View Full Version : Hello and Konnichiwa

Daniel Nall
11-01-2014, 04:40 AM
Hey there, everybody. I'm a hobbyist of 20 years and a Warhammer player of 12 or so. I started with model airplanes when I was very young and combined that with my love for games when I found WH, back when I was about 14. However, I had taken a long break when I was in graduate school, so I missed most of 5th edition and part of 6th for 40k (I played WFB too, but we dont talk about that). I had decided to get back into things so that I could hang out with my long lost gaming buddies. I was going to play 40k only as a beer and pretzels game for the funs. Then I stumbled upon BoLS and an amazing podcast called Forge the Narrative. The FtN guys got me thinking about competitive 40k in a more positive light. I wont get into how much venom i've carried for competitive warhammer, but let me tell you, it was no small achievement to get me thinking about it again.

So, a BIG thanks to the Forge the Narrative crew for doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work!

With that out of the way. I'm a Tyranid player at heart, though they have been giving me all kinds of trouble since... forever (I didnt get to play last edition). So, in order to keep my blood pressure low, I will be working on Necrons and Blood Angels as well.

I currently live in Japan. If you're in Hyogo, give me a shout!

11-01-2014, 02:32 PM
Hello and welcome aboard

wayne williams
11-01-2014, 03:54 PM
welcome . hope you enjoy your time here

11-05-2014, 02:30 AM
come to the oubliette

Enjoy our tangents
