View Full Version : Infinity Distributors

10-31-2014, 02:20 PM
Hi all,

Anyone know what distributors carry Infinity and Corvus Belli products? I've not found one to get the products through for my customers.


John M>

11-01-2014, 07:55 AM
You should have a chat with the guys from thekrug.com. they offer help with getting retailers started on Infinity :)

11-01-2014, 02:24 PM
Well, I'm not interested in going direct if that is what they are doing. I've had bad experiences with companies that don't do business through distributors, as they ask for too much in the way of minimum orders, or require you to support the game in store (I'm not a brick and mortar, looking for items to sell based on commission or things to paint and sell based on popularity). Ex-illis is a great example of this. A few other companies that I would love to peddle the wares for are like this, and I can't get their products unless I pay retail (which as a business, sucks...)

I am just looking for legit distributors that carry them that don't require B-N-M stores.

Thanks though.

John M>