View Full Version : Battle Report Builder v1 - comments, feedback and suggestions needed

12-05-2014, 11:01 AM
The following screen shots show version 1, a work in progress, of a new Battle Report buiilder.
A quick run down of elements I have working so far;

Registration, log in and profile
Create and edit report
Select your forces for two teams, two players per team and two detachments per player
Add and display Army Builder HTML files
Add text to each turn and display the text

What is next

The next piece of development is going to be notable events for each turn, or possibly one event for the whole battle. A kind of if you read one thing, read this!
I need to get images working too, as this is going to be a major make or break area.
An MVP or Man of the Match style section would be popular too I think.
I need to also start on outputting the reports in a none editor style.
Battle Scribe list import
Quartermaster list import

Please take a look and feedback back to me your comments on work so far and your ideas!
