or pathfinders scoring.

02-09-2010, 02:13 PM
Well...I would like to see them focus more on tau and their experimental gear. The thing that makes tau intresting is that they are focused on Shooty stuff and that they evolve.

1: Battlesuits that look decent and more smaller and bigger versions.

2: More Kroot options.

3: Not going the way of the spacemarines and special charst to boost certainthings.

4: Flyers..barracudas

5: Deepstriking!!!!

02-09-2010, 02:26 PM
1 kroot variants- ccw+pistol, plastic hounds, cavalry, scouts/snipers

2 plastic pathfinders

3 honour guard pulse rifles+swords

4 different sizes+variants of battlesuit (inc.XV22) and more posable

5 barracuda

6 super fast flyer deploying jet pack fire warriors and battlesuits

7 new inventive wargear

02-09-2010, 02:32 PM
Spacemarines are not the only ones with special characters that boost. Orks with snikrot, eldar with phoenix lords. Why shouldn't Tau get them? And what do you mean by deepstriking? Do you want a Tau drop pod? Honestly though that would be cool, I don't know why every army doesnt use them.

02-09-2010, 02:39 PM
Highly unlikely to get CC suits. I always thought that the tau thought hand to hand comabt to be an uncivilised form of combat.

More close combat Orientated kroot would be good though.

Drew da Destroya
02-09-2010, 02:41 PM
Farsight should make Battlesuits scoring units, like the Crimson Fists guy (Pedro?). Not actually troops, so you'll still need some Fire Warriors.

Definitely expand the Kroot a bit... it'd be sweet to see a Master Shaper HQ, and maybe a kommando-style Elite unit. And seriously, break the Hounds into their own squad, make them "Beasts" (12" charge, fleet) and Fast Attack. Krootox can stay in the Carnivore squads... they act pretty nicely as weapon/leader upgrades. And for gods sake, give them all Assault weapons. Rapid fire on assault troops? Ugh.

02-09-2010, 02:44 PM
Farsight should make Battlesuits scoring units, like the Crimson Fists guy (Pedro?). Not actually troops, so you'll still need some Fire Warriors.

Now thats my favorite idea yet!!!

02-09-2010, 05:37 PM
Hoping for Tarellian 'Dog' Soldiers, human auxilaries, and other aliens (possibly expanded Kroot/Vespid options) so I could start working on a mercenary army.

02-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Spacemarines are not the only ones with special characters that boost. Orks with snikrot, eldar with phoenix lords. Why shouldn't Tau get them? And what do you mean by deepstriking? Do you want a Tau drop pod? Honestly though that would be cool, I don't know why every army doesnt use them.

I would preffere it they made upgrades like the once you can get from special chars a upgrade for normal HQ choices instead. Like They did with Ork warbosses and Mekaniaks aka. buy a tau leader of this kind and one unit can be bought as troops or buy another type and you can get more heavy options. Something in that direction.

I am not thinking about a drop pods for them, since tau are pretty much all ready transported around in one. The Devilfish is fully sealed and is capable of controlled drops. I always found it strange that both eldar and tau where not able to deepstrike their units in Falcons and Devilfish transporters. Would make up for the huge cost of both.

02-09-2010, 06:36 PM
I'd love to see Kroot expanded (especially with the Kroot Mercs codex becoming old and impractical). A few kroot HQs and a fast attack/elite kroot unit would be great to see.

It'd be nice to have more options for scoring units, like an HQ which makes stealth suits or pathfinders scoring.

All Kroot army FTW.

Seriously, I love the idea of nothing but Kroots, and they should be expanded and given the chance to fight on their own, the Kroot Merc dex is not a bad read at all.

Also, I want to see redesigns of the battlesuits, the current ones are butt-ugly (imo) and GW should look to FW for inspiration on these. They are the big reason I have not expanded my basic Tau army.

I want to see Shadowsun's suit having come into full production, and see some new HQ units, expanded fluff, show that they are slowly dominating (whether they are or not, the codex will be propaganda to boost morale anyways).

Either release plastic Vespids with completely redone profile, or drop them altogether for Vulture Kroot (maybe that can be how the Vulture Kroot get their wings, from eating all the damn Vespids).

Anyways, regardless, I cannot wait for the new dex and all the goodies that come with it.

02-09-2010, 09:12 PM
I doubt that Stealth Suits will be scoring. That's just TOO unfair.

Same goes for any Crisis Suit being able to hold objectives. Think about if your opponent did that to you. Can't see me! <BIG GUNS FIRING!> Ha ha, can't see me - again!

I DO like the idea of expanding the Kroot. The models are fantastic. Being to field an All-Kroot Army would rule! And shouldn't be too difficult to expand on the line.

Adding in the Air Caste would make the skies a lot more dangerous!

02-09-2010, 09:52 PM
No CC. Tau are cool because they are different. CC crisis suits would be like male sisters of battle, possibly interesting but just wrong.

New suit designs w/ strengthened ankles so that I don't have to put every suit on a flying base.

A complete redo of the fire warrior kit. Building tactical squads has shown me how much potential a plastic troop sprue has. The fire warrior kit is seriously lacking in diversity and customization.

Basic drones are kind of boring. Maybe some options other than shield or marker drones.

02-09-2010, 10:48 PM
I do not think a cc unit would be ideal, I would prefer to see something that is very short ranged, that can sort of bounce in and out of combat, completely being a pain in the opponents sphincter, popping a mini here and there. But once they are caught by the opposing unit, they may as well get their ceremonial butt plugs out, cause it is game over for them.

02-09-2010, 11:05 PM
You do realize you've been describing the XV9 "Hazard" close support armour (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/acatalog/TAU_BATTLESUITS.html) for a while now?

02-09-2010, 11:36 PM
The Niccisar

More races!

My friend has an idea for 'Broadside' standin. It is a 'rock' alien (think galaxy quest) that has shoulder mounted seeker missiles and uses a twin-linked raingun with a rifle grip, and an arm mounted shield generator. Such a great idea!

The tau have plenty of 'tau' (per say) it would be really cool to see the 'Empire' aspect. The dozens and dozens of races that make up the Tau Empire.

02-10-2010, 12:38 AM
I doubt that Stealth Suits will be scoring. That's just TOO unfair.

Same goes for any Crisis Suit being able to hold objectives. Think about if your opponent did that to you. Can't see me! <BIG GUNS FIRING!> Ha ha, can't see me - again!

I DO like the idea of expanding the Kroot. The models are fantastic. Being to field an All-Kroot Army would rule! And shouldn't be too difficult to expand on the line.

Adding in the Air Caste would make the skies a lot more dangerous!

Stealth suits need something to be competitive, scoring might be a bit much but perhaps just cheaper or a good weapon option would do them.

Also, JSJ tactics are really almost impossible with TLOS rules. A special character to make crisis suits scoring(or troops) isn't as overpowered as you think.

Kroot are sweet, and an easy fix. 6+ save default, let the shaper take a power weapon, or have rending. Maybe make krootox not suck, pump out a plastic knarloc. instant kroot army.

And I'd love to be able to field more fast skimmers than.... the imperial guard..... something not quite right with them having skimmer superiority...

02-10-2010, 03:57 PM
You do realize you've been describing the XV9 "Hazard" close support armour (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/acatalog/TAU_BATTLESUITS.html) for a while now?

Yup, love the model, have been following closely since the first leaked photos, but unfortunately I do not count that since it is FW and it is so easy to run into people not willing to accept IA rules.

If GW put something along those lines in the new dex (which they would be silly not to), it might just give that extra bit of flexibility.

02-10-2010, 08:51 PM
1- Some sort of suicide drone, which blows itself up.
2- Give pathfinders a boost to their cover saves
3- More markerlights accross the army, particularly networked ones.
4- Markerlights getting assualt 1, instead of heavy 1
5- Battlesuits being bs4 base, with an upgrade to bs5
6- Lower costed tanks and devilfish
7- Pulse rifle improved, either to assault 1/heavy 2 or rapid fire at 24"

02-10-2010, 09:20 PM
1- Some sort of suicide drone, which blows itself up.That is against Tau doctrine and mindset. The only reason they would sacrifice a drone is to protect a Tau life. Otherwise, all their AI is not expendable. Any excuse to throw suicide drones in would be like the Tau revolutionizing their mindset and suddenly producing close combat battlesuits.

Plus, if they didn't give suicide bombers to Tyranids, Imperial Guard, nor Orks, they won't give them to Tau.

Drew da Destroya
02-11-2010, 01:41 AM
That is against Tau doctrine and mindset. The only reason they would sacrifice a drone is to protect a Tau life. Otherwise, all their AI is not expendable. Any excuse to throw suicide drones in would be like the Tau revolutionizing their mindset and suddenly producing close combat battlesuits.

Plus, if they didn't give suicide bombers to Tyranids, Imperial Guard, nor Orks, they won't give them to Tau.

It's arguable that Spore Mines and Marbo are suicide bomber units... but your point still stands.

Flamer-carrying Drones would be pretty cool to see, actually. Different gun drone options, really.

02-11-2010, 01:57 AM
I'd like to see drones treated as jetpack infantry all the time, or at least be given Relentless all the time. I feel like that would go a long way to making fire warriors more customizable for different mission roles even without new drone types.

02-11-2010, 07:56 AM
That is against Tau doctrine and mindset. The only reason they would sacrifice a drone is to protect a Tau life. Otherwise, all their AI is not expendable. Any excuse to throw suicide drones in would be like the Tau revolutionizing their mindset and suddenly producing close combat battlesuits.

Plus, if they didn't give suicide bombers to Tyranids, Imperial Guard, nor Orks, they won't give them to Tau.

First off... this topic is a wish list. As you mention, the point of their AI's is to protect tau life. Here you go with some sample rules... Defender drone: xx points, purchased as wargera like an attached gun/shield/marker drone. When a unit with defender drone is assaulted, the defender drone detonates doing d6, s4 ap3 hits to the assaulting unit at initiative 10. These casualties count towards combat resolution. Easy, not over the top and totally fluffy.

Second off... bomb squigs certainly are suicide units. As are spore mines. So both Orks and Tyranids have them. On top of that... I really don't see GW pushing human suicide bombers as an effective toy product even though suicide bombers used to be in the IG codex. Aliens or robots on the other hand are different stories. Remember the 3rd ed Necron scarab rules? Those were suicide units.

Drew da Destroya
02-11-2010, 09:37 AM
Bomb Squigs are wargear/weapon options, so they don't really count. You don't actually buy a unit of bomb squigs and set them loose on the table (although that would be loads of fun!)

02-11-2010, 09:54 AM
Tau Wish list

Harbinger Drone controller:
Transports 12 drones
Burst cannon: S5 AP5 Heavy 3 18”
War gear: Repair nodes, automated repair nodes replace the slots where a devil fish would carry its two drones. The repair nodes confer FNP to drones with in 12”
Locator beacon that allows deep striking drones to not deviate if they land with in 6”

Plastic Barracuda flyer

Allow devil fish to deep strike

All marker lights are networked, with a rules rewrite that any unit with a marker light can fire it at any time during the shooting phase regardless if the unit has fired its other weapons or not.

All Drones would be fearless but could choose to fail a moral check if the owner wants.
(Why would a robot get scared and run away!?)

Heavy Gun drones for HS slot. And more options for heavy gun drones, like fusion blaster and missile pods even plasma rifles.

Battle suit upgrades:

Power weapon (Ah La Optimus Prime) for HQ war gear option, and maybe for Team leaders.

Make them T5

Increase battle suit BS to BS 4 for but make the targeting array only available for team leaders.

All battle suits have the Hit and Run USR (photon grenades for battle suits make them I5 for purposed of hit and run)

Make photon grenades available for battle suits; also make flechette dischargers available for battle suits.

FW need a few things, like flechette dischargers (I would assume that they planted claymores around the perimeter) Also FW with Photon grenades should be counted as I5 for purposes of sweeping advance checks. That way you’re not always getting wiped out because you took 3 casualties, failed your LD and testes with I2!

Path finders should have +1 to their cover saves and the stealth rule just like stealth suits.

02-11-2010, 10:07 AM
All Drones would be fearless but could choose to fail a moral check if the owner wants.
(Why would a robot get scared and run away!?)

self preservation routines, drones aren't free and making them suicidal would promote wasteful spending.

02-11-2010, 12:31 PM
What about when drones are with firewarriors and when they fail their leadership (like they almost always do) have a drone stay behind for a failsafe detonator not to hurt the enemy but to make sure that there will be no pursuit. I dont know im just brainstorming.

02-11-2010, 02:45 PM
I like how most of these wishlists are basically "make us kill things in assault" whether it's suicide drones or power weapons. both with are quite much against the tau mindset.

I've played my friends Tau army a couple of time and wasted it about a million times with my Templars and what I would like to see is:

Devilfishes, fast skimmers possibly with turboboost.

Drones fearless with the option to fall back. (lets face it, it's silly that they get scared)

An HQ (special character?) that would allow first round deep striking

More Kroot options

Make the Ethereals useful

A unit of survivors from farsights enclave, Firewarriors equipped with pulsecarbines, allowed to take some medium weapons, flame throwers and plasma. They would fallback as soon as they got assaulted with a special move that ignored the opponents initiative.

As they are supposed to represent the modern army I'd like to see some airstrikes or artillery back up.

02-11-2010, 03:33 PM
Make the Ethereals useful

You bring up a good point, but how could they make the ethereals worth a damn?

Does anyone think that an ethereal in a battle suit would screw with the fluff, as I can see thats what most of you are the most concerned with.

02-11-2010, 03:34 PM
You could make the Ethereals the hardcore cc unit. They could be looking all crippled and old in their chair, and then BAM, they turn into Yoda, flippin round, slapping people with their ceremonial sticks of doooom.

02-11-2010, 03:37 PM
You could make the Ethereals the hardcore cc unit. They could be looking all crippled and old in their chair, and then BAM, they turn into Yoda, flippin round, slapping people with their ceremonial sticks of doooom.

Fantastic sir... simply fantastic

02-11-2010, 03:43 PM
I don't know about sticks of doom but I do know this. If an Ethereal takes the field? He damn well better be prepared to survive on said battlefield.

He should have shields. A way to get the hell out of there. And bodyguards who can do their job VERY well.

Oh and a point to being there too....

02-11-2010, 03:52 PM
IG gets the Valk, Nids the Trygon ... hmmm so I would like to see:

The Orca! I think its possible to make a simple plastic kit in the price range of the above mentioned kits.

Ruleswise i like to see the rapid deployment rule of the older FW IA Books. Antigrav, fast, heavier than the valk roundabout 12/12/11 with inbuild distruption pod. Light weaponary but the possiblity to bring about three units excl. the orca out of the reserve onto the field.

For the Krisis T5 will be a nice boost.

Kroot: Opts from the FW range.

Vespids: Cheaper, 18" weapon range, 4+ save will help a bit

02-11-2010, 04:30 PM
What would the tau's new weapons be like I wonder?

Shas'O D'Narb
02-11-2010, 08:17 PM
Tau turret. Would help alleviate Tau difficulties holding objectives.

02-23-2010, 08:39 PM
Vehicle upgrade to allow all vehicles to deep strike.

Heavy Broadside - 1 pilot with 1 gunner "co-pilot" attached to chest or back in secondary cockpit. Model would be about half again as big as current broadside. 2 twin-linked rail guns, 2 on shoulders and 2 on arms. If it does not move, then each occupant can fire a twin-linked rail gun at different targets. If it does move, pilot is handling that while gunner has to fire both twin-linked rail guns at the same target. Probably add smart missiles fired from back.

Upgrade for firewarriors to have light battle suits, similar to old stealth suit models. Then the new egg shaped ones can be the only stealth suits left on the block. Probably limit to one unit only. Better weaponry can then be taken.

Either through HQ's or otherwise, being able to have an all deep strike army or all stealth army. Would have to be expensive though.

If BS is not increased above 3 on average, then give marker lights +2 to BS. One marker light hit would remove entire cover save of target.

Marker lights could be fired in 2 modes, Heavy 1 or Assault 1. Change range and/or BS adjustment based upon firing mode.

Pulse carbines Assault 2.

More troops choices.

I prefer "pure" Tau and don't like playing the other races. That being said, I converted Human auxiliaries before and still have them laying around. Either no other races, or more. It seems like they're on the fence with only Kroot and Vespid's available right now.

Do something with Ethereal's. They either have to be really good (and priced accordingly) or removed to only the fluff. Not sure exactly what here.

02-23-2010, 09:06 PM
I'd love to see Kroot expanded (especially with the Kroot Mercs codex becoming old and impractical). A few kroot HQs and a fast attack/elite kroot unit would be great to see. I was actually thinking that, to fit the Kroot theme of dietary evolution, to allow just one unit entry for Kroot, the basic Carnivore squad. But allow certain FOC chart modifying options. For example, a squad can choose to take no hounds and take extra krootox (say like five) and count as a heavy support choice. Maybe even allow for two free krootox as a tradeoff to them being HS, and allow them to choose between a Kroot Gun or a Kroot Bolt Thrower.In contrast, a squad with no krootox but max kroot hounds can receive a few extra kroot hounds and the fleet special rule. Maybe even give each kindred two options: a kindred option and a evolutionary option. Kindred option will be something like extra kroothound/Krootox/FOC chart placement, while evolutionary will be an ability in addition to the kindred option. Like poison weapons, FNP, Furious Chare, Extra BS, etc. I'd also allow eveyr kndred to take a shaper with a myruad of weapon options.

I would also like to see Gue'vesa implemented. Maybe a gue'vesa platoon.

02-25-2010, 12:22 AM
Vehicle upgrade to allow all vehicles to deep strike.

Heavy Broadside - 1 pilot with 1 gunner "co-pilot" attached to chest or back in secondary cockpit. Model would be about half again as big as current broadside. 2 twin-linked rail guns, 2 on shoulders and 2 on arms. If it does not move, then each occupant can fire a twin-linked rail gun at different targets. If it does move, pilot is handling that while gunner has to fire both twin-linked rail guns at the same target. Probably add smart missiles fired from back..

Sounds like Guntank from Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 :]

Hairy Piggy
02-25-2010, 11:52 AM
I prefer "pure" Tau and don't like playing the other races. That being said, I converted Human auxiliaries before and still have them laying around. Either no other races, or more. It seems like they're on the fence with only Kroot and Vespid's available right now.

I definitely agree with this, either add more species or remove all but the kroot(Who i believe to be an integral part of the Tau empire)

Other things I would LOVE to see:

1. More battlesuit variety
2. Greater knarloc (tyranids got a trygon after all)
3. And finally, a flyer like the valkyrie. Not really sure what the equivalent is, perhaps an orca or barrucuda