View Full Version : Any new rules/stats for Archaon in End Times?

11-21-2014, 02:38 AM
Morning all, my local GW Store will be running a 2.4k League in the new year and I've been thinking about using Archaon. At the moment I don't know if it will be an End Times League, but if it is I need to know if Archaon gets upgraded in Nagash or Glotkin books.

If he does which book?


11-21-2014, 03:02 AM
He's not in either of those. Mayhap he'll get his own book later.

Mr Mystery
11-21-2014, 03:26 AM
Yeah, nothing so far.

But if he wants to do more than give Karl Franz Empowered more than a brief giggle, he's gonna have to get pumped!

I suspect Daemonhood beckons - and a spangly new model to go with. Then we can have Chaos Undivided split between him and Belakor. Which would be cool!

11-21-2014, 04:33 AM
On a side note, does a ten knight strong unit of Chaos Knights for 555pts as bodyguard for Archaon seem too high for 2.4k?

Mr Mystery
11-21-2014, 04:39 AM
Not especially, no.

Main issue Archaon on his own faces is getting bogged down by Steadfast Chaffe. Doesn't matter how many he jobs in a given round, they'll always have more ranks than him. If their General and BSB are nearby, that unit can hold him up almost indefinitely.

With the Knights, he can pack a rank of his own, and whittle down the chaffe far, far faster :)

11-21-2014, 07:27 AM
Not yet, but given that the Lord of the End Times isn't up to the power level of other End Times heroes at present, he will be. I'd bet on it.

11-21-2014, 09:01 AM
Spoke to my local GW Manager and mentioned 2.4k was a bit odd, suggested 2.5k which others had said. Hopefully I don't have to wait too long for Archaon to be buffed.

11-21-2014, 01:02 PM
2.4k lets you take a 600pt Lord choice. Or it did, back when Lords were 25% and not 50%. So it's kind of an artefact.

But 2.5k is no more or less of a weird number, it just looks rounder to you because you think in decimal.