View Full Version : The Faithful Few - Crimson Sabres 4th Company

12-05-2014, 06:41 PM
I figured I'd move my Crimson Sabres 4th Company into their own log. I think they deserve it.

So firstly, here's the Squad that kicked it all off.

I managed to rough them up a little with a chipping technique and the new(ish) technical line from GW. The technical paints are an okay method, but I found I don't love the affect against red. It does look a lot better over metal. Painting chips out of the armour I found gave me a more satisfying look, but didn't stress the fact that they were cut off from normal supply lines.
I sprayed the backpacks/power plants and shoulder pads with white primer separately and unattached. Then I hit them with a heavy was and reapplied white to get the depth and finish I wanted. That saved a lot of time and mental anguish of painting white over black.
I tossed in a few Forge World parts I had lying around just to make them look a little more ramshackle. I just received a bunch of FW bolters, but I can't find the motivation to remove and replace all these. I think the next squad will get them.
The blonde guy with the flipped up hair is an idea I shamelessly ripped off of Lil'loser's Blood Angels. I find he's a great source of ideas to steal. :) I wanted to have at least one Astarte with his combat knife out, just to show how these guys are a little crazed.

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So I've been working on a few scouts for this army, just to get that 2nd troop choice. I give you Scout Squad Cable.
I wanted them to look a bit more able and grizzled so I used a bunch of the bare heads from the Sternguard set. I always like to mix skin tones, I find that it's a bit more fun and breaks up the monotony of painting only white people's faces. Like all my squads, there is one Astarte kitted out to be the squad marksman, in this case, it's the chap with the scope on his bolter. Go figure.
Oddly, the Sargent looks like my old boss from Kobo. I gave him a bolter from the Sternguard kit, just to make him look like he's armed better than his charges.
I intentionally didn't use any white on these guys because I figured it wouldn't help to skulk around. I went with the grey fatigues just because I thought it went well with the red. I tried a test mini with brown boots, but they looked too much like moccasins, which, while hella comfy, not exactly tough looking.

There's also been some progress made on the assault squad.
I figure that I'll weather them all at the same time.
I found some tiny ceramic bricks out at a hobby store while poking around on a day trip with my girlfriend. You can see them on the assault marine bases. I think I'll do the whole army like this. I can go back and add a brick here or there on the other squads just tie everything together.
It's such tiny work, but man, is it ever meditative.

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Hey guys,
I got my five man sternguard squad finished, though I might go back and add a sixth (-tenth, maybe) member armed with a heavy flamer.
I'm really pleased with how they turned out. I totally stole the gold face mask from Elfaen's Emperor's Children (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?385621-Elfaen-s-Loyalist-Pre-Heresy-Emperor-s-Children&p=7226573#post7226573), but considering how cool it looks, I don't he'll mind.

I was a bit hesitant to use the corrosion effect on them, so pleased as I was with the paint job, but I figured these guys would be in the middle of the thickest firefights, so I had to ding them up a little. All in all I think the weathering turned out okay. I'm still getting the hang of pigments and the like.

Also, I picked up the "Blood for the Blood God" technical paint to make a few guys look slaughter hungry. Check it out.

12-05-2014, 07:13 PM
As for hobby progress, I bought a Stormtalon from a guy on kijiji and it needed a lot of work.
It was provided with only las-cannons, and I wanted to give it missile launchers, so into my bitz box I went. I came up with the Contemptor missile launchers and with some sawing and sanding, fit these bad boys into place.
I couldn't get the cockpit glass off without destroying it, which was a big bummer because I wanted to paint it as though it were lit by the controls at night. Oh well. Next time, right?
I'm really pleased with how the weathering on the engines went. I think I managed to make them look used, but not neglected.
Where I couldn't get the cockpit open, I had to paint it as tinted glass, I'm not thrilled with the result, but I'll take what I can get at this point. If anyone has tips for painting glass, I'd love to hear it.
Also, I just realized I forgot to do the chapter symbols (I am so smrt).

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INDENT]Captain of the 4th Company of the Crimson Sabres Chapter, Dzarton was a powerfully built man, even by Space Marine standards, popular not only among his fellow captains but also the lower-ranked Brothers of the Chapter. Though he did not covet Sevastus Kranon's position, it was no secret that Dzarton would likely lead the Crimson Sabres in the future. Following the massacre on Umidia, and the Crimson Sabres' excommunication after the genocide committed on Demetra, Dzarton willingly followed Chapter Master Kranon into the Eye of Terror in a suicidal campaign to seek glorious martyrdom.

When Kranon changed his mind several standard years later and abandoned their cause, Captain Dzarton departed, taking with him many of the men of his former company and the Chapter warship Pride of Rhogon. He swore that if they ever met again with the rest of the Chapter they would be foes. Captain Dzarton and his fifty-nine followers of the 4th Company re-established a secret base upon their old homeworld of Rhoghon in realspace. It is still rad-contaminated, but it is Dzarton's hope to restore the old Crimson Sabres Chapter to Loyalist purity and service to the Emperor. He vowed to hunt down and slay Kranon as his penance to the Emperor.

Dzarton is finished. I did some glaze work on on his helmet and his lenses, I weathered his legs below the knees with a pigment wash (I've grown to love that technique), and rehighlighted a few parts. I'm always satisfied when I go back and finish these little details, especially on characters.
Also, I decided on the gladius style blade because it fit with the whole comb and Roman style talbard. I find what when you're making your own characters, it's important to find cohesive bitz.
Any way, take a look and tell me what you think.
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5569/14984251610_8e46ba5238.jpg https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3911/14984174049_e668c11b1c.jpg https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3905/14984327348_b2873b3422.jpg

Though, I am really happy I went back and remodelled this guy. It gave me an excuse to use one of my favourite models that I've had knocking around for some time, that special edition captain with the thunder-hammer from 6 or 7 years ago.

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Up next is a wonderful Razorback with FW assault cannon turret. This is a little thing for the sternguard to tool around in, just causing trouble.

The FW turret is a joy. Easy to assemble with no fiddly stupid parts. 10/10 would Forgeworld again.
The rhino is part of a lot I picked up on Kijiji. I cleaned it up as best I could, but there are still some ugly, huge joins where glue has just piled up. Get what you pay for, kids.

Anyhow, it's not in a light box this time, but take a look:

I'm really pleased with the weathering effects. The chipping was done with a sponge and the rust effects are secret weapon powders as usual.
Pro tip: the powders that go on top of dried Typhus Corrosion are going to be super hard to soften with a brush. I had to wet them again to get them back down to acceptable levels of brightness. I haven't varnished it yet, so the weathering should be a little more subtle again when it's sealed.

12-05-2014, 07:29 PM
So, I wish I had something more exciting to show you guys. I did managed to fix up a Rhino for my tac squad.
This was another one that I got used that didn't come with a front visor so I though I would pull something together from plastic card. I think I should have made the viewport a little smaller, but eh, what are you gonna do? I managed to clean up all the joins a bit better this time because of the great advice (and chastising) I got here.

And here it, completed, aside from a coat of varnish. It's raining too hard right now for me to go outside and do it. I did pick up a can of low odour Krylon matte coat which works great and I might be able to use inside when my GF isn't at home. Shhhhhhh....
Anyway, on to the pics!

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Also, I managed to squeeze a game in this weekend at meeplemart in Toronto. They have a great space and a great bunch of people there. Highly recommended if you're in the area, and be sure to look me up.
Any how, here are a few shots of my first 7th edition game.
The Sternguard left their Rhino to grab an objective and to get out of sight of the approaching Wraith Lord in the background.
Assault Squad Sharpe slammed into a vulnerable Guardian squad, but got bogged down in their numbers until a Farseer with a witchblade dispatched them.
The iron spine of the 4th Company, Tac Squad Bradbury along with Librarian Vonneget hold on to the main objective, a secure dustoff point. Librarian Vonneget managed to battle though the Farseer's mental siege to crush a xenos craft designated as a Waveserpent from the sky.
And here, Captain Dzarton rushes forward to slay the xenos leader in single combat.

12-05-2014, 07:40 PM
I sort of feel that the Rhino looks like a shell trap, but whatever.
I have some updates for you, since everyone has been good.
First off, I've finished the Tac Squad with the bionics I was planning. Most of the bionics are from the Iron Hands command squad, while some are home-made. I didn't doa great job of photographing the bionics, so let me know if you want to see better pics.
I've got these guys completed to a standard that I am okay with putting on the table, but there is a bit more to do to them before I can call them finished.
Any how, check them out.

Among the astartes of the Crimson Sabres, Squad Tasitus has always been known as the beating heart of the 4th Company. They are known as the boldest of battle brothers, whose comradery and devotion to one another is beyond reproach. And in the less dire times before the betrayal of their former chapter master, their deeds inspired song and poetry as well as mighty deeds among the rest of the chapter. Insofar as astartes can be, Squad Tasitus are affable and compassionate.
Now, in the dark days of exile, these qualities are more important than ever for the refugees of Drogsh. They often act as a de facto chaplaincy, offering counsel and guidance to their brothers who are more deeply affected by the Voices.
As veteran as they are, they bear hosts of bionics, as the Sabres are unable to grow vat replacement limbs in timely fashion. However, they bear these burdens lightly, often saying that any leg is a good one as long as they can stand together. Each member of the squad now proudly displays these bionic prostheses as marks of honour, though in his more private moments, Sargent Bristol worries that his men have begun to fetishize the replacements.

In addition to the tac squad, I've been working on a new Librarian, as the one I've been gaming with is painted up to run with my Cloud Giants.
Check him out:
Nothing too fancy, just an arm swap, but I like it.
And lastly, I decided to treat myself for my birthday last month with these little fellas.
I've made a few changes here and there. I used the blank butt armour as the groin plates because I think they look a little more practical, which fits the motif I'm trying to go with.

Let me know what you think.

12-05-2014, 11:01 PM
I just realized you're in Toronto, I've mostly been paying attention to the gorgeous models (Loving the weathering, the Assault Squad in particular!) I don't get down to Toronto that often (A few times a year, 5 or 6), and usually don't bring my models because I don't know anyone there, but in the future, I'll definitely keep you in mind! Would love to play against these bad boys or your Cloud Giants.

Darren Richardson
12-06-2014, 02:45 AM
I am so glad you have given these bad boys a thread of their own, they so deserve it man, and so do you for all your hard work.

12-06-2014, 10:38 AM
Yeah I definitely agree with D.R. Looking great! Love the color scheme, and those bricks on the bases look great.

12-06-2014, 05:52 PM
Thanks guys.
Interrogator Chaplain, let me know if you're ever in town. We can grab a beer somewhere near meeplemart.

So, I've had a pretty productive couple of days. I managed to get my Librarian finished up. So I'm pleased to present to you Epistolary Arik Tamblyn, acting Chief Librarian of the Crimson Sabres.

Before the schism that rent his chapter, Tamblyn's abilities set him apart from his battle brothers. So much so that he was seen as aloof, and somewhat distant. Tamblyn did little to help himself; his manner alienated him further. It was widely known and discussed that he took great pride in the deep blue armour of his office, and would fastidiously maintain his wears to the point of affectation. His most common interaction with his fellows was to point out where they might be lacking in adherence to the Codex Astartes, and in a chapter as dogmatic as the Sabres, such criticism did not sit well.
Unsurprisingly, due to his proximity to the unknowable energies of the warp, the Voices tear at the edges of Tamblyn's mind. When not in battle, most of his waking moments are spent plumbing the depths of the immaterial, looking for some alternate solution to rid his brothers of their curse. This burden is harrowing, and as such, Tamblyn has had to reach out to his brothers to sustain his sanity and faith, and for that rare show of humility, he has found acceptance among them.
As an act of solidarity, he has has his armour has been repainted in the colours of the Chapter, though in a pattern adhering to the Codex.
On the fields of war, in the seas of the warp, and with his brothers beside him, Tamblyn seeks only redemption.

Also, I forgot to grab a few snaps of these guys when I got them finished. I rounded out the full squad of Assault Marines. I tooled them up with some plasma pistols, just because I like to have these guys hunt vehicles or the odd special character.
I've splattered these guys with Blood for the Blood God because I figure the most violent astartes would end up covered in gore.

Let me know what you guys think.

Darren Richardson
12-07-2014, 03:01 AM
great work on that Libby, it's nice to finally see him finished.

12-07-2014, 03:43 PM
Librarian looks good, I've always liked that model.

12-07-2014, 03:49 PM
This is totally awesome. I mean, not only are the models beautiful, but it's conceptually really awesome to see someone doing a loyalist splinter of a condemned army. Way to go!

Veteran Sergeant
01-16-2015, 10:31 PM
These are great looking Marines.

Really like your Captain. Where is that segmented shoulder pad from?