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View Full Version : 1500 points Imperial Fist/Space Wolf Maelstrom of War Tournament Army

11-06-2014, 08:20 AM
Hi there, I'm planning a list for a Student Nationals 40k tournament next year that has some restrictions (most of its not concrete though) but what I know is:

1500 points
Battle-forged army
No Expansions (no further elaboration from tourney runners yet)
No Forgeworld (according to a question asked on their facebook page)
Using Maelstrom of War rules

I wrote this list before I discovered the no forgeworld rule, so both dreadnoughts were planned to have dreadnought drop pods, but now just have normal ones. Comments and Criticism is always welcome:

Primary Detachment: Imperial Fists
Librarian: 95 points
lvl 2 divination and auspex (sits in devastator squad)

Tactical Squad: 215 points
9 marines (1 with meltagun, 1 with Heavy Bolter)
Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Melta
Drop Pod

Scout Squad: 185 points
9 scouts (4 with sniper rifle, 2 with Missile Launchers with Flakk missiles and 3 with Bolters)
Sergeant with Sniper Rifle
All have camo cloaks
[Squad either stays together/splits into sniper quad and missile squad]

Heavy Support:
Devastator Squad: 198 points
6 marines (4 with Missile Launcher with Flakk Missiles)
Sergeant with Signum

Thunderfire Cannon: 100 points

Allied Detachment: Space Wolves
Bjorn: 265 points
Helfrost Cannon
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon

Grey Hunter Squad: 250 points
9 marines (1 with Plasma Pistol and 2 with Plasma Gun)
Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Combi-Plasma
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon

Murderfang: 170 points
Drop Pod

Total: 1478 points

12-13-2014, 06:15 AM
Sadly you can't take divination on a regular Librarain. Also I am a HUGE fan of a full squad of scout snipers. Chuck camo cloaks on them and they enjoy +1 to their cover save and would everything on a 4+! It's beautiful. And I personally always try to keep each squad to one job. Combat squading them to have them do both isn't bad per se, but the only real use you can get out of flakk missiles is if its four deep in a dev squad, anything less isn't reliably going to do much. Having said that a scout squad can only take one missile launcher anyways. And I've never messed with Space Wolves so I don't even know what to say to that. This is just stuff that worked for me, so there ya go buddy!