View Full Version : Space Wolf Storm Wolf colour scheme - help wanted.

11-11-2014, 03:26 PM

I am in the middle of making a Storm Wolf Transport to add to my Wolves. The question I have is on colours.

I am wanting some way to camouflage it, as if it was a longboat on a raid with subdued sails, etc - anything to hint that the crew want to be on top of you before you know it, and the axe is in your skull as soon as you do...


Anyway, I got to thinking of camouflage, and sort of got as far as doing a WWII ship dazzle cam - but then had doubts.

1. Would cam look right on top of the excellent embossed details?

2. Are the wolves the sort of legion that eschew the use of camouflage as cowardly?

So then I got thinking, what about black? And chase the trim in either Gold (uber bling), silver (reasonably subdued but not offending the iron priests who went to all the effort, Copper/bronze or grey (chapter colour trim).

I am a little hung up so any thoughts from the floor would be appreciated.

11-11-2014, 05:07 PM
I think that they would tend to eschew it, but if you did do a camouflage scheme you could do a nifty two-tone so that looking down it looked like the board colour and the bottom up would look "sky" coloured

Or something like this: http://www.fritzthefox.com/british_camo_guide.html

11-11-2014, 05:30 PM
Hey cheers Wolfy, what an awesome resource. I am hugely tempted by night bomber style a la mighty Lanc. But still harbour a minor hankering to get a Marauder and paint it like that at some point.

Hmmm. Maybe black underside and a grey 2-tone camo on top - but jagged rather than RAF curvy.

11-11-2014, 05:51 PM
I know what you mean re Maruader.

Yeah I think a jagged dazzle is more wolfs than curves.

11-13-2014, 08:14 AM
The last time I remember seeing camo used by wolves was back in the RT era. Your thought to paint the underbelly black and go with the two tone grey sounds very interesting. I like this type for Space Wolves:


I swiped it from the camo thread below. Lots of weird and wonderful patterns. :)
