View Full Version : Undead Legions army - Pros and Cons

11-22-2014, 12:51 PM
Evening all, currently thinking about doing an Undead Legions army for the 2.5k League at my local GW Store (which starts end of January next year) and I was wondering if people could give the Pros and Cons for the army.

Or has one of our regular forum/mainpage posters posted a comprehensive review themselves?

I'm thinking of using one of the Mortarchs - namely Neferata as I like her model. Out of the three where does she rank?

Also more than likely there will be at least one person using Nagash, if I were to do an Undead Legion army what would best take him out?

Erik Setzer
11-24-2014, 11:14 AM
I don't have time for a comprehensive review (gotta get to doing some work here), but here's some quick thoughts after running it.

The cons are basically the same as any Undead army, other than you don't crumble with the general dying.

The pros are that you gain access to a lot of interesting combinations with models and rules. I.e.:

- You can put a Tomb King in a unit of Grave Guard with the Banner of the Barrows to give them WS6 with +1 to hit (granted, TK doesn't get that but whatever).
- Lore of Nehekhara has all kinds of augments that affect everything you have (i.e. extra move, +1 Attack/shot, 5+ ward, etc.), and the Lore Attribute brings back D3+1 wounds' worth of models. Similarly, Invocation of Nehek (Vampires) works to bring back wounds on all models. You can double up Van Hel's Danse Macabre and the Lore of Nehekhara signature spell (forget the name at the moment) for two bonus moves in a turn; VHDM is only 8" but the LoN spell just says that they move as in the Remaining Moves phase, so you can actually move a lot in one turn.

There's more fun you can do. Just have to get creative. Oh, and having some missile fire is nice, even if it's just bows (well, and catapults, if you want those).

Morghasts are bloody awesome. Look sweet, do a decent job, but make sure you have some numbers to throw in if you want to assault a big unit with them, or combat res from ranks might murder them.

Of the Mortarchs, I'm not sure one is better than the other. It's all down to how you want to use them. Mannfred is a combat beast, Arkhan is a master of summoning, Neferata is pretty decent at combat and magic but not really a master of either (although, to be fair, she's the one I haven't seen in a game yet).

For dealing with Nagash, either throw a mass of Skeletons at him to hold him in place/kill him with combat res, or try to get a spell that can kill with no save. I've seen Nagash snuffed with Purple Sun of Xereus, if the player rolls a 6 he's completely gone, no save, doesn't matter wounds, anything like that. There's some other spells like that (i.e. the top spell for Lore of Metal). You can try to get such a spell with a Vampire with the ability to take different lores. But you'll have to get pretty lucky.