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View Full Version : 100 Point Rebel Squad

11-21-2014, 05:23 AM
Ok so straight to the point, here is the list;

B-Wing "Ten Numb"
-Ion Cannon

E-Wing "Etahn A'baht"
- R2-D2

A-Wing "Jake Farrell"
- Push The Limit
- Proton Rockets

This comes in at bang on 100 points. A'baht and Numb fly in tandem, with A'baht making Numb's Ion Cannon a reliable piece of weaponry. Jake is used for flanking as he is unbelievably maneuvrable with Push The Limit and his pilot ability.

I am just looking for some general feedback and idea's from anyone with more experience flying Rebel's than me. I normally use my Imperials and have only recently ventured to the Light Side.


11-22-2014, 12:30 AM
I don't play the Rebel Scum very often but this looks like a fun little list. With Etahn as a wingman Mr. Numb: your gonna see criticals. And that old carpetbagger Jake Farrell will do in a pinch he'd be cooler if you had a pilot who can grant focus to him in your squad.

The only rule I keep in mind when building a Rebel squad is your gonna be outnumbered, usually by lots of TIE-Fighters. I usually compensate by bringing some Z-95 Headhunters but you seem to have compensated by taking a B-Wing who is going to be getting a crit a hit (unless you didn't anoint your dice with the sacraficial lambs blood, but that's common knowledge).

If I could add something to your build it would be Sensor Jammer for your B-Wing, my Lambda never leaves home without them, super fun card (though expensive at four points).

Hope I gave you something to think about, next time I play Rebel I will use your list (well Etahn and Mr. Numb for sure!) see how it flows.

Please note I didn't abbreviate any of the Rebel names in this post, abbreviations are for friends, and Rebel Scum is no friend of mine...
Besides Etahn, now I have you thinking...

11-23-2014, 07:15 AM
Etahn and Ten are a nice little combo, against Imperials it forces them into the decision of picking an evade to avoid the ion cannon or taking an ion token but improving their defence against the rest of your ships. Generally rebels have far less choice with fewer ships carrying the evade action.

I love Jake, he is great fun to dance around the board with, I have been using him as a flanker with lone wolf and he has been a stand out ship in a list with Keyan with HLC and Wedge. I've not tried using him with proton rockets as I have been using the refit to save points.

If you wanted to annoy your opponent even further you could drop R2 on Etahn and add the crew upgrade and tactician to Ten to drop a stress token on whoever he has shot at. If he has also successfully ionised the ship they will not be able to clear the stress the following turn and be vulnerable to attack in the following turn.

11-24-2014, 02:40 AM
that's a lovely little thought and I can definitely scrape some points by dropping the proton rockets and adding a chaardan refit, I may have to give that a go to see how it works.

I've had great success to date with the proton rockets on Jake though because he can apply them exactly where needed. In the last game I played I Ioned Biggs (rebel vs rebel felt weird though!) who then took nearly every single rocket to the face (very poor show on the evade roll!) and next turn drifted so close to an asteroid he had no choice but to fly through it the following turn- which he didn't do, he flew straight into it and went BOOM!

Brenlak I can see why the sensor Jammer would have appeal on the B-Wing, essentially adding an extra evade to a ship with a very low agility but overall I am not sure it is worth increasing the cost by 10%, I will definitely give it a go though as I need both Etahn and Ten alive for the tactic to work and anything that increases their longevity is not something to be taken lightly...