View Full Version : Help with ideas for a IG Tank Army 1850 points

11-09-2014, 04:23 PM
So far this is the core of the Army

Pask - Punisher w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (245 pts)
Executioner, w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (190 pts)

Vet Squad (no kit) (60 pts)
Vet Squad (no kit) (60 pts)

Heavy Support
2x Wyvern Battery (130 pts)

Steel Host Formation
Tank Commander - Punisher w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (205 pts)
Executioner, w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (190 pts)

Eradicator, w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (155pts)

Eradicator, w/ Lascannon & Sponson Multi-Meltas, Dozerblade (155 pts)

Hydra (70 pts)

Mad Cat
11-10-2014, 06:17 AM
Ok so you have nearly 400 points to play with.

HQ: Good. Sponson plasmas on the executioner? Preferred enemy will help with overheats. Add pintel stubbers.

Troops: Put them in Chimeras with 2 meltas or plasmas in each squad. Carapace armour is rather cheap but the objective secured transports will be very useful especially as your are diluting enemy antitank fire with so many tanks on the board.

Heavy: Great for anti-horde.

Formation: Remind me what this formation gets as a bonus. Is it preferred enemy if the tank leader is alive? Anyway what about HB sponsons to the eradicators and stubbers all over the place and don't give them hull lascannon as the HQ and melta-vets can handle tanks for you. Dozer blades can go if you need more points.

After this you will have 150-200 points left over for
a. Another troop choice in chimera.
b. Vendetta for some air cover
c. Another Russ
d. More Wyverns as they are stupidly good.

11-10-2014, 08:20 AM
Here is my standard list that is similar to yours. It has anti tank, anti air, anti infantry, it has regular infantry to bubble wrap tanks/units in the case of deep striking armies. I normally reserve the hydra so it can come on and counter flyers. Then if the enemy doesn't have an drop pods or close range threats, I might reserve the 2 vet squads and then all they see is a shiny wall of AV 14. :)

1850 IG Leman Russ with Steel Host

HQ 1 Pask-Punisher with HB Sponsons, Stubber 235
1 Executioner 155

F 1 Vendetta 170
1 Vendetta 170
1 Vendetta 170

T 10 Veterans 60
10 Veterans 60

Steel Host Formation
Form 1 Tank Commander-Vanquisher with lascannon 175
Form 1 Executioner 155

Form 1 Eradicator with HB Sponsons 140
Form 1 Eradicator with HB Sponsons 140
Form 1 Battle Tank 150
Form 1 Hydra 70

Models 31 Total Points 1850

11-11-2014, 05:14 AM
Here is the list I currently use for 1850.

Pask w/Punisher, Camo Netting
2x Executioner

3x Vanquisher w/lascannon
3x Eradicator


It's a really simple list, comes out to 1850 exactly. It's a good TAC list. Pask is great for pretty much everything, including aerial targets. He prevents the Exec's from taking heat damage, and the camo netting gives him a bit more survivability since he'll always be a primary target. Fortunately he's got two AV14 bodyguards hehe :)

I then took 3 squadrons of Russ variants based on different threats. I have the LRBT's for MEQ, the Vanquishers for vehicles, TEQ, and MC as well as a few pot shots at aerial targets if they are too great of a threat. The Eradicators are for units hiding behind cover.

The weakest part of this list is the single Hydra, as if the enemy has fliers that becomes a very good target. Fortunately it's amazingly easy to hide a small hull behind 12 Russ hulls. The Hydra usually stays alive, but if it can't kill the target I still have Pask with PE and the Vanquishers with PE.