View Full Version : Eldar/Dark Eldar vs. Necrons/CSM 2500p HD Video BATREP

Lost Vyper
11-18-2014, 03:34 PM
A Necron tomb world has acquired mercenaries, to help clearing out the pirating Dark Eldar. Little do they know, that Farseer Exas has seen this already in his visions. He has warned the Dark kin and has joined them, to crush the immortal machines and the threat that rises from the Eye of the Storm...

Can the Talos play with the Wraiths accompanied by a Destroyer Lord? Shall the Noise Marines and their crushing sounds blast the Eldar and Dark Eldar who rely on cover? Will the Farseer Exas have the means to deal with the Nurgle Daemon Prince? Can the Razorwing Jetfighter dance in the midst of Nightscythes and a Heldrake?


Come and find out, in this HD Video BATREP from the Reseda Prime -crew!

- Lost Vyper

Dave Mcturk
11-19-2014, 07:41 AM
love you guys reports but could you try panning the video recorder ?

also you do the weirdest things - !

illic with a tiny rangers squad - like wraith meat !

and charging a wraithknight into MSS ! - [or was the talos ?] still a little crazy !

Lost Vyper
11-19-2014, 11:21 AM
Well, i thought i had it in the bag, when i had two Talos and a WK...but, if the opponent makes about 7-10 Insta-Gibb saves and a bunch o f regular ones, so it goes...:). Iīve had so much Rangers turned in to grilled minced meat, that i tried to avoid that...Illic is my favorite HQ model/fluff/my "paintjob" and he ALWAYS underperforms...ATM, the camera work is what it is, cos my opponents dislike the fact (even now), that i film batreps...maybe in the future, there will be some tripod-stuff, letīs see and maybe wide lens.

Thanks for the comments, itīs always fun to play/narrate these :)

- Lost Vyper