View Full Version : Good Deals?

02-06-2010, 03:16 PM
HEy all wats happening forum. So today I got 22 genestealers and the broodlord from space hulk for my new nid army for £20 and was thinking man that was a good deal. Anyway i was wandering how have u guys got on finding deals around and about and what were they?

02-06-2010, 03:51 PM
well i dont have anything that good, but i got my friend to paint all my tanks for assembling and converting his necrons

Brass Scorpion
02-06-2010, 04:10 PM
A few days ago I bought some Tyranid stuff on eBay when the price was right and not bid up excessively high. I got 2 boxes of Raveners for $31 each, Genestealers for $18.50 and a box of Gargoyles for $20.66. In the recent past I've gotten the new Hellhound for $29 a couple times. I got three Shadowsword kits last year for $200 flat with shipping. eBay can be your friend for stretching your hobby budget.

02-07-2010, 06:49 AM
Brand new forge world Valdor Super heavy tank hunter RRp would be about £79 from forge world website.
Ebay - Same product + next day recorded p&P for £55.

feel Neuton death xenos scum.;)

02-07-2010, 07:28 AM

02-07-2010, 07:47 AM
:p hope so. And i hope i can paint my genes well. Im getting good at painting but the SH genes are a deamon to paint

02-07-2010, 11:35 AM
bought myself a Land raider crusader, brand new in its box for £5. It was listed on e-bay as a 'plastic toy tank.' That search has never payed off again unfortunately.

02-07-2010, 12:15 PM
160 model lizardmen army with some old skool dwarfs for 2£ at a charity shop, in rushden, glad no wargamers work there, or itd been a LOT more

02-07-2010, 03:38 PM
I got the metal Bjorn the Fell Handed, Njal, Ulrik, Ragnar, Iron Priest, the Wolf Guard with Wolf Helm and about 20 of the old plastic Grey Hunters for £45.00 with shipping from eBay as a buy it now about 12 months ago. Good times.

Brass Scorpion
02-07-2010, 05:00 PM
bought myself a Land raider crusader, brand new in its box for £5. It was listed on e-bay as a 'plastic toy tank.' That search has never payed off again unfortunately.
Mislabeled eBay listings are a great source for undervalued auctions, but that is the most awesome one I have ever heard of! Some common mispellings that often pay off:
- Imperial Gaurd
- Tua
- Choas
- Apocolypse
- Warhamer

I'll definitely keep my eyes open for "toy tank" listing with no mention of 40K from now on!

Lord Inquisitor
02-07-2010, 10:35 PM
I got 10 Grey Knight terminators and 15 in power armor for $40 from a guy who just wanted to get rid of them. My friend got an Emporer's Fist tank company, yes the one with 10 LRBTs, for $50 because the guy was so fed up with assembly.

02-08-2010, 12:13 PM
Great deals... Is that guys selling anything else? lol


02-08-2010, 07:53 PM
I'd have to say that eBay still is the best place to find the BEST prices on GW stuff. There's a few solid sellers on there some of which offer free shipping, plus 20% off retail.

Aside from them, as the other guy mentioned, looking carefully, one can find bad listings, with great deals, and nice lot deals of peeps getting out of the game.

That aside Warstore is my favorite non eBay GW retailer.