View Full Version : Looking for Webway and some Tyranid terrain

Lord Ezekial
11-11-2014, 09:05 AM
Hey Everybody!

I am writing a campaign for me and my friends about the attack of Iyanden. I am looking for some decent terrain as far as web ways, an infinity circuit, and tyranid stuff (digestion pools and those big spindly things). I know there are a lot of 3rd party terrain companies out there and have found a few but I am curious if anyone could recommend one?

Thanks for the help!

11-11-2014, 10:28 AM
MicroArtStudios do some decent Tyranid-esque terrain (http://shop.microartstudio.com/battlefield-hardfoam-terrain-c-73.html). Sadly I don't know any vendor for Eldar, though.

11-11-2014, 02:12 PM
There's a few bits that I designed that my friend sells,

Webway gates: I designed to look as a bit of a blend of Eldar and Dark Eldar styles... thinking that if they've been hanging around for 10,000 years they would probably differ a little in their aesthetics to modern Eldar stuff, but still have similar lines. The little circular holes in them are 6mm diameter so they can be filled with 6mm costume gems easily. - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wargaming-eldar-scenery-void-gate-terrain-war-hammer-40-k-Bolt-Action-W115-/201209433342?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item2ed9044cfe

For my own ones, I cut the central pieces out of perspex instead, with a spacer piece, and can light them from the inside with blue LEDs. With the perspex being clouded it gives a nice diffuse effect. I put a thread about that here: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?36095-Eldar-webway-portal-terrain-project though I really out to get some more pics and conclude that thread. They're just a slight bit shorter than a Wraithknight. I wanted them to look like they could 'cup' any size portal at the centre, so it wouldn't look ridiculous to have a phantom titan being able to come through it.

I also did some void shield generator towers (back before there was anything to model them on produced by GW, but the height worked out fairly reasonable), he has some listed here - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wargames-40-000-Space-Elf-Void-Shield-Generator-Laser-Cut-Terrain-28mm-scale-/201134675513?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item2ed48f9639 - Those will hold a table tennis ball in that gap at the top if you push it in before you glue the last upright in.

In with the theme there's a temple building too - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wargames-40-000-Scenery-Eldar-Large-Temple-Laser-Cut-Terrain-28mm-scale-/201134685176?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item2ed48fbbf8 - The central piece of that was designed to hold something like the bowl from the dark elf cauldron chariot thing to have a brazier in the temple.

Eldar Skyshield - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wargames-40-000-Scenery-Eldar-Sky-Shield-Landing-Pad-Laser-Cut-Terrain-28mm-/390893913905?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item5b0317c731 - It's done to the same dimensions as the normal skyshield, although it is just a few millimetres lower. You can see how it can hold a sheet of acetate around it to look like shielding - I was going to run some inkjet overhead projector slides through the printer and put a nice 'energy shield'y pattern onto mine before I cut it into a strip to go in the slots. The detailing is a bit dark on those in the picture as it isn't painted up, but it is similar to the web gates.

Lastly, but maybe particularly poignant for Iyanden, is http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wargaming-Scenery-Temple-Shrine-terrain-war-hammer-40-k-Bolt-Action-W114-/201209431021?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item2ed90443ed

I've got some other designs for my own personal use too, but they're more structural, designed to make a frame to wrap thin plasticard around.

It's easy enough to adjust the things too to some extent if those links aren't exactly what you want... like once I made the web gates at the size that I did, I've also wondered how it would look to do a MASSIVE one, 60cm tall, which would be simple to just rescale the vector. Or, even get custom things made, if you talk to Ed, the guy that does the cutting.

I can find you some other links too to other stuff, I am sure, but those sprang to mind first off if they're of interest.

John Bower
11-11-2014, 04:01 PM
There's a couple of places around that do laser cut MDF scenery for the Eldar.


Unfortunately I can't find the one that was at Salute that had some Webway gates; but if you look on ebay too there's a few on there that do Eldar stuff. And Tyranid terrain is easy to find.

11-12-2014, 04:23 AM
Okay, more:

- http://www.miniaturescenery.com/CategoryPage.asp?CODE=CAT_ELV - You can see the range these guys do on that page. Again, this is laser cut mdf. They have put quite a lot of work into the display pieces though as you can see they have sanded off corners in some places, or painted things to give an illusion of curves where there aren't really any in others. It's good in that it shows you what you can achieve with the bits, but it's also a bit potentially misleading about what will be delivered to you.

- http://wargamma.com/collections/dradelian - Various resin bits that you could use for detailing, and some barricades too for an ADL.

- Micro Art Studio also do some Eldar ADL stuff - http://shop.microartstudio.com/wraithstone-defence-line-p-987.html

- Chapterhouse had some Eldar ADL stuff to in their kickstarter... but, who know if or when that might become available with their current issues.

Lord Ezekial
11-13-2014, 01:08 PM
Thanks everyone!