View Full Version : 2400 list, quite new to a lot of Fantasy concepts

11-02-2014, 08:02 AM
First edit:

Lord: 400pts
Sorcerer lord: lore of Metal, level 4 wizard, mark of Tzeentch, third eye of Tzeentch, enchanted shield, talisman of preservation, chaos familiar, disc of Tzeentch: 400pts

Hero: 221pts
Exalted hero: halberd, dragonhelm, talisman of endurance, ironcurse icon, scaled skin, hideous visage, mark of Tzeentch, battle standard: 221pts

Core: 1111pts
Chaos warriors (18): mark of Tzeentch, shields, full command: 336pts

Chaos warriors (18): mark of Nurgle, shields, halberds, full command, banner of swiftness: 405pts

Chaos chariot: mark of Nurgle: 125pts

Chaos chariot: mark of Nurgle: 125pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Special: 667pts
Chaos knights (8): mark of Slaanesh, ensorcelled weapons, full command, banner of eternal flame : 392pts

Chimera: flaming breath, regenerating flesh: 275pts


Thoughts? Advice is very much welcome on both the list and how to deploy and move with Warriors of Chaos.

Carlo Riolo
11-02-2014, 12:52 PM
Hello Anggul!

i've been a fantasy player for quite some time now, but even with the newer edition changes I've found myself forgetting new rules and not totally grasping every aspect of fantasy. So I'm like a new old new player, lol... I love to provide feed back, but others may have more to say.

To look at your list, I see a lot of similarities with my own Empire army lists. You have a good amount of everything, and maybe not enough of one specific thing. Again, like you said, the more you play the better you'll get with this sort of thing. What I've found with fantasy is you cater the army lists to your play style. DO you like more misdirection? do you like more magic? Y'know, that sorta thing.

Almost always, take a BSB. They'll help dramatically with leadership tests (which is where most people have their problems). They're worth the points if you can expend them.

I've never been one for chaff units. The only time I've ever used them it is to tie up an opposing unit, so that I can flank them or smash them on a charge. I think chaff is best served in quick "hit and run" lists. Whereas with the WoC I've found them to be a slow and steady army. But again, your play style may dictate something different.

I think doing your knights that hit hard turn 2, followed by a nice block of infantry as a mage bunker to hit turn 3, supported by a large model like your chimera would be a good starting point. Then if you add a fast troop type to support a mounted wizard would get you enough mobility to take out an enemy war machine or annoy smaller units/heroes early in the game.

Anyway.. those are just some thoughts. I've been at it 15 years, tried so many different play styles, and I'm not even sure I've settled on what I like to play with. So don't be discouraged, get out and have some fun with it! Hell, we got one guy in our club that changes FULL armies every 6 months.. lol

best of luck

King Chud
11-02-2014, 01:38 PM
You're list is pretty standard with WoC. If you want to go the redirection route with WoC, you're going to spend 300 points on dogs. It sounds crazy to have that many dogs, but if you take a wizard with a mark of slaanesh, you can make enemy units become frenzied, and charge the dogs instead. With my cavalry VC army, I take all dire wolves for core, and I get vanguard. My wolves cost me 40 points per unit. Chaos dogs don't have vanguard, but with 10 redirection chaff placements, you will be able to strategically place your warriors of chaos units. Also if you like the chaos knights, the dogs go well with them if you go all cavalry and chariots. If I ever got into WoC, I would take mark of Slaanesh for my wizard, take 300 points of dogs, and probably take a horde of nurgle warriors with halberds. The Slaanesh wizard can give them frenzy with one of his spells. That would be a nasty combination. On another note, other armies can go the redirection/chaff way, but are more expensive to do it. With my 2000 points of VC, I spend 500 points on wolves. With my ogres, It costs me over six hundred points to do the same thing at 2000 points. Some armies are better and cheaper at redirection. WoC happens to be one of those armies.

Hello all,

I'm starting to get my head around the many concepts used in your average Fantasy battle.

My 2400 list at the moment is as follows.

Lord: 400pts
Sorcerer lord: lore of Metal, level 4 wizard, mark of Tzeentch, third eye of Tzeentch, enchanted shield, talisman of preservation, chaos familiar, disc of Tzeentch: 400pts

Hero: 386pts
Exalted hero: great weapon, helm of many eyes, talisman of protection, ironcurse icon, scaled skin, mark of Tzeentch, battle standard: 216pts

Chaos sorcerer: lore of shadow, level 2 wizard, dispel scroll: 170pts

Core: 786pts
Chaos warriors (18): mark of Tzeentch, shields, full command: 336pts

Chaos warriors (18): mark of Nurgle, shields, halberds, full command: 390pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Chaos warhounds (5): 30pts

Special: 745pts
Chaos knights (5): ensorcelled weapons, musician, standard bearer: 235pts

Chaos knights (5): ensorcelled weapons, musician, standard bearer: 235pts

Chimera: flaming breath, regenerating flesh: 275pts


As you can see I still have a few points left to play with.

I used to put the shadow Sorcerer with a block of Marauders but they have been terrible without fail in every game I've played. Granted I'm not very good so that contributes a great deal, but I thought a second unit of Knights would be better. That does, however, leave me without a decent place to put the Sorcerer. It's hard to find a good place when you don't have any ranged troops.

I get the feeling two units of Warhounds isn't enough chaff. They don't tend to accomplish anything. That said, I'm not very good at the redirection etc. yet. My deployment and movement feels unwieldy and like I'm just setting myself up to be destroyed. Would Marauder Horsemen be a good thing to add or just more Warhounds? Or is two units enough and I just need to be more clever with them?

I wonder if it's even worth having the shadow Sorcerer. He's really useful against big ranged units but that's about it. Otherwise I usually find myself using all of the power dice on the metal Lord and the expensive shadow guy not really doing anything. It would require losing the chaos familiar on my Lord if I want to keep the dispel scroll. I suppose I could keep him but drop to level one as he's really only there for miasma. Seems pretty steep just for miasma though.

I'm also thinking my BSB is too expensive and maybe I should downgrade the helm of many eyes to a dragon helm, or even swap the helm and halberd for a sword of might and shield. though it would only be 13pts cheaper.

Last of all are the two big expensive Warrior blocks too much? Should I just have one?

Thought? Advice is very much welcome on both the list and how to deploy and move with Warriors of Chaos.

11-03-2014, 09:33 AM
I was under the impression that all Fantasy lists should have some chaff for screening, redirection etc.

Carlo Riolo
11-03-2014, 06:10 PM
I like King's comments, great thoughts.

As for screening and redirection.. I think that will ultimately come down to your play style. I've always found chaff units to be a bit of a waste if I got out deployed. Not to mention, sometimes your chaff units can be used against you if you have a savvy opponent who pins one of your screening units in front of your large blocks preventing a charge. So screen/chaff is a bit of a finicky beast.

I know some guys like the MSU (multiple small units) style of game play. I've always found it difficult since you'll lose as few as 3 models and have to take a panic test. Most empire flees with panic on a Ld roll of 8, which is a little less than half of the tests. But that's where a BSB becomes useful.

Anyway.. I'll stop rambling, lol