View Full Version : Do you summon?

Rob Godin
11-22-2014, 09:26 AM
It's been 6 months (ish) since 7th hit us.

One of the biggest changes to 7th was the ability for most armies to summon units of daemons to the battlefield mid-game.
When that was first anounced, many worried it would be game-breaking.

I'm wondering - 6 months later - how much it is used in your daily gaming life.

Lord Krungharr
11-22-2014, 09:43 AM
I haven't seen too many other people use it regularly. It's very tough to do well with so many warp charges needed, not to mention a librarian (for example) might get the power off but he can also Perils to death on one attempt with 2 sets of doubles. Those non-daemon psykers are important for buffing the rest of the army, and often the buffed friendly units are so much more potent than 3 Tzeentch Flamers, or 3 Bloodcrushers who can't assault after being summoned, or even a Bloodthirster who can't assault until 2 turns after it comes in due to being swooping upon deepstrike.

So short of the dedicated daemon spam, which I don't think has been too popular even at tournaments lately, probably won't see it much. GKs with Sanctic however, that has chops (Vortex of Doom is AWESOME!).

The only other really viable way to summon daemons all over with only 2 or 3 detachments (like in tournies) is Eldar who can just get rid of perils attacks by spending a warp charge, of which they have plenty.....or a completely stupid unlimited CAD list with all inquisitors and 2 henchmen/1 psyker squads (unbound of course would be better with just the squads).

11-22-2014, 08:34 PM
I've done it successfully with Eldar but to make it work it becomes a very specific army build and can be a bit boring. People absolutely hate it and it usually isn't worth the sportsmanship dings to bother with.

11-22-2014, 09:38 PM
I play Dark Eldar so I can't access it without allying, and since my allies would be Eldar and since the fluff states that being a psyker in Commorragh is a ticket to being delivered hogtied to the haemonculi it isn't really feasible for me to do so.

11-23-2014, 02:15 AM
but he can also Perils to death on one attempt with 2 sets of doubles

Is this how you do it? I thought you only took one Peril for any given casting attempt, no matter how many different doubles you can pick out of the dice pool.

Dave Mcturk
11-23-2014, 01:55 PM
Is this how you do it? I thought you only took one Peril for any given casting attempt, no matter how many different doubles you can pick out of the dice pool.

perils is only for double or multiple 6's.

and as a PP said farseers are virtually immune as long as you have warp charge remaining.

11-23-2014, 02:20 PM
perils is only for double or multiple 6's.

Summoning, remember. Daemonology is any double unless you're special.

Mr Mystery
11-23-2014, 02:52 PM
It's not one I use myself, but then as I play Necrons and (accidentally) Knights, I have no psykers at all!

11-23-2014, 11:40 PM
I play Dark Eldar so I can't access it without allying, and since my allies would be Eldar and since the fluff states that being a psyker in Commorragh is a ticket to being delivered hogtied to the haemonculi it isn't really feasible for me to do so.

It's not one I use myself, but then as I play Necrons and (accidentally) Knights, I have no psykers at all!

Hmm, count me in with the foul Xenos, blast it. I run Black Templar Tactics. We use Witches for telephones, GPS, and barbecues. So, for every reason but the banned in my meta, I do not.

Heck, there's actually a thread on the BT BnC board specifically about tallying up Witch kills, Summoning or not. I've only been able to tally a failure. Stupid Leman Russes.

11-24-2014, 08:30 AM
Pfft, even if I could give my Tyranids access to any one lore from the main rulebook, my first choice would not be the Perils Harder table. The thought of Tyranids and Daemons even fighting against each other is preposterous when you consider the Hive Mind's very presence ought to snuff everything short of a recently-exalted Daemon Prince out of reality.

Besides, summoning Daemons invokes more of a "bubble, bubble, toil and trouble" sort of feel. Tyranids are supposed to be utterly alien. When people refer to "witches" in the context of the 41st millennium, they tend to mean rogue psykers, Chaos Sorcerers, and Eldar. I keep thinking of a Canoness watching as some gurgling, levitating Zoanthrope lightnings all her fellow sisters out of their boots and going "Um... witch? ...This one wasn't in the handbook..."

11-24-2014, 09:20 AM
The damn level 3 spells are fickle. Because a single D6 can literally roll any of the results equally it means compared to the old 2D6 method, there are more chances for the roll to suck.

We went all in with a daemon nurgle list and didn't pass a single summoning power until our third game, and this was using 7D6 as is statistically viable....

11-24-2014, 09:46 AM
I've not got the models so we've not even attempted it.

The 7d6 is feasible if you pack in Grey Knights then get an ally such as Tigarius to do the casting, its all a bit manufactured tho and there's obviously mch better uses for all that warp charge

Aside from Demons doing it or maybe Orks it seems a bit of a blind ally and not something anyone else is bothered about

11-24-2014, 10:18 AM
One guy in our gaming group gave it a go the first week 7th ed came out, he said it felt cheese and no one has bothered with it since.

After reading this thread though I do fancy giving it a go to see how it plays for myself but alas Dark Eldar have no accesses (sorry I would rather skin craftworld Eldar alive than fight by their side).

11-25-2014, 04:21 PM
"Suffer not the alien ..." etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Castellan Creed
11-28-2014, 08:06 PM
I've not played a game of 7th yet, been too busy with work and Armies on Parade, so I haven't seen it used yet or used the ability myself. I do know that there were a lot of people at my local GW that were looking at doing lists to summon daemons specifically, but as yet no one has.
I can see the advantage in summoning additional units to help out in combat, but its too risky and you'd have to put all your eggs into one basket.
This could leaving your army leaderless (if he dies from perils) if you have only taken a librarian to lead it, or you have put a lot of points into allies/additional characters in order to have enough warp charge points to summon successfully.

That being said, it would be awesome to have daemons descend on the board from nowhere and tear up you opponents army!