View Full Version : Khaine already sold out!Wtf?!

11-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Much to my dismay, I have found that hardcover Khaine book is sold out pretty much everywhere except Australia as are the softcover Nagash and Glotkin books. When did the pre_orders go on sale so early? Typically they would go on sale around 4-5pm Pacific Time.

David Whyte
11-21-2014, 02:11 PM
They went up around 7.10pm GMT and we're sold out within 10minutes. There was a line of people at my local GW and there are now 8 people on a waiting list for the stores allocation next week. This release sold out in record time. Leviathan sold out in 4 hours last week, people expected a quick sell out, just not 10 minutes.

Mr Mystery
11-21-2014, 02:13 PM

Timed it well myself, and got the book and cards ordered.

11-21-2014, 02:25 PM
They went on sale a few minutes after 7pm British time, just like they have every Friday since the Ork codex...

11-21-2014, 03:01 PM
They moved the timing earlier this year: going on sale at midnight GMT turned out to be bad for Europeans, because the US crowd - for whom it's early evening - would snap everything up. So now they go up at 7PM GMT.

Why is Khaine sold out so quickly? Because the End Times is selling like hotcakes, yo.

11-21-2014, 03:16 PM
I was on the pre order page refreshing and as soon as I saw it pop up, I went to order it. It was already sold out. What, did they only print 100 copies or something?

11-21-2014, 04:01 PM
Why is Khaine sold out so quickly? Because the End Times is selling like hotcakes, yo.

Also, because not enough are made, which makes a downward spiral.

Nagash book was sold out in a day. People missed out because they were waiting for the white dwarf to come out first.
Next up is Glottkin, which sold out in less than an hour, because everybody realized that waiting until the next day was going to cost you the book.
Then came Shield of Baal, at which point my local GW had a queue of people hammering F5 waiting for the things to go live. Sold out in 40 minutes.

Queue today, where we simply counted heads (10 books and 10 decks of cards, check), had one guy order everything in rapid succession and then sorted out the whole paying-the-storekeeper bit later. Sold out in 30 minutes.

Is it because the series are so popular? Perhaps.
I also think there are a whole lot of sharks out there who think they can quickly buy several copies and sell them for a profit on ebay because the "regular" edition seems to be just as limited as the limited edition.

Mr Mystery
11-21-2014, 04:10 PM
These things are printed months in advance.

So it seems likely this one was printed on pre-Nagash expectations.

With End Times seemingly being successful beyond all expectation, it's no surprise that as this juncture there will be a dearth of copies.

Softbacks are coming, and seemingly at a decent pace with Glottkin already up as a softie.

It's far from easy to predict print runs. Too many, and stuff gets pulped - and you don't necessarily get your money back. Underestimate, and it can seem you've done it deliberately. For the most part, there is no happy medium!

Steven Leicester
11-21-2014, 04:57 PM
I see there are already copies up for sale on E-Bay, 'Buy It Now' for £110. These people are no better than ticket touts.

11-21-2014, 05:10 PM
you know what would solve all this....market research

11-21-2014, 05:19 PM
Surely they'll do more print runs of Glottkin, Khaine, etc., right? There's enough demand..

11-21-2014, 05:24 PM
ahh they might this time, but what about next time? or the time after that? or after that? you don't know, so you can't just expect them to release a soft cover each time, if you want one you'll have to keep fighting to buy one the instant they come out or forever risk them deciding that THIS time they aren't going to do another print run

Jared van Kell
11-21-2014, 06:13 PM
The book went on sale online at 1900 UK time and by 1904 UK time every single copy was completely sold out. Come next saturday these books will be going for £150-200 on eBay.

JvK :cool:

11-21-2014, 06:15 PM
The book went on sale at 1900 UK time and by 1904 UK time every single copy was completely sold out. Come next saturday these books will be going for £150-200 on eBay.

JvK :cool:

nevermind sat, they are already up

Mr Mystery
11-22-2014, 02:48 AM
No ignore me.

I was wrong.

Sincere apologies guys.

11-22-2014, 05:25 AM
Anyone who buys a £40 book for £150-200 is a fool, don't care if you have the money to waste. If you've got that much spare cash then get an iPad, otherwise wait for the Print on Demand Softback (which you can now order through your local GW in time for Christmas).

11-22-2014, 05:40 AM
Anyone who buys a £40 book for £150-200 is a fool

some would say the same about a company that shows disdain for market research thus FAR underselling their product potential

11-22-2014, 05:42 AM
the "regular" edition seems to be just as limited as the limited edition.

This is what bugs me. GW release two versions: a limited edition and a regular hardback. There's no indication that the latter is limited, so why not assume it's just like an army book and will be reprinted if need be. Yet it seems that it is in fact sold out and not to be reprinted (in hardback).

Mr Mystery
11-22-2014, 05:42 AM
Stuff is printed months in advance - it seems quite possible that Glottkin and Khaine were ordered from the printer based on pre-Nagash sale expectations.

11-22-2014, 05:43 AM
Oh, and it should be noted, these "wonderful" softback, only in the UK. Want that in australia? yeah by the time you pay shipping you may as well have bought the hardback (if you could)

But please, continue to tell me how GW is unable/unwilling to meet demand, despite having vastly lower sales volumes than when they first started printing hardbacks.

Kurt Helborg
11-22-2014, 05:44 AM
For me, this is all contrived GW customer manipulation. The paperback Glottkin book must have been in print when the hardback went up for pre-order on the GW website (the manager at my local GW store already knew about the paperback before the hardback was released - the company line being that they had underestimated demand and were doing a PB run for the sake of the hobby). The paperback was still in stock on the UK website last time I looked and £10 cheaper than the hardback edition was a month a go. Don't believe any bilge about underestimating the demand from the market - if PB's were already in the pipeline (and seemingly in greater numbers than the HB's) then the HB edition is essentially yet another limited edition option.

If GW are hoping that they can recreate the halcyon days of customers queuing around the block outside the nearest store from 6am in order to get the last couple of copies of a very limited print run then I think they've failed. As others have said, those lucky enough to have the fastest broadband connections can snap up multiple copies and then stick their spares on Ebay at 2 or 3 times the price. Independent web-stores have stopped bothering to list the Endtimes books as they can't guarantee stock. Surely this is going to hurt sales of the new model kits?

If you (like myself) didn't manage to pre-order Warhammer: Khaine then I'd hold fire on paying some opportunist 3 times the price on ebay - I'm sure the PB edition is already sitting in the warehouse. If you really need to know the revelations before the spoilers start to get leaked all over the web then there's always the i-book option ...!?

11-22-2014, 05:46 AM
Stuff is printed months in advance - it seems quite possible that Glottkin and Khaine were ordered from the printer based on pre-Nagash sale expectations.

Nagash has been reprinted in less than two months.

given that these books are shipped by freight re: container ship, its likely less than a month in advance to print

And no, hardback doesn't take significantly longer to print than softback, because automation in china is a thing

The hardcover editions were listed at £5 more than their respective softcover editions. The softcover editions aren't showing up on the US webstore at the time of this post.

can anyone verify that? thats a joke right? whats the excuse this time fella's?

Mr Mystery
11-22-2014, 07:18 AM
For me, this is all contrived GW customer manipulation. The paperback Glottkin book must have been in print when the hardback went up for pre-order on the GW website (the manager at my local GW store already knew about the paperback before the hardback was released - the company line being that they had underestimated demand and were doing a PB run for the sake of the hobby). The paperback was still in stock on the UK website last time I looked and £10 cheaper than the hardback edition was a month a go. Don't believe any bilge about underestimating the demand from the market - if PB's were already in the pipeline (and seemingly in greater numbers than the HB's) then the HB edition is essentially yet another limited edition option.

If GW are hoping that they can recreate the halcyon days of customers queuing around the block outside the nearest store from 6am in order to get the last couple of copies of a very limited print run then I think they've failed. As others have said, those lucky enough to have the fastest broadband connections can snap up multiple copies and then stick their spares on Ebay at 2 or 3 times the price. Independent web-stores have stopped bothering to list the Endtimes books as they can't guarantee stock. Surely this is going to hurt sales of the new model kits?

If you (like myself) didn't manage to pre-order Warhammer: Khaine then I'd hold fire on paying some opportunist 3 times the price on ebay - I'm sure the PB edition is already sitting in the warehouse. If you really need to know the revelations before the spoilers start to get leaked all over the web then there's always the i-book option ...!?

Paperback Glottkin was quite possibly shipping by the time the hardback went live. The rest is supposition.

It appears demand far outstipped supply for Nagash. Many claim Warhammer has been seriously waning in recent years, so it may well be GW underestimated demand.

Paperbacks are easier to bind than Hardbacks. Print, Collate, onto the pony for trim up and cover, using glue. Hardbacks need a weave binding, and the covers themselves are extra work (print art, attach to hardback cover).

So knowing they'd likely under ordered on Glottkin too, going paperback for sake of speed does make sense.

No, I don't know I'm right - and I'm only basing this off what knowledge I gleaned from the old family print works (long since defunct, sadly). But to suggest GW are deliberately styming supply just doesn't make a great deal of sense.

Shipping time from China to the UK is apparently around 29 days. But you still have to factor in the time it takes for a print job to be signed off as ready, and quality control etc. If I'm right in remembering, WD was (is?) done up about 3 months in advance. Would it be similar for big books? Honestly don't know.

Softcovers aren't on the UK website under 'pre-orders', but I did find the Nagash one on the site by searching.

http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/search/searchResults.jsp?qty=com.gamesworkshop.endeca.End ecaUserContext@77de70a3&sorting=srl&view=table&searchTerm=Nagash

Now, ultimately none of us know how many were ordered. The rest is open to interpretation. But frankly, some do seem slightly paranoid that rather than make money, GW are just effing with us, because reasons.

They could well be - I just don't see why.

11-22-2014, 08:47 AM
All GW Stores (UK at least) are taking names for people who want specific books and they will have them delivered to stores in time for Christmas. You don't have to pay up front and it doesn't matter if you change your mind.

Today only, which to me means Book Four will be January.

11-22-2014, 11:27 AM
as Mystery says, softcover versions are already out for Nagash and Glottkin, wont be long before Khaine comes out and everbody can have one. no reason to freak out or blame anybody.

Kurt Helborg
11-22-2014, 05:37 PM
Yep, pretty much all supposition. But as a footnote to the soft back edition I note that GW are billing both Nagash and Glottkin as 'in a new format' ... that's a pretty quick turn-a-round on something that was supposedly only commissioned after the Nagash release (assuming that the transition from hardback to paperback involves more than just what you print the cover on?).

GW have been trying to get folk back in to their stores. The first move was to change WD to a weekly issue that you had to pick up in-store. I'm just speculating that the next step might be to generate a panic-buying frisson based on ... limited availability? When I was in my local store on Friday afternoon the manager was eager to tell me that all of the Shield of Baal books he had been allocated were already reserved by customers last week and that he'd be helping customers order the Khaine book on line from &pm that evening - the implication was that if I wanted a copy of Khaine I should stick around for the evening ...?

Ultimately, lets wait and see how long it is before the Khaine paperback makes an appearance ... if it's before Christmas that would be pretty remarkable if it had not been planned all along!?

11-22-2014, 05:44 PM
Erm I just said that GW are taking names down for who wants Book 1 - 3 and they will be delivered for Christmas.

Kurt Helborg
11-22-2014, 05:58 PM
Sorry, hadn't realised that included the Khaine book too! Any idea if they're repeating the paperback version with the Shield of Baal campaign books too?

11-22-2014, 06:27 PM
As far as I'm aware just End Times, bare in mind it was today only - might be able to get name added tomorrow.

11-24-2014, 08:42 AM
If I put on my tin foil hat then I would have to say that the recent trend of 'whoops we didn't make enough of what people want' is an effort to drive demand to GW direct. Seems to be working too as the speed with which things are selling out on the GW website has increased dramatically.

11-24-2014, 10:04 AM
Why couldnt GW put a limit of how many copies are bought by the same costumer to cut down on those ebay sharks? Maybe max out at 2 copies per costumer.

11-24-2014, 10:20 AM
Why couldnt GW put a limit of how many copies are bought by the same costumer to cut down on those ebay sharks? Maybe max out at 2 copies per costumer.

That would be nice. I think they did a 2 per order limit but people circumvented it by just placing multiple orders!

Erik Setzer
11-24-2014, 11:03 AM
That would be nice. I think they did a 2 per order limit but people circumvented it by just placing multiple orders!

Yep, this is exactly what was happening. I know at least one guy who was ordering for multiple people, used a couple of accounts. Other people can use multiple accounts and shipping addresses. And you can have multiple browsers open with different logins, to be able to do it all quickly.

Mr Mystery
11-24-2014, 11:21 AM
Still takes longer to do it that way, giving others more of a chance.

11-24-2014, 11:45 AM
Still takes longer to do it that way, giving others more of a chance.

Sorry mate, but selling out within a few hours/minutes can't be described as giving anyone much of a chance. ;)

Mr Mystery
11-24-2014, 12:54 PM
Sorry mate, but selling out within a few hours/minutes can't be described as giving anyone much of a chance. ;)

Still better than Billy Bollockbrain the scalper ordering Twelfty all at once :p

11-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Still better than Billy Bollockbrain the scalper ordering Twelfty all at once :p

Can't argue with that. :p