View Full Version : Looking to start a new army

11-06-2014, 06:02 AM
So I'm looking to start a new 40k army after collecting Catachan's and Chaos space marines for so long I'm beginning to go off both of the armies, so I've been looking into starting a new one and I'm just looking for some help. I would really appreciate it.:confused:

11-06-2014, 06:23 AM
There are a couple of ways to go about this, briefly:

Look at the models and which ones do you think are the coolest? Pick that army
Read the fluff, which army has the best backstory for you? Pick that army
Read how the army plays, which one do you like best/think would be the most interesting? Pick that army
[Look online see what army is winning all the tournaments and pick that one]
Do a combination of all of the above..

That is essentially how to do it ;)

I would imagine, given that you've played CSM that going for regular SM would not be terribly different. You've also played two "human" armies, so maybe give consideration to the alien.

Tryanids are the most alien, with Orks, Necrons, Tau and Eldar all being alien but more reconisable of being humanoid.

There is this thread: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?50156-New-Tyranids Which is about the latest 'nid stuff.

I personally go for the best fluff because that stays (more or less constant) whereas the individual rules can change and new models may make the army more/less attractive.

11-06-2014, 06:31 AM
Well i actually have a small Raven guard contingent coming along quite nicely but they are just for fun and i dont really want to pursue a massive army of raven guard. Funny enough i have been looking into Tyranids! i've always loved the way they look but have always thought they were to hard to paint and i didnt really know the fluff for them

11-06-2014, 06:38 AM
There is a nice tactica here for them: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?41533-Tyranid-Tactica I can't reacll if these is for the latest itteration of the rules or no but it certainly gives a good feel about the units and stuff.

11-06-2014, 06:44 AM
Thanks this is really useful! so if i decide to go ahead and start a tyranid army would you suggest getting a huge amount straight away like the new Tyranid swarm box or get smaller individual boxes and build up?

11-06-2014, 06:56 AM
Again, it is personal preferance.

I paint very slowly, 7 tactical marines in 2 years... so the thought of a mountain of grey plastic to paint is quite daunting so I would collect it quite slowly.

If you have a thought about a list you could buy that list and play with that. If you have some firend you can play with you can proxy a force to try different things out before taking the plunge.

I am a collector so I would probably buy the iconic interesting looking things, then build up from there.

The last time I started a new army, I bought a couple of battle forces and then some bits on top. If you are prepared to strip models maybe look at what is being sold on ebay and stuff?

The swarm boxes certainly help get you off the ground to begin with and are quite sensible. Also, look at using 3rd party sellers either local stores or online to help you get more bugs for your buck.

11-06-2014, 07:14 AM
Well here is where i hit a real problem, i have never actually played a game of 40k due to the fact i have no friends that actually play 40k and never having time to get to my nearest hobby store which is over 20 miles away! Plus i have never really considered my armies big enough to actually field in a match. So i consider myself more of a painter and collector but i really want to start playing games soon! i think painting an army of Tyranids would be extremely fun so i would probably start of big and then keep on adding

i actually had to strip most of my chaos space marines and tbh it was so time consuming and laborious i wouldnt consider doing it again

11-06-2014, 07:21 AM
I am lucky most of my mates play 40k so that is all good. Maybe you should pressgang the others to play? Break them in gently with DoW...

1000pts is large enough for a game, despite what people may tell you.

11-06-2014, 07:50 AM
1000pts is large enough for a game, despite what people may tell you.

Totally agree. 750-1000 points makes for really interesting 40k games... actually if you revisit the old combat patrol rules from several editions back 400-500 point games are a total blast! 1500-1750 is large and 1850+ is huge!

11-06-2014, 08:01 AM
So I'm looking to start a new 40k army after collecting Catachan's and Chaos space marines for so long I'm beginning to go off both of the armies, so I've been looking into starting a new one and I'm just looking for some help. I would really appreciate it.:confused:

I'm a big fan of picking what visually appeals to me for an army. Also I have went as much as 15 years without playing a single game of a given system while building and painting armies for the day when the opportunity arises. Tyranids is a solid choice if you want something very different to what you have now. Since half the 40k armies are imperial I go with a one to one ratio of imperial to xenos for my own entertainment. Plus it breaks things up nicely! :)

11-06-2014, 08:41 AM
I've found that the Black Library novels are influencing my armies more than game play at this point. I really want to start a preheresy Deathguard army...

11-06-2014, 10:49 AM
Yeah I've always loved the way tyranids looked and the diversity of the models, its not just infantry and tanks which is what I'm used to. But I'm really struggling to make a decision because I've always had the mindset that I could only collect one army but I'm slowly going mad in doing so!

11-07-2014, 06:10 AM
I don't know, I am aiming for a chapter of BA's...