View Full Version : Unhappycow's Random Works

11-16-2014, 09:55 PM
I have been working On some Space Hulk GeneStealers as of late and finally came up with something I am not TOO unhappy with... tell me what you guys think, I could really use some direction or advice.


much more to come, for now though I will probably be doing a lot with Space Hulk


Darren Richardson
11-17-2014, 10:37 AM
I wouldn't be unhappy with that paint job, looks great to me.

11-18-2014, 02:46 AM
Yeah, man, that doesn't look too shabby. If you want to add some more depth to the colours, you can always give them a wash. Preferably thin your washes a bit with water as they tend to be a bit too dark. It's best to work in layers, rather than to try and achiev an effect in go and easily smothering your model.