View Full Version : The Absolute Worst Sculpt You Actually Love

11-28-2014, 01:52 PM
As always, this is a simple enough thread.

There are many, many sculpts out there that we love, and many we hate. But which sculpts do you love, despite remaining fully aware that they are technically horrible models? Models whose failures you cannot justify, but still adore anyway?

We're not talking 'Crap model, but I use it for the rules'. We're talking 'Crap model but LOOK HOW AWESOME. I mean, I know it's not, BUT IT REALLY IS' secret shame kind of models.


These badasses right here.


I love these old Space Hulk librarians more than I can say. I just can't justify it. Look at them. The proportions are off, their Storm Bolter looks ridiculous, there are practically no details at all. Hideous. Absolutely hideous.

I bloody love this figure, I really bloody do. Can't justify why, won't apologise for it either. The thing's a masterpiece.

So then: what other horrible turkeys find themselves beloved without any possible justification?

Darren Richardson
11-28-2014, 05:58 PM
Rogue Trader Beakies from the RTB01 set, the way they are always squating like they've just messed their pants.....

And yet they are the first Plastic's GW EVER put out so they remain favourites of many people, despite looking so dorky and being so plain to paint....

And yeah the 1st edition termies while are nostalgia cool are technical crap....

Kinda like the Orc's and Gretchen from Space Crusade....

The Space Marines from that game are still cool though, the 1st mark sevens ever made in plastic and the only place you'll get an Assualt Cannon armed Space Marine :D

11-28-2014, 06:22 PM

This derpy Inquisitor. The heads just not right to me. The scale just looks all off............yet it's such a cool model.

11-28-2014, 06:26 PM
The Space Marines from that game are still cool though, the 1st mark sevens ever made in plastic and the only place you'll get an Assualt Cannon armed Space Marin

Count them as Rotor Cannon and they're game legal for 30K! Although there are three real problems there: a.) Mk 7 armour is obviously post Heresy, b.) You'd need at least five of them, and c.) Rotor Cannon are turd.

But still, game legal! :)

Man, Space Crusade was a great, great game.

Arkhan Land
11-28-2014, 11:38 PM
RT Collosus Robots, really all RT robots look incredibly goofy. FW's new sculpts are definetly a great improvement.

11-29-2014, 05:02 AM
Count them as Rotor Cannon and they're game legal for 30K! Although there are three real problems there: a.) Mk 7 armour is obviously post Heresy, b.) You'd need at least five of them, and c.) Rotor Cannon are turd.

But still, game legal! :)

Man, Space Crusade was a great, great game.

I thought MkVII started being produced during heresy. Certainly the original Space marine game had MkVII on the cover.

11-29-2014, 07:13 AM
Yeah, MkVII is quite rare late-Heresy, but became the norm during the Scouring and later. Even the "newest" Space Marine armour is millennia old. :)

11-29-2014, 07:26 AM
Unless you're Salamanders, who appear to have no problems forging their own to the point they're quite happy to cremate dead Marines in full armour...

11-29-2014, 09:22 AM
Well this is all delightful news. I can use more Mk 7 stuff with my SM Legion conversions...


11-29-2014, 09:33 AM
With the number of parts of older marks available now in various Space Marine kits, it's totally possible to do.

11-29-2014, 10:12 AM

THe model itself looks like it was stamped out of a piece of thick flat pewter. Pose is terrible, ambiguously defined details... but I still love it.

11-29-2014, 12:41 PM
Sorry for my Marine armour pedantry btw. But back OT:


11-29-2014, 01:30 PM
Oh man, 1st edition scouts. So stupid. So pretty. The three metal sculpts were superb as well.

If Forge World don't do an updated version of these for either the Horus Heresy line or Black Templar neophytes, they're missing out on a huge opportunity.

Darren Richardson
11-29-2014, 03:28 PM
Sorry for my Marine armour pedantry btw. But back OT:


Oh god yes I remember them, with their blouses :p

I used to own the self contained game they put out in the early 90's Ultra Marines, it had Space Hulk floorplans, and Four Five man sets of those, 20 blousey Marines all told :D

Curiosly I managed to buy a copy of 2nd Edition 40K this month, not quite complete, but it had all the tokens, rules and floorplans for the game in it as well....

11-29-2014, 04:47 PM
That was a great game. Took literally fifteen minutes to play. I randomly managed to win a complete copy on eBay for a few quid; I was well chuffed. It was one of four games GW released at about the same time for sale outside of GW shops (if you can believe such things)! I remember getting my original copy for a fiver from Woolworths in the January sales around 1993 it must have been.

Great game.


11-29-2014, 05:54 PM
Yer I've still got 5 x red, yellow, blue and green scouts...

Arkhan Land
11-29-2014, 06:21 PM
wheres my cardboard ork dread?

11-29-2014, 06:32 PM
wheres my cardboard ork dread?

You may have won this thread.

Someone needs to field an army of those things at some proper, hardcore tournament. When their opponents complain, they just need to ask to see the rules saying the cardboard Deff Dred is no longer permissible, because it was an official model back in 2nd ed...

Darren Richardson
11-30-2014, 04:05 AM
wheres my cardboard ork dread?

My 2nd edition box has one!

and loads of the card components still unpounched!

- - - Updated - - -

That was a great game. Took literally fifteen minutes to play. I randomly managed to win a complete copy on eBay for a few quid; I was well chuffed. It was one of four games GW released at about the same time for sale outside of GW shops (if you can believe such things)! I remember getting my original copy for a fiver from Woolworths in the January sales around 1993 it must have been.

Great game.


Yeah it was so quick, I have almost all the card compents, found out one Marine chart card is missing though, willhave to find a copy somewhere, I can always use current scouts if I want to play it again.

And Yeah I also had the Mighty Warriors set with the Advanced Hero Quest figures, still angry I got rid of both years ago :Angry:

Oh and "A Couple of Quid"?

You lucky sod....

John Bower
12-01-2014, 03:09 AM
Taurox - Everybody hated on it but I've seen a real vehicle (with wheels) that is even butt uglier but when You are inside it looks like - A Taurox.

Kibbles Lil-Bit
12-01-2014, 08:44 AM
This dude right here. This was awesome, despite the sword looking like it won't even cut butter.


Arkhan Land
12-01-2014, 09:10 AM
Greater Demon or Greatest Demon!

Darren Richardson
12-01-2014, 10:26 AM
This dude right here. This was awesome, despite the sword looking like it won't even cut butter.


Greater Demon or Greatest Demon!

Acutally that is a very nicely painted Hero Quest Gargoyle....

And I MEAN nicely painted, I've tried paint several over the years (for some reason they crop up a lot in bitz collections), they are butt ugly and hard to paint well....

Gobskrag 'Eadbasha
12-01-2014, 11:57 AM
These guys right here:

12-01-2014, 01:09 PM
And yet they are the first Plastic's GW EVER put out so they remain favourites of many people, despite looking so dorky and being so plain to paint....

Just a small point, but that's not quite right.

GW's (or Citadel's) first plastics were 60mm figures for the Fighting Fantasy game, released in 1985-ish.


12-01-2014, 02:29 PM
The Beetleback Warlord. There is just no reason at all, why I find those utterly mis-proportioned guys always getting back into my collection. The sculpts are most likely the ugliest GW ever manufactured... I mean, even the legs have different lengths óO


IJW Wartrader
12-01-2014, 02:32 PM
These badasses right here.


Polite request - this is one of my store images. While I'm happy for it to be used in forums, please either say where it's from, link to the source (http://store.wargamingtrader.com/item/m2494ws), or at an absolute minimum don't crop out the freaking watermark...

http://store.wargamingtrader.com/system/files/imagecache/product_full/M2494%20-%20Terminator%20Librarian%20from%20Genestealer%20x 2%20-%201990%20%20%20%20%2011-06-20.jpg

Meanwhile on topic (ish)...

Just a small point, but that's not quite right.

GW's (or Citadel's) first plastics were 60mm figures for the Fighting Fantasy game, released in 1985-ish.


Yep, and between those and the plastic Beakies there were the Psychostyrene Dwarfs and Drastik Plastic Orcs:

http://store.wargamingtrader.com/system/files/imagecache/product_full/o1394%20-%20Citadel%20Drastik%20Plastik%20Orcs%20%20%20%20% 2011-11-4.jpg

I have fond memories as a teenager of deciding that all the spare arms that were included needed to be used, added an extra four arms to one and calling it a Chaos Spawn...

IJW Wartrader
12-01-2014, 03:04 PM
EDIT - sorry, double post...

Darren Richardson
12-02-2014, 02:57 AM
Just a small point, but that's not quite right.

GW's (or Citadel's) first plastics were 60mm figures for the Fighting Fantasy game, released in 1985-ish.


Ok Smart ***, the first 40k Plastics then :p

I always forget about the FF minis, though I thought they were metal?

12-02-2014, 07:32 AM
I'm planning to do an "UGLY MARINES" army, i have these so far and the Terminator Librarian pictured above, and i'm not doing any improwements on them save for the usual mold line removal. I need to "downgrade" some stuff to feel complete, i'm intent to do some dreadnoughts by filing down the details off FW Contemptor dreads and filling up the carvings with GS to match these Marines. The weapons would be the classic Space Crusade Dread weapons. 11944