View Full Version : Tyranid 2k

12-01-2014, 05:56 PM
My gaming group is getting together this weekend for a... i dunno, mini tournament. There should be 8-10 ppl playing. I wanted to build a list around zoans for it just because I thought it'd be fun and I'd like to try them out combo-ing the horror and leech to see if it generates enough charges to spam WB as well. I'm not really expecting to fight a lot of flyers, had considered a crone or something, but I really shouldn't be playing against a lot of flyers. tbh it'll likely be a lot of marines, chaos, tau, they seem to be the most popular here lately.

At first I was considering the neural node formation for the re-roll 1's on psy tests, but even for that i'm not sure having to take a maleceptor is worth it, it also then tethers the zoans and really isn't hard to focus down the maleceptor to get rid of my re-rolls. Anyways here's the list atm, suggestions would be appreciated except that I take more Devo Flyrants since I only have the one (I really should pick up a second one) and I don't really want to proxy.

Hive Tyrant
Wings, TL Devourer x2 230

Genestealer Brood (5)
Broodlord 130
Genestealer Brood (5)
Broodlord 130
Genestealer Brood (5)
Broodlord 130
Genestealer Brood (5)
Broodlord 130

Zoanthrope Brood (4)
Neurothrope 225
Zoanthrope Brood (4)
Neurothrope 225
Zoanthrope Brood (4)
Neurothrope 225

Spore Mine Cluster (4) 20

Mawloc 140
Mawloc 140
Mawloc 140


Mucolid Spore Cluster (1) 15
Mucolid Spore Cluster (1) 15
Mucolid Spore Cluster (1) 15
Spore Mine Cluster (6) 30
Spore Mine Cluster (6) 30
Spore Mine Cluster (6) 30

2000 pts

The plan is the Mawlocs and Zoans (we'll see) will do most of the bulk work, I'll try and put the zoans like 1/3 of the way up the table behind LoS blocks, have one in each brood move out to cast spells then run back out of sight in the shooting phase. The stealers are just there to stay out of trouble and cast the horror on targets zoans are going to spirit leech, they'll also bail zoans out if I mess up and they get assaulted, or clean up units that are down to a few models, generally the same peek-a-boo strategy as the zoans to cast debuffs mostly. Tyrant will just go where I need the extra firepower, playing conservatively trying not to get killed but I don't have high hopes there since if I'm playing well he'll be one of the few visible targets available for my opponent. Spore mine's are mostly there just to annoy and block movement, give my opponent some targets that need to be shot, avoided, or moved around to help screen my other units. If they manage to kill anything great.

The problems I see coming up, with how many spells I need to cast a turn with this build, I won't likely be able to leave many dice from my base pool for warp blasts most turns and will be relying on leech to generate enough for me to get all my WB casts off. Also I'm relying on psychics for a lot of my dmg and they are generally unreliable in 7th in my experience.

I played a game yesterday and pod'ed a zoan brood in and they did really well with leech and WB. It made me want to try out spamming them. Again, I would appreciate input if anyone has ideas to make this list better without removing the zoans, since that's what I'd like to test.

John Bower
12-01-2014, 06:34 PM
Personally I'd take larger broods of stealers; 5 or 6 are just going to get shot off the board before they get anywhere near especially Tau/Eldar. Just take broods of 3 Zoes (enough to get the neuros) as more is a bit of a waste of points (Without the Neuro's I'd just take 3 singles rather than a blob of 3 - 5 dice is better than 2), Mawlocs are very hit and miss; if they hit they hurt, if they miss they die rapidly; perhaps take Tervigon for one of them? That way at least can generate some more troops. And you have no Venomthropes; they are major boon with a foot list for the cover they grant. I know most stuff ignores cover in some of the armies you're facing but still, worth it for a few extra saves while you cross the board.

12-01-2014, 07:23 PM
My first iteration of this list had a tervigon and only 2 mawlocs, pretty on the fence about that, I may take your advice there actually.

As to the Venomthropes I'm usually 100% right there with you and taking them with foot nids, but Zoans have a 3+ invul so it's wasted on them, and I'd really be trying to stay out of sight in general as much as possible with the stealers and zoans. move out cast move back behind los block with a run move. Stealers wouldn't try and cross the table just cast horror and only assault if zoans get tied up. Which protects them from overwatch since the targets will be engaged already.

Also now that you mention it if i go back to taking the tervigon, I would fit into an ally chart or double cad, then roll those 3 units of 4 into 4 units of 3. Thinking about dropping the mawlocs all together now to take other things... hrm.