View Full Version : Wishlist fulfilled?

Mr Mystery
11-15-2014, 01:51 PM
How do!

So Nids just got a lot of shiny new toys. Over three weeks, a total of 5 new bugs (if you count the Mucoloid Spore, some may choose not to!) and a plastic upgrade for 2 existing ones.

And I've noticed a lack of comments saying 'why X when we wanted Y'. Largely this is down to the kits appearing to be exactly what Nids wanted - Sporepod back, and Doom of Malantai back. I think I've seen perhaps one or two comments wondering if we might see the Parasite of Mortrex come back at some point.

That's really pretty cool from a gamer point of view, and it seems to suggest GW have nailed it good and proper, especially when Nids were somewhat maligned just three short weeks ago.

Is there anything still needed for Nids, or have these releases got them where you wanted them?

Darren Richardson
11-15-2014, 03:11 PM
Nah, Nid's won't be complete until GW give us back Genesteal Hybrids, complete with Limo's


11-15-2014, 03:51 PM
This has definitely been "what the doctor ordered" as it pertains to Nids. However, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic at best- the last time the GW design team was let out of their cages, they said their philosophy was "design cool looking models first, then put rules on them that sound like they fit what the model looks like". Based on that, I want to see a few more kits to see if they're actually starting to actually address what an army needs in order to be successful, or if the stars are randomly aligning.

11-16-2014, 06:37 PM
Wish fulfilled? Hard to say. I quit playing 40K a while ago. I just collected but I quit that as well. So this release got me back and interested again. So I am back modelling wise, but playing wise no wish not fulfilled.

So here is hoping things will get better.

11-17-2014, 09:34 AM
Hmm how about Hive Mind Slaved Squats? Covered in tyranid saliva, they were just too hard to digest, so they were coughed up, mind slaved, and sent to fight the Imperium...

11-17-2014, 04:22 PM
When the seventh edition rulebook was released I decided on a 40K sabbatical, but seeing new Tyranid love has me second guessing!! I don't know if I can say wishlist is fulfilled but it beats waiting for another codex, and seeing new kits, and friends we thought we lost ( Your my boy, Doom!) is reassurance that entries missing from current codexes may not be lost in the warp (good news for Dark Eldar).