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View Full Version : Castellan Rhino Concept

11-30-2014, 09:36 AM
Angel Exterminatus introduced me to the concept of the Castellan Rhino. I totally love the idea and since there are no official rules came up with this as a substitute:

Castellan Rhino
Front Armour 10 Side Armour 12 Rear Armour 10
Can purchase a pintle mounted weapons: heavy bolter, heavy flamer, combi bolter, combi weapon
Conversion: If the Castellan Rhino did not move it can convert between normal and Castellan Mode.

Castellan Mode: Open topped, Immobile
Normal Mode: Tank.

How much should I make mine cost in points?
Do you guys have any suggestions or alternative ideas as to how this vehicle could be brought to the table?

Dave Mcturk
01-24-2015, 01:39 PM
Angel Exterminatus introduced me to the concept of the Castellan Rhino. I totally love the idea and since there are no official rules came up with this as a substitute:

Castellan Rhino
Front Armour 10 Side Armour 12 Rear Armour 10
Can purchase a pintle mounted weapons: heavy bolter, heavy flamer, combi bolter, combi weapon
Conversion: If the Castellan Rhino did not move it can convert between normal and Castellan Mode.

Castellan Mode: Open topped, Immobile
Normal Mode: Tank.

How much should I make mine cost in points?
Do you guys have any suggestions or alternative ideas as to how this vehicle could be brought to the table?

not that it would be approved of in competitions ! ; but we have house ruled most ground and light armour up to higher values.

The proliferation of st4 / st5 shooting and also the 'much reduced' cost of lots of st6 / st7 had meant most things like dreadnoughts / rhinos / DE raiders were just paper.

We have simply given almost every 'light vehicle' an extra armour point - mostly on front armour - but some on sides as well.

without changing points values it has made ground armour [mostly AV12 on front arc] and 'raider style' vehicles [were 10/10/10 - now 11/10/10] much more viable and 'fun' to play with [or against].

the other major change accompanying this is to abandon 'first kill' VP's. so 'blowing up a rhino' is not only a little harder its not an asy way to win a tight game; :eek:

01-26-2015, 08:30 AM
Yeah the vehicle would be a paper thin one but I'm also aiming for something that isn't tons of points whilst functioning fluff wise. Also I forgot to add that by placing the vehicles on their armour 10 sides together makes an armour 12 corner.

To the issue you raised I would be tempted to change glancing to: "on a 4+ the vehicle is stunned, otherwise it is shaken" or "the next penetrating hit you score gains +1 on the vehicle damage table for each glancing hit".