View Full Version : 2500 Angels of Death Doubles Tournament List

11-07-2014, 10:23 PM
These lists are locked in, there's no changing it, I just wanted to post them to hear what you guys have to say. I just wanted to get that out of the way first off.

My partner and I have a doubles tournament coming up later this month (I really should be painting right now.) and I was hoping to get your opinions and spot my weaknesses. We're doing Angels of Death, Dark Angels and Blood Angels and I'm terribly excited. I've never played a list or a style like this before, and I am vibrating with excitement. So without further ado:

1250 Blood Angels:
Reclusiarch: Power Armour, Rosarius, Power Fist, Crozius Arcanum and Grenades. 145 Points
Furioso Dreadnought: Blood Fist, Heavy Flamer and Frag Cannon. Mounted in a Drop Pod. 170 Points
Assault Squad: 5 Marines, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon, 1 Marine with Meltagun and 3 Marines with Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons. Squad mounted in Razorback with Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter. 135 Points
Assault Squad: 5 Marines, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon, 1 Marine with Meltagun and 3 Marines with Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons. Squad mounted in Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun. 170 Points
Assault Squad: 5 Marines, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon, 1 Marine with Meltagun and 3 Marines with Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons. Squad mounted in Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun. 170 Points
Death Company Squad: 8 Marines, 2 Marines armed with Boltgun and Powerfist, 6 Marines armed with Boltguns and Chainswords. Squad mounted in a Land Raider Redeemer. 460 Points

1250 Dark Angels:
Grandmaster Belial: Belial with Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Teleport Homer and Sword of Silence. 190 Points
Deathwing Terminators: 5 Terminators,1 Sergeant with Power Sword and Storm Bolter, 1 Terminator with Lightning Claws, 2 Terminators with Storm Bolters and Power Fists and 1 Terminator with Assault Cannon and Power Fist. 240 Points
Deathwing Terminators: 5 Terminators,1 Sergeant with Power Sword and Storm Bolter, 1 Terminator with Lightning Claws, 2 Terminators with Storm Bolters and Power Fists and 1 Terminator with Assault Cannon and Power Fist. 240 Points
Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, 1 Marine with Plasma Gun. 165 Points
Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, 1 Marine with Plasma Gun. 165 Points
Heavy Support:
Land Raider: Land Raider with two Twin-Linked Lascannons, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters, Searchlights and Smoke Launchers. 250 Points

The Plan:
The Blood Angels move with full force up the middle of the enemy with the Razorback Assault Squads making for any enemy armour to pop them with Melta fire and the Death Company making for the biggest and baddest threat on the table to engage it in from the Land Raider.
On Turn 2, the Deathwing teleport in with one squad on either side of the enemy flank to draw fire and attention away from the Death Company and Blood Angels. By Turn 3, Blood Angels should be close enough to be a serious menace, if not be able to engage the enemy. At some point, the Furioso Dreadnought will appear to cause havoc wherever it needs to.
The Dark Angels Land Raider will focus on either delivering Tactical Squads to far out objectives or long range tank hunting and the Tactical Squads will hold the back field objectives, and will likely be Combat Squadded every game to maximize coverage.

This is a fresh style of game play for me, I've never played a quick and in-your-face army that seizes the intitative quickly and forces the enemy to react to your play style, so I'm quite excited.

The cons that I've identified are pretty serious though, we have a big fat zero, 0, in Anti-Air and nothing in Psyker defence at all. So armies that put a lot of emphasis in those could cause some real havoc in our game. (I'm hoping that with Psykers, I can get my Deathwing in close enough to deal with them quickly.) Lists facing monstrous creatures could also pose a difficult challenge, looking at the Wraithknight and the Swarmlord as the biggest potential challenges.
But pros are that against big, brute elite army's we should at least be on par if not ahead with our emphasis on tough, mobile shock troops. Vehicle heavy army's might also find it difficult with the abundance of threats they face in an army filled with plenty of Power Fists.

But what do you guys think? Solid list or an impending Waterloo?

11-15-2014, 05:33 AM
With 7th I'd take a Rhino for the tac squads and the Vet Sgt upgrade is moot melta bombs always come in handy

Anti Air - if you do it do it properly or not at all so just taking your chances with snap shooting is probably the better bet, even a quad gun isn't really going to be enough

Anti Psyker - your not going to be able to cover this without a disruption of your list so again just leave it and try play the game you want to play rather than 2nd guessing your opponent

7th is even more rock paper scissors than previous versions I'd just enjoy your comp it sounds fun, NEVER forget the objectives its surprising how time flies in comps and you can leave yourself out on a limb in no mans land forgetting to get a unit in position. Keep track of the points as well secondary's such as Line breaker can be the difference between a lose & a draw

Your combined lists are stacked with objective secured units so your opponents will have to kill you off the markers for the win