View Full Version : Picking a color scheme for my Undivided CSM squads

02-09-2010, 10:48 AM
So I was looking through pages 18-24 of the CSM codex for a scheme to paint my Undivided CSM. I came across the Sons of Vengeance scheme and thought "Hey, this looks pretty cool." With that being said, how do you think I could achieve the red and blue stipling effect?
I was also thinking about using either the Knights of Blood or Company of Misery schemes. The Knights of Blood scheme would probably look neat with Berserkers. (seeing as they are Khornite warriors after all)
The Sanctified scheme would work well for my regular CSM. Are those yellow marks around the neck supposed to be like cracks of magma in volcanic rock?

Ideas and comments about any scheme would be appreciated!

02-09-2010, 12:41 PM
You basically have 3 options. All three of them would involve painting one of the colors on first, and I would recommend a wash to bring out the depth of the model.

You can do spots one at a time by hand, which is slow. You can do actual stippling with an old stiff brush, which works fine with some practice. Or.... you can get an old toothbrush, load it up with watered down paint, and use your finger to flick paint globs on your models. That method will be fastest if you can get the hang of it. Oh yeah, lay down some newspaper for that technique...